At a tense United Nations Security Council meeting, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Russia was laying the groundwork to justify starting a war and urged Moscow to change course as the country prepares to launch an attack on Ukraine in the coming days.
#AntonyBlinken #Ukraine
US says Russia is manufacturing pretext for war | Antony Blinken’s entire United Nations speech

At the end of the day, enjoy every moment of your life

You miss clicked on your bob Marley video pal
@Liv olsen Prove it. You haven’t seen everyone’s groin to even say a vulgar thing. Russians talk like this. I dont see what women see in those kind of men. Vulgar. But hey, aren’t they trained to be honey pots and gold diggers and dopers to win in Olympics?
Unless you’re a Ukrainian.
And hear how Tucker Carlson is indoctranating his viewers to be commie Russia loving apologists rather than support a democratic country like Ukraine.
@Ewok Warrior I just heard that The Senate voted unanimously to support Ukraine. I didn’t hear Tucker say that. I’ll have to check it out.
Accurate information below, of troops, the 2014 invasion, what’s happening in the background and new objectives.
1. Donbas Region -Russia “putin” wants to annex this one next to continue the land bridge to Crimea because they never got to do this on their first assault due to Ukrainians fighting back. After pushing them back the so called rebels “LITTLE GREEN MEN – I DON’T KNOW WHO THEY ARE” putin said, Ukrainians started attacking Crimea and at the same time the Donbas region. The Ukrainians directed their attack mostly in the Donbas region due to being a industrial hub of the country.. they almost got it back but russia “putin” interfered and the same went to Crimea. It’s never about the invasion, NATO, or whatever reason(s) putin uses.. it’s outside of the picture and you need to understand this monster in a way you never done before. You don’t play the chess-board even when you’re a pawn! You play the game in order for you to be part of it but this does not mean your actually there playing it. You’re dealing with putin that keeps taking because you keep giving by losing.
2. russia wants to connect the Donbas region to Crimea “taking over all warm water ports that Ukraine has” all the way to Moldova. The thing about this is.. the main focus will be the Capital of Ukraine but the main target is The land bridge. But if russia “putin” see a window within the scopes of multi formation attack.. then Donbas will connect all the way to Poland/Baltic States to land-bridge kaliningrand “a Belarus gateway.”
3. putin isn’t stupid to invade the entire country “he can do this” but he won’t be able to hold it together for a very long time. That’s currently the information we got from my Russian military friends in “Mother Russia” aka Belarus, Donbas region, and Crimea.
4. U.K. Hacked and shut down. Ukraine hacked and shut down several days ago. Canada hacked and shut down earlier today. Who’s next!
5. Two Georgian states – Information not available.
Here’s the problem with your statement comrade. If U.S. was part of the USSR and it became like Ukraine “okay.” You have a lot of russians living in the U.S. So what you’re saying is putin thinks he cane invade it because the government think very different than his and that everyone in it or most of the people in U.S. are russian.. so putin wants to “MERGE” both country and he becomes dictator in both countries for life. Is this what you said here MF? because I think you need to fraking wake up. This is not 1945 and shi t, it’s actually 2022 in the 21st century.
AGAIN, THE PURPOSE OF THIS SHI T IS TO PREPARE FOR WAR IN THE FUTURE/ troops readiness and equipment staging are key principle for future conflict and at the same time.. looking at opportunities and vulnerabilities and how others would respond. And at the same time… look and read below:
After placing 168k troops on your border.. what do you expect huh? You have to learn to think magical my friend like fairies.
So putin doesn’t want Ukraine to join NATO but it wants it to join the Russian block. What the F? Well, F putin. UKRAINE FOR NATO/EU.
How can you give respect to the person who invaded his neighbor for his gain only? Don’t join NATO because I will put another Belarus dictator near you and you will join my alliance instead like that gas prices act in neighboring kazakhstan. MF is a made up hype to make things look real and for putin’s army to march with their chest up lol
And the Belarus event was to test the outcome of the invasion “PEOPLE” how Poland would respond, how much military can be prepared on that area when it’s happening, what’s the focus point and how it would be overwhelmed. These are in-placed to see the reaction on multiple location points in real time after the decision has been made.
Here’s the best part of this story!
putin INVADED Ukraine’s Crimea region because under that “OCEAN” there’s a very old and the biggest pyramid in the entire world under that ocean floor. Plus putin’s palace 2 is in Ukraine Crimea Peninsula. The so called “WARM WATER PORT” for it’s navies. Everything is starting to make sense now at least to me. This guy has specific objectives.. This is like playing chess but you have to not play it in order for you to win. So you let putin win by not letting him win. But what the “WEST” is doing.. preparing like chess, each time putin moves.. they counter that move! For me.. that’s not bad but if you look very closely.. you will understand all of these MFs objectives. Solution: Stop playing the guy’s game and actually get multiple things moving before he moves that PAWN AGAIN…
Back in history to our days, wars have never been the choice of ordinary people. Ordinary people only died fighting for the pride and interests of those who rule them.
