US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that she was “wrong on the path” inflation would take, after saying in 2021 she didn’t think inflation would be a problem. #CNN #News
US treasury secretary: I was wrong about inflation in 2021

this isn’t inflation, this is market manipulation, and its highly coordinated and almost on a global scale.
@Mike Honcho except they ARE! They just submitted 8 anti gun bills!
biden owns this.
Let’s go Brandon
@Moving Forward still living at moms house?
This is why when they say we won’t see 80s-style rates needed to bring inflation down, it should give you at least a moment of pause. Most of these so-called “experts” in charge of controlling inflation aren’t any better at predicting the future than any other armchair economist out there.
They work for a nation of property.
@EWaste So you saw the war in Ukraine coming, and you knew that China was going to continue its Covid policies which would exacerbate the supply chain crisis? I’m impressed
@Caro Abebe that only had a small part to do with inflation. Interest rates were a massive factor and even after numerous calls for them to start raising interest rates to slow inflation, they did NOTHING. Yellen was too scared of how “the market would react” to the inevitable raising of rates so she waited and waited and now it’s too late.
@Caro Abebe it’s like being in a car going full speed and everyone yelling to slow down otherwise you’re going to rear end someone and the fed refused to let off the gas until after they crashed.
Q: “Was it a mistake to downplay inflation”
…. Bwahahahahahahahah 

A: “I think it was a mistake… I didn’t fully understand”
When America gets ran like “The Price is Right” screaming “Come on down!” What do you expect…

Da da..da da
EVERYONE saw this coming…
Wow, hearing a high ranking government official admit they made a mistake and are wrong is like spotting a unicorn in the forest! It just never happens!
I hop the other leaders learn from her
You gotta love when people admit that they made a mistake. I think she had a good reason, because of how slow supply chains recovered, the Chinese lockdown and Putin’s insanity driving up gas prices.. I also thought that the inflation would go away by last quarter.
And gov Abbott by halting thousands of trucks everyday coming in and out. Trucks wasting produce and other goods by throwing them out and wasting so much gas by idling trucks. Time = money
Last fight
The US has more oil than any other country that is untapped. Inflation is up due to relying on other countries for products we can make here. It’s like this to line the pockets of the politicians and corporate greed.
Holy crap! A federal official actually admitting they were wrong, didn’t even try to blame another administration or anyone else!
@Diana Hill it’s the first amendment, it’s here to stay so you need to find a country without it assuming you live here in the
how many billions were sent to Ukraine??
She not A federal official!
so why hasn’t the gold price ballooned yet
I wonder if we are going to get an admission from our administration that inflation is not transitory. I think they were wrong about this assessment also.
I find it encouraging to at least hear an expert saying “ I was wrong “ . Thanks
Man was she wrong.
Last fight
Obviously she’s not much of an expert cause she’s been wrong about a lot of things
Polls…. Inflation was transitory, conspiracy theory etc etc a year back
Who is from the top doing right in this administration? I could not see one. We admit we VOTED WRONG PEOPLE
Speak for yourself. Don’t use “we”.
So basically “I was wrong” but nothing will change bc our government is incapable of action, agreement or compromise. Pathetic
Basically very wrong and still has a job…
Last fight
Yellen knows the truth and is just downplaying the issue in order not to create panic.
Am I the only one who saw this coming? Not by a long shot. So why did the Feds not see it? You print well over $3 Trillion and shove it out into the public for absolutely nothing in return? You raise minimum wage almost double ($15/hr here in California) and you don’t expect the cost of going out to breakfast to double? You keep increasing the tax on gasoline (again, here in California) any you blame the oil companies for the high prices? Now please explain to me why you couldn’t see hyper inflation coming.
She was wrong about inflation. She’s wrong about ESG. She’s wrong about Energy. She’s wrong about a whole heck of a lot!
We knew she was wrong about inflation before she knew she was wrong about inflation.
We assumed she was wrong, and now that it happened “we were sure”…
They’re still focusing on renewables. Seriously if I can’t afford gas how the heck would i afford an electric car!
Everybody knew about inflation except the people that are supposed to control it.
The FED has lost it and the sad fact is ,it’s pretty obvious we are headed for hyperinflation.I think stores better have tight security because when people can afford to feed their families ,things might get ugly
I’m glad to see Mr. Jameson Lopp mentioned here, my spouse recommended him to Me after investing $4000 and he has really helped us financially in times of COVID -19 lockdown here in Australia
His method surprises me. A Friend that I referred to him,just received €50,150 profit after 7days of investing…I became jealous…Lol
I have never seen any of his clients complain of lost….I think he is just too perfect
@Scott Joe thanks for his info I’ll get to him right away
Access to good information is what the investor needs to progress financially and in life here is a good one and I’m grateful
Its literally her job to know and understand these things! Many non-experts knew she was wrong the moment she said it, she’s just now figuring this out?! Makes me feel real secure
They have TDS