The US has surpassed 200,000 coronavirus deaths, accounting for roughly one fifth of all Covid-19-related fatalities recorded worldwide. #CNN #News
US surpasses 200,000 coronavirus deaths

The US has surpassed 200,000 coronavirus deaths, accounting for roughly one fifth of all Covid-19-related fatalities recorded worldwide. #CNN #News
Imagine what the aliens are thinking 🤔
They probably know that there is a pandemic on earth, since people are wearing masks, and that there are alot of anti-maskers.
Birus is the aleins blue beam ufos flying up peoples nostrols requiring tests and hospitalization.
@vshah1010 They would probably be thinking ” why are they having people that arent sick wearing masks”
Ohhh God Guys Please Take Care Ur self🥺🥺
Thx u too
America number 1 like always 😎👍
This is sarcasm ok
America Great Again I guess
@Alexis Pheonix but hes dead on. Ive known 12 people that has had it as a essential worker made things hell. Most of them was a cold couldnt shake. Couple was the nasty flu. High temp for a couple days felt like crap for a week. So china made a virus to cut down over population. Demos made it happen in nursing homes. Funny killed off so many when trump sent ships to keep it away and zero was sent. Nope to nursing homes
@Colombe Adunagow its china. They killed along with support from demo. With America deaths see how many were in nursing homes in demo cities. Covers 3/4 of it. Know the facts. And sad most was put there to thin it down. Healthy people do fine. Funny central states test more but demo states with highest deaths test less. At least demo states stopped it
@Alexis Pheonix yea I know, it is irony those guys have a problem with isnt it, and apparently how to do a compotent con job.
@Alexis Pheonix it was just for everyone to read so that they know the actual facts and reality because that is never given out on this marxist propaganda platform is it.
We should not have to have words and makes excuses for him. Vote him out!!
Covid 19 about to get that diamond play button
@MY BIG FURRY BABIES It’s a Joke dude! Libtards don’t understand a joke because everything offends them
BREAKING NEWS. Florida Gov Ron Desantos will make Floridians not liable for injuring or killing protesters with their car. Now that’s leadership.
MY BIG FURRY BABIES Can’t just mope. We gotta keep our spirits high
“Nero fiddled while Rome burned.”
@John You’ve literally yet to make a point. I mocked your use of TDS and why it’s fallen out of favor. Then you got mad and starting throwing a tantrum. Then I told you to follow science and do well for your fellow man and you, again, threw a tantrum. I implore you to re-read this chain. Go have a sippy cup of warm milk. Have some chicken tenders. Maybe make a sand castle. Just calm down, come back, and try a read through. See if you can spot why you’re such an angry little guy. This is for your health. I hear heart issues can be brought on by anger and stress. Something affected harshly by COVID. And seeing as the impeached in chief’s failures will keep it around longer, it may be wise to work on that. Again, #BeBest
Micheal Meyer you cant make sense to people who drink 🍹 the kool aid.
@Mighty oh Mighty oh, I’m aware. But I work with COVID patients currently and can’t say this when in a professional environment. So mocking Trumptards and COVIdiots here is cathartic for me.
@Dicky Jones Is that why 18 tons of PPE was sent there by Trump?
@Micheal Meyer, like most CNN tards that dummy John is a traitor. He making excuses for China even though they attacked America with Covid.
To find out why this is happening in the US, just sort the comments by new
Well watch the documentary the social dillema, there is a reason why the division between left and right are increasing world wide. It will get alot worse this decade.
