"Utter rubbish", is how Opposition Leader Mark Golding, is describing comments made by government entities regarding the Mocha Fest party in Negril, Westmoreland, last week Thursday.
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Thats why Andrew and his colleagues are in power, not voting for any of them.

So true Mark Golding
The Government’s double standard is showing starkly! It was advertised on JTB’s website and endorsed by them. So cut the crap!
Anyone held for breaking covid law should be freed asap
@Yvette Stephen I totally agree!
Disgraceful. The government-sided Jamaicans need to reflect on the decisions they made to keep this government in power. Absolutely disgraceful!
So Delano how Rick nah face d court? Di PR nah fool a soul
This Government do not care about him people please wake up people
Jamaicans..”oh leave my prime minister alone, he’s doing his best”…..him same one a cut dem throat damn fools …Jamaicans need to vote for a third party, just to stir up the pot….and stop follow blindly.
Jamaica government puts money over its people they can’t treats foreign visitors better than the Jamaica citizens
So true opposition leader
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Sound like him can win an election
Andrew should be arrested and charged him self, he lied to the people’s of Jamaica.
We need to demolish this democracy system. Golding talking high and mighty but we all know it would’ve went down the same under his parliament. Politicians will be politicians.
Topps Heru Is English your first language? Please check your grammar
@Tippa Heru : exceptional comment, the best!!!!
@Basil Byfield : please look at the message and don’t be petty about grammar. The person is talking the truth…. the message is more important than the messenger!!
@Tippa Heru ,, Nothing wrong with the grammar or word usage.
It was happening long time ago n will continue bcoz Jamaica is also the land of doubt standard.
Why when the government found they didn send a police team there to arrest the people there .this is BS str888
So so true double standard, an investigation need to be done to see who allow this.
Where is the Director of Tourism,guest he was too busy watching Champs and KC lose busy call for discipline to a young athlete from the country.where is his call now for discipline to these promoters he is directly responsible for,where is his voice now
PNP, JLP, or any other party, the samething would have happened. Politicians are are hyprocrites that only care about themselves. They are void of morals!
They did not know about the one in Clarendon but they found out and arrested over 40 persons….shame smh.