@Radagast Brown go read operation paperclip
“The eternal fight for freedom will continue long after we are gone. With dignity we press forward. Every generation must realize that freedom is the only thing worth fighting for, worth dying for. You don’t have to be a man to fight for freedom. All you have to do is be an intelligent human being.”
Team Trump USA 2024
Better Ideas for a Better World
@Michael Beach trump and Biden they are criminals
Checkmate through history it’s so demonic !!
Accurate information below, of troops, the 2014 invasion, what’s happening in the background and new objectives.
1. Donbas Region -Russia “putin” wants to annex this one next to continue the land bridge to Crimea because they never got to do this on their first assault due to Ukrainians fighting back. After pushing them back the so called rebels “LITTLE GREEN MEN – I DON’T KNOW WHO THEY ARE” putin said, Ukrainians started attacking Crimea and at the same time the Donbas region. The Ukrainians directed their attack mostly in the Donbas region due to being a industrial hub of the country.. they almost got it back but russia “putin” interfered and the same went to Crimea. It’s never about the invasion, NATO, or whatever reason(s) putin uses.. it’s outside of the picture and you need to understand this monster in a way you never done before. You don’t play the chess-board even when you’re a pawn! You play the game in order for you to be part of it but this does not mean your actually there playing it. You’re dealing with putin that keeps taking because you keep giving by losing.
2. russia wants to connect the Donbas region to Crimea “taking over all warm water ports that Ukraine has” all the way to Moldova. The thing about this is.. the main focus will be the Capital of Ukraine but the main target is The land bridge. But if russia “putin” see a window within the scopes of multi formation attack.. then Donbas will connect all the way to Poland/Baltic States to land-bridge kaliningrand “a Belarus gateway.”
3. putin isn’t stupid to invade the entire country “he can do this” but he won’t be able to hold it together for a very long time. That’s currently the information we got from my Russian military friends in “Mother Russia” aka Belarus, Donbas region, and Crimea.
4. U.K. Hacked and shut down. Ukraine hacked and shut down several days ago. Canada hacked and shut down earlier today. Who’s next!
5. Two Georgian states – Information not available.
Here’s the problem with your statement comrade. If U.S. was part of the USSR and it became like Ukraine “okay.” You have a lot of russians living in the U.S. So what you’re saying is putin thinks he cane invade it because the government think very different than his and that everyone in it or most of the people in U.S. are russian.. so putin wants to “MERGE” both country and he becomes dictator in both countries for life. Is this what you said here MF? because I think you need to fraking wake up. This is not 1945 and shi t, it’s actually 2022 in the 21st century.
AGAIN, THE PURPOSE OF THIS SHI T IS TO PREPARE FOR WAR IN THE FUTURE/ troops readiness and equipment staging are key principle for future conflict and at the same time.. looking at opportunities and vulnerabilities and how others would respond. And at the same time… look and read below:
After placing 168k troops on your border.. what do you expect huh? You have to learn to think magical my friend like fairies.
So putin doesn’t want Ukraine to join NATO but it wants it to join the Russian block. What the F? Well, F putin. UKRAINE FOR NATO/EU.
How can you give respect to the person who invaded his neighbor for his gain only? Don’t join NATO because I will put another Belarus dictator near you and you will join my alliance instead like that gas prices act in neighboring kazakhstan. MF is a made up hype to make things look real and for putin’s army to march with their chest up lol
And the Belarus event was to test the outcome of the invasion “PEOPLE” how Poland would respond, how much military can be prepared on that area when it’s happening, what’s the focus point and how it would be overwhelmed. These are in-placed to see the reaction on multiple location points in real time after the decision has been made.
Here’s the best part of this story!
putin INVADED Ukraine’s Crimea region because under that “OCEAN” there’s a very old and the biggest pyramid in the entire world under that ocean floor. Plus putin’s palace 2 is in Ukraine Crimea Peninsula. The so called “WARM WATER PORT” for it’s navies. Everything is starting to make sense now at least to me. This guy has specific objectives.. This is like playing chess but you have to not play it in order for you to win. So you let putin win by not letting him win. But what the “WEST” is doing.. preparing like chess, each time putin moves.. they counter that move! For me.. that’s not bad but if you look very closely.. you will understand all of these MFs objectives. Solution: Stop playing the guy’s game and actually get multiple things moving before he moves that PAWN AGAIN…
Russia expelled US Diplomats today. Not a good sign
“Why am I pointing this revolver at you? I’m just making sure the sights are accurate. ”
“Why am I loading the gun? I have to practice loading it every now and then. ”
“You’re asking me to unload the revolver? Sure, I can do that.”