Angry Ghost ikr
WeeStrom CO Guy If trump and trump supporters loved us, we wouldn’t even be where we are now
The 200,000 Covid deaths have not shown up as an increase in death rate over last year same time frame. Here’s what you are failing to recognize: 94% of “Covid” caused deaths were actually deaths caused by the same diseases which killed people last year, IE- Heart Attack, Lung Cancer, Other Cancers, Diabetes, Extreme Old Age and other Terminal Illnesses. When the hospitals started testing every person who died for Covid Virus or Covid antibodies they began to insert “Covid 19” under cause of death, as opposed to the actual underlying condition that would have caused a death any other year. This erased the preexisting disease and actual cause of death and allowed the hospital to collect on the money issued for each “Covid 19” patient. The other tell tail sign is that deaths from heart disease, old age, cancer, etc have actually dropped since last year in the same time frame. This is basic collecting and analyzing of the data and using critical thinking to come up with the obvious conclusion. Many doctors, and the CDC are talking about this but the MSM is failing to cover the story.
@Truth 4tufftimes Copy pasting poorly written lies.
America lives in two different realities
@David Drake If a person gets run over by a bus and then is tested positive for covid, it is considered a covid death. If a person has terminal cancer and tests positive for covid, that is a covid death. I could go on 188,000 more times but really, what’s the point? You or anyone else can try to twist this illness into something that it is not. I’m sorry that people have to die, but that is a reality of everyone living on planet earth. Your next 3 heart beats are not guaranteed. So instead of whining, start living your life like you only have 3 heart beats left.
@Jonathan Singer Got any proof like records or a recording of yourself saying you knew back in Feb that the outbreak was deadly to everyone?
@David Drake That doesn’t sound like something I would have said. Can you give me a link to where I might have said that?
I like caps
Charlie Varges CAPS
I like police.
“Only two things are infinite. The Universe, and human stupidity. Im not sure about the Universe yet though ” Albert Einstein
@JesterBear but ya might drink disinfectant just in case it might work right?
@P. B Do you normally ask a dumb question out of left field? If you’re honestly asking, then id recommend looking into ozone therapy. Ozone is 3000x more effective than bleach, and you can dissolve it in water and drink it. Its used in Germany, and some U.S. based practitioners use it. I have my own unit, but I use it for an oral rinse. What do you know about disinfectants?
@P. B on another note, you cant kill a virus. How do you know if its alive in the first place? What do you really know of the nature of fugi, bacteria, viral rna, or polymorphism? I assume you know lots, maybe you can share your research with me on what you’ve learned about killing organisms and its effects on the host.
@JesterBear All I know, is I’m not gonna drink disinfectant. You really did your homework though
1. “More rigorous contemporary research is needed to make a definitive comment on the effectiveness of surgical facemasks.”
“The study concluded that ‘it is unclear whether the wearing of surgical facemasks by members of the surgical team has any impact on surgical wound infection rates for patients undergoing clean surgery’. However, each of the studies included could be criticised for risk of bias (Table 2). Indeed, the Webster study, arguably the most rigorous of the three, only investigated the impact of mask on non-scrubbed members of the surgical team. There is uncertainty over whether the findings of some of these studies are applicable to contemporary surgical practice.”
“Given the uncertainty in effectiveness of facemasks in preventing surgical site infection, it is impossible to perform a cost-to-benefit analysis on mask usage. It is clear, however, that the National Health Service expenditure on facemasks is a mere fraction of the costs incurred due to hospital-acquired infections.
Basically, this study only concluded nothing really. It is all uncertain.
2. “Main results: Two randomised controlled trials were included involving a total of 1453 patients. In a small trial there was a trend towards masks being associated with fewer infections, whereas in a large trial there was no difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group. Neither trial accounted for cluster randomisation in the analysis.
Reviewers’ conclusions: From the limited results it is unclear whether wearing surgical face masks results in any harm or benefit to the patient undergoing clean surgery.”
Man, read your own stuff. This is also uncertain.
3. “Data were taken from three randomised controlled trials (RCT) or quasi-RCTs involving 2113 participants and found no statistically significant difference in SSI rates between the masked and unmasked groups. These results need to be interpreted with caution. Importantly, none of the included RCTs took any steps to monitor how the surgical face masks were worn, a point that is the main focus of this paper. Furthermore, one of the three studies only included non-scrubbed staff in the operating theatre (i.e. those operating likely still wore face masks) and the other two studies sampled all members of the theatre team; of course, the majority of these are distant from the operating site, so will have a negligible potential infection effect compared to a surgeon operating at the surgical site….We hypothesise that face masks are not worn properly by surgically scrubbed theatre staff and postulate that this may be the reason why face masks have been found to be ineffective at preventing SSI in the recent past.”
