CNN's Shimon Prokupecz reports on Uvalde, Texas, school board members unanimously voting to fire police chief Pete Arredondo after residents demanded his dismissal over the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School. Then, parent Adam Martinez reacts to the statement from Arredondo, discusses safety issues and says his son is not ready to return to school #CNN #News
Uvalde school board votes unanimously to fire police chief

I’m surprised it took this long.
He should have been fired that week. I think they were trying to save his job using time.
This is what happened
This is what happened
@Mohamed Trevino Reported
He should have stepped down and resigned right away. Saved all this trouble and added stress to the community
I wonder how he lives with the guilt of murdered children who died on his watch?
I agree, but disagree with you on everything else.
True he should have.
@Courage Karnga he obviously doesn’t care.
It’s so insulting to the innocent victims and they’re families that it took 3 months to fire a coward police chief who never deserved to wear the uniform to begin with. May he be riddled with shame and guilt for the rest of his miserable coward life
@Fat Man King Biden defeated the orange jester by a landslide. That’s a huge feat to the world!
@YT Sux king of what ? .. the worse president in US history ..thanks for the good laugh

If you didn’t know who was in charge in a situation like that then you should never have cleared the bar and become chief in first place.
Those cops are all Stetson hat and no horsie.
@NBA1 Reported
Last fight
Just like they didn’t show up to that classroom because they feared for their safety disgusting, despicable, and disgraceful cowards
deathbytouch I agree
Last fight
Still need to fire about 375 other cops from various agencies and the entire town government.
*375 vs 1 and these cops were still afraid to make a move.* How is it even possible that 1 man could fend off *literally* hundreds of cops???
Angeli Gomez, the mother who rushed into the school and saved her two kids, along with multiple other kids, should be appointed as the new Police Chief of the Uvalde Police Department. She single-handedly saved more lives than the entire Police Department that day. She ran towards the sounds of gunfire, with no weapon, and no body armor.
@Jason C She was unarmed…
Umm, she when no where near the shooter. Banged on classroom doors demanding the teacher open the door during a lockdown putting the children at risk. Police actually saved a lot of lives. 1 teacher and 2 children who were shot. Other children from the room including the girl that called 911. You know what, make her the next chief, let’s see how that goes. Would Ilbe fun to watch.
The fact that this has to be a vote instead of a criminal charge is just disgusting.
Evidently a badge offers some kind of immunity. What a scam.
@Bombastic Enterprise”Ignorance of the law is no excuse” for the average citizen, *but 6 months of police academy apparently makes you magically immune to consequences.*
Last fight
How about criminal charges for facilitating everything that happened while covering up for the cowards under his wing?
Amazing he did not show up at meeting. he was concerned ABOUT HIS SAFETY
Ironic, isn’t it?
Maybe he should have hired Kyle Riddenhour to be his body guard.
@NBA1 Reported
It’s not what the community wants.
It’s what the community DESERVES!
1 Julio Rodriguez Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
He must be stripped of his POST certifications so he can’t work in ANY law enforcement capacity again!
Florida will take him. Either as a cop or a teacher.
How unfortunate that parents had more courage to enter the school and save their children than he did…
1 medinadan Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
They didn’t do this because they wanted to. They were oddly protective of him up until this point. They did this because they knew the citizenry would have their asses if they didn’t. Always remember that when police or other City officials are punished, it’s not out of a sense of right or wrong. It’s self-preservation
He’s still on a city board, as well.
Last fight
How can anyone in good conscience fight for that job back after such a failure? This shameless man will probably sue, just to humiliate the families and make them relive the trauma all over again.
He is only thinking about himself…What a buffoon!
1 Bfly. Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
As much as it doesn’t make sense, he’s fighting for his survival. His whole life, and likely that of his wife and family, is tied to his former position. Who is he if he isn’t the chief of the Uvalde School District police? In his mind, he’s likely a nobody. So he is desperately trying to hold on to that thing that defines him. Not defending him in any way; he obviously failed in his role as a leader and manager/supervisor of others. And he’s definitely not doing himself any favors with the statements through his attorney. He’s just prolonging the inevitable and making others suffer as a result.
The guy was such a coward he couldn’t even show up to the meeting. What kind of cop was he anyway? He was Texas tough.
The more Shimon Prokupecz reports this story, the sadder he gets. Pursuit of truth takes a toll. Take care of yourself, my friend. Your reporting is invaluable.
@Kristy Campbell reported
Arredondo didn’t attend the school board meeting, because he was afraid for his safety. Why does that sound familiar? Oh! Right! Arredondo didn’t enter the classroom and attempt to save the children and teachers, because he was afraid for his safety. And now Arredondo is going to sue to get his job back?! Wow!!!
1 Ken Williams Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
The Board did the right thing; it should’ve been done sooner.
We all encounter fear at one time or another, but what astounded me was his cavalier attitude just a few days after the tragedy. He just went ahead as if nothing had really happened, even his demeanor was one of indifference to the murder of so many children and their two teachers.
1 Kicky Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
The fact that he is still trying to keep his job AND backpay…really shows how out of touch with reality he is. Unbelievable.
1 Priscilla Magdalena Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
It shows he has no shame whatsoever. He’s obviously there for the $. Not to serve and protect like he’s shown he can’t.