Juneteenth: USA TODAY staff reads Emancipation Proclamation.
RELATED: Supreme Court hands victory to LGBTQ workers
To remember Juneteenth, USA TODAY staff members read the Emancipation Proclamation.
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#juneteenth #usatoday
“Searches back thru last year” huh….CNN, msnbc, good morning… etc not a one talked about “juneteenth”
“Searches 2018” nope…..
It’s called pandering.
Good thing this disgusting, POS, tone deaf president “made in famous”.
democrats still bitter over this loss to this day.
I agree. Let’s go back to slave trading days. Right???
It’s sad that the democrat party of slavery, segregation, and war still exists today. And people fall for their lies.
A republican wrote this but in the end human trafficking , and forced child marriage still exists in the US. Human trafficking is done even if illegal and it is legal many states to force children to marry an adult rapist.
No I am not a leftist or rightist extremist tin foil hat nut , or religious cultist okay with hate or child abuse.
This sad denial of 150 years of change isn’t working and it won’t get your orange toddler a single vote.
The most ignorant are always the most confident. Bold and caps and you’re dead wrong…yikes.
2009: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/statement-president-obama-occasion-juneteenth
2010: http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/06/19/obama.juneteenth/index.html
2011: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2011/06/19/statement-president-observance-juneteenth
2012: https://www.politico.com/blogs/politico44/2012/06/obama-marks-juneteenth-126680
2015: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2015/06/19/statement-president-observance-juneteenth
2016: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/06/19/statement-president-observance-juneteenth
@Monkey Wrenching you are young or ignorant and I can tell. There is no such person as a native American. It is an insult to the indigenous tribes. The original people who where here 1st were Navajo, Sioux, Blackfoot, Apache, Commanche and many others but they are not Spaniards like Amerigo Vespucci (god damn his soul) and America is not a country. It is a collection of two continents… Let’s get educated up in here.
There’s no such thing as an indigenous tribe they all immigrated here over the last ice age…..
Sorry American south. We all came from Africa.
Even if he did. Some and maybe you would had went on a rampage rant.
Too bad he didn’t follow through
And they should have drained the treasury if necessary to do just that.
How is this considered “News”? What new information did we gain from this video?
Lmao you guys cannot handle Black people being in the limelight. Pathetic

They got all that. Wake up and stop playing the victim. Life is too short and you’re missing out because of your own mind.
Keel over and stop stealing oxygen from the natives. Just give up the ghost.
Lincoln was a Republican. This pandering has to stop.
Hot Rod You don’t think Lincoln was a Republican?
Hot Rod yikes
God. America sucks at history. Do a little research please. I’m not going spoon feed you idiots either with a link. Actually read something, if you can, about the history of American political parties.
Biden 2020!
@Joseph Dale the man that freed the slaves?? That Lincoln?? No way he was a Republican. Jesse Jackson Al Sharpton Kamala Harris Corey Booker Maxine Waters James Clyburn Hakeem Jeffreys Ilhan Omar none of these black folks would be Democrats if Lincoln was a Republican. So surely this is a made for TV lie
Love how many dislikes this race baiting crap gets. Maybe whoever manages their social media will realize how dumb these types of videos are.
@DJBaffler lol they must of taken alot of those dislikes down this is crazy
Juneteenth has been cancelled due to the virus
All men are created equal…
We are all born with a set…
The difference is …
Some of us have balls…
Others have bells!!!
And for being a decent human he was assassinated
Powerful reminder. We had to proclaim these basic rights, and evidently we need to be reminded until equity is achieved.
I owe money to people, in which I didn’t own slaves, to people that were never slaves, because Democrats wanted them slaves???
Food for thought, why were slaves happier than blax today who are free? Makes you think.
Then about 150 years later some people in a ‘movement’ vandalized his Lincoln Memorial!
Now THAT’S gratitude for you! Now they want to do away with the Alamo too! I say we line them all up against a wall &……! No protester, no problem!
This is an excellent video expounding the history of Juneteenth! Well done!
However, it’s inaccurate to say that all African-Americans celebrated Juneteenth. It’s really more of a Texas-based celebration than it is for other former slave states whose slaves were earlier emancipated. As a fifth-generation Black Mississippian who grew up in the county which had the most slaves than any other county in the USA during 1860, I can attest that I never heard much about Juneteenth until now.
Nevertheless, this is a very well-documented and very rich story that needs to be told.
Thank you for sharing!
Did you reset the dislikes? it was 70-150 last time
14 9 7 7 5 18 19
The only 2 Emancipations my church recognizes is this and the emancipation of humans not being allowed to consecrate relationships with animals.