“In conclusion, most surgically scrubbed theatre staff do not comply completely with CDC guidance on face mask application, nor the HSE guidance on protection from surgical splash, and we cautiously hypothesise that this might have an effect on both the rate of SSI and the chance of operating staff acquiring infections from the operative site. We believe that the implications of this research are that surgically scrubbed staff should be made aware of the importance of proper fitting of a face mask to optimise efficacy, as well as being provided with the appropriate eye protection so as to reduce potential infection risk from surgical splash, as stated in HSE guidance. Failure to follow HSE guidance is unlawful.”
Your studies only come out as uncertain. With the last one only really proving how common mask misuse is.
So this didn’t prove much, and it doesn’t prove my claim wrong.
BTW, it’s your responsibility to provide evidence for your claims.
I’m glad those people didn’t panic
@Dave Waldon I do. But I work with patients. Now, I’ve never seen a Buggati Veyron. No one I know has either. I’ve seen press releases and what not. But they could be faked. Are they real?
The 200,000 Covid deaths have not shown up as an increase in death rate over last year same time frame. Here’s what you are failing to recognize: 94% of “Covid” caused deaths were actually deaths caused by the same diseases which killed people last year, IE- Heart Attack, Lung Cancer, Other Cancers, Diabetes, Extreme Old Age and other Terminal Illnesses. When the hospitals started testing every person who died for Covid Virus or Covid antibodies they began to insert “Covid 19” under cause of death, as opposed to the actual underlying condition that would have caused a death any other year. This erased the preexisting disease and actual cause of death and allowed the hospital to collect on the money issued for each “Covid 19” patient. The other tell tail sign is that deaths from heart disease, old age, cancer, etc have actually dropped since last year in the same time frame. This is basic collecting and analyzing of the data and using critical thinking to come up with the obvious conclusion. Many doctors, and the CDC are talking about this but the MSM is failing to cover the story.
@Truth 4tufftimes Instead of wasting your time and putting your idiocy on display, you should try looking it up.
Micheal Meyer
I have, as well as the Whitehouse press secretary who has urged the MSM to test here when she brings these facts, the only ones who fail to cover this story and “look it up” is CNN and their hysteria based MSM “reporters”.
@Truth 4tufftimes You should reeeaaallllyyy click that link, buddy.
When the government lies the truth becomes a traitor.
The 200,000 Covid deaths have not shown up as an increase in death rate over last year same time frame. Here’s what you are failing to recognize: 94% of “Covid” caused deaths were actually deaths caused by the same diseases which killed people last year, IE- Heart Attack, Lung Cancer, Other Cancers, Diabetes, Extreme Old Age and other Terminal Illnesses. When the hospitals started testing every person who died for Covid Virus or Covid antibodies they began to insert “Covid 19” under cause of death, as opposed to the actual underlying condition that would have caused a death any other year. This erased the preexisting disease and actual cause of death and allowed the hospital to collect on the money issued for each “Covid 19” patient. The other tell tail sign is that deaths from heart disease, old age, cancer, etc have actually dropped since last year in the same time frame. This is basic collecting and analyzing of the data and using critical thinking to come up with the obvious conclusion. Many doctors, and the CDC are talking about this but the MSM is failing to cover the story.
@Truth 4tufftimes That’s 2020 in the nutshell. Apart from the Coronavirus, people dies from other diseases and terrible tragedies. Last year sure, but this year Chadwick Boseman died of cancer, Koby Bryant was killed in a Helicopter crash accident, George Floyd was murdered by the cops, you name it. However like you mentioned, most people does get very vulnerable when they have any ill conditions with the Coronavirus. Interesting enough the coronavirus was actually a thing back in 2002, it was originally called the SARS-CoV. (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) That’s why this year they called it SARS-CoV-2.
Btw don’t click these links, they’re scam.
You should always look to your politicians for medical advice
@America Is my city I get it! 1+1=3, no wait, it’s 5, no it’s 2, no it’s 11. Being right, to you, must be a state of time, rather than being true all the time. As long as an “authority” says it, it’s true, until they say different. You basically can be wrong, or right, depending on the day. Brilliant idea. The weather may change daily, but objective facts don’t change in that kind of way.
@Micheal Meyer Yes he did and enforced it on Feb 2 this year exactly when you were making holloween movies an blue was calling him xeno. He did enforce a travel plan instead of using the h1n1 failed plan since this is a worse virus. There were about 12,000 deaths 275k hospitalized in the u.s. alone, over 60 mil world wide. Why do I want the rich to pay even more taxes when already pay most of them so they can’t afford to pay me? haha, my kb types on it’s own, was mfr’d in China too where they make everything but Biden likes that. I laugh at trump too and never said I like him.
@Mark Allen Nope.
The pandemic plan was developed and worked. But now the H1N1 is both insignificant and a failure? Get it straight.
So you know you’re not paying more tax under Biden? Why say it? And what’s wrong with fixing corporate welfare? I don’t like subsidizing Wal-Mart employees, do you?
Trump salutes NK, has secret meetings with Russia, and praises China. He praised their response at Tiananmen Square for crying out loud. But sure, I’m really worried about Biden.
Btw, why try to mock my name? It’s not even the same as the fictional character and it detracts from your attempts at concern trolling. Did you know you have the same name as a runner? Would it be effective if I said “You’re running from wrong point to wrong point like you’re running a marathon of bs”?
@Mark Allen I like how you went out of your way to defend Trump and enyd with ‘I don’t like him’🤣. The pandemic plan wasn’t for a specific pandemic, it was for all pandemics, Trump ended the pandemic task force and threw away the plan a few years ago. You know Trump still has no plan to stop this pandemic, he keeps praising himself for doing the bare minimum. We have 4% if the world’s population and 20% of the world’s deaths, that’s an abject failure. The H1N1 virus has way less deaths and infections, the Ebola virus had only 2deaths and then Trump told Obama to resign. If you wanna know who would have handled the pandemic better just look at Trump’s record on Covid19 and Biden and Obama’s record on every pandemic during their 8year time. You can argue Coronavirus is way may easy to spread than Ebola and H1N1 then maybe you should tell Trump that since he’s the one holding rallies and casting doubts about masks wearing.
Let the horsemen rule this world once more!
The Anti-Christ comes as the last days according to The BIBLE.
Keep making jokes. You’ll catch it and suffer like i did.
How ling did u have a tube in your mouth
Tyank you for sharing
I’ve been wearing no mask and haven’t gotten it and by this point welcome getting it.
I’ll take my chances. The government, banks, media and major corporations have caused me and my family enough suffering with their totalitarian, communist-like responses to covid and with their “mandates”.
I keep finding people that are sick, and get close to them. I drink after them, and I shake hands. I don’t get sick. I guess viruses aren’t contagious. Some people are weak I guess. Taking bacterial cultures, and eating mold doesn’t seem to bother me either. I can only do 22 pull ups, so maybe I am a little sick with something.
Of course this is a cnn news story. Fear mongering for the win
200k out of 330 million = 0.07 seems like that’s a really low number.
Tell that to everyone who has lost someone. Have a heart for God’s sake.
Don’t fear we already have known what is that after 7months.
330million have not been infected yet so your comment is flawed. 200k out 7 million + infected. Thats about 2.86 percent. That means if 330 million get infected over 9.5 million people will die. Its not good
It’s actually astonishing to see how many people in this comment section are either Russian bots or have been totally and utterly brainwashed.
CNN just wants us scared , do like Sweden and get rid of the people keeping us locked down