“What do you mean moving the bullet into another chamber isn’t unloading it? You’re just escalating the situation. I promised that nothing bad would happen. Now just stand still for a second.”
@Helmholtz the Mule Watson And has Nato said yes they can join? They could join in future but that’s up to Ukraine and Nato to decide. Ukraine doesn’t have any control over who Russia joins and that’s the way it should be.
Forgot to add “Don’t worry, it’s for protection.”
@Helmholtz the Mule Watson Why won’t Putin join NATO?
Accurate information below, of troops, the 2014 invasion, what’s happening in the background and new objectives.
1. Donbas Region -Russia “putin” wants to annex this one next to continue the land bridge to Crimea because they never got to do this on their first assault due to Ukrainians fighting back. After pushing them back the so called rebels “LITTLE GREEN MEN – I DON’T KNOW WHO THEY ARE” putin said, Ukrainians started attacking Crimea and at the same time the Donbas region. The Ukrainians directed their attack mostly in the Donbas region due to being a industrial hub of the country.. they almost got it back but russia “putin” interfered and the same went to Crimea. It’s never about the invasion, NATO, or whatever reason(s) putin uses.. it’s outside of the picture and you need to understand this monster in a way you never done before. You don’t play the chess-board even when you’re a pawn! You play the game in order for you to be part of it but this does not mean your actually there playing it. You’re dealing with putin that keeps taking because you keep giving by losing.
2. russia wants to connect the Donbas region to Crimea “taking over all warm water ports that Ukraine has” all the way to Moldova. The thing about this is.. the main focus will be the Capital of Ukraine but the main target is The land bridge. But if russia “putin” see a window within the scopes of multi formation attack.. then Donbas will connect all the way to Poland/Baltic States to land-bridge kaliningrand “a Belarus gateway.”
3. putin isn’t stupid to invade the entire country “he can do this” but he won’t be able to hold it together for a very long time. That’s currently the information we got from my Russian military friends in “Mother Russia” aka Belarus, Donbas region, and Crimea.
4. U.K. Hacked and shut down. Ukraine hacked and shut down several days ago. Canada hacked and shut down earlier today. Who’s next!
5. Two Georgian states – Information not available.
Here’s the problem with your statement comrade. If U.S. was part of the USSR and it became like Ukraine “okay.” You have a lot of russians living in the U.S. So what you’re saying is putin thinks he cane invade it because the government think very different than his and that everyone in it or most of the people in U.S. are russian.. so putin wants to “MERGE” both country and he becomes dictator in both countries for life. Is this what you said here MF? because I think you need to fraking wake up. This is not 1945 and shi t, it’s actually 2022 in the 21st century.
AGAIN, THE PURPOSE OF THIS SHI T IS TO PREPARE FOR WAR IN THE FUTURE/ troops readiness and equipment staging are key principle for future conflict and at the same time.. looking at opportunities and vulnerabilities and how others would respond. And at the same time… look and read below:
After placing 168k troops on your border.. what do you expect huh? You have to learn to think magical my friend like fairies.
So putin doesn’t want Ukraine to join NATO but it wants it to join the Russian block. What the F? Well, F putin. UKRAINE FOR NATO/EU.
How can you give respect to the person who invaded his neighbor for his gain only? Don’t join NATO because I will put another Belarus dictator near you and you will join my alliance instead like that gas prices act in neighboring kazakhstan. MF is a made up hype to make things look real and for putin’s army to march with their chest up lol
And the Belarus event was to test the outcome of the invasion “PEOPLE” how Poland would respond, how much military can be prepared on that area when it’s happening, what’s the focus point and how it would be overwhelmed. These are in-placed to see the reaction on multiple location points in real time after the decision has been made.
Here’s the best part of this story!
putin INVADED Ukraine’s Crimea region because under that “OCEAN” there’s a very old and the biggest pyramid in the entire world under that ocean floor. Plus putin’s palace 2 is in Ukraine Crimea Peninsula. The so called “WARM WATER PORT” for it’s navies. Everything is starting to make sense now at least to me. This guy has specific objectives.. This is like playing chess but you have to not play it in order for you to win. So you let putin win by not letting him win. But what the “WEST” is doing.. preparing like chess, each time putin moves.. they counter that move! For me.. that’s not bad but if you look very closely.. you will understand all of these MFs objectives. Solution: Stop playing the guy’s game and actually get multiple things moving before he moves that PAWN AGAIN…
just like the syrian chemical attack?? these dems talk about false flag atttaks but they never followed any diplomacy while attacking Syria or Libya
I troop or 1 million if they are in your country it’s your country America have military every were around the world

Well duh ! It’s clear what Putin is doing and what he wants to do.
and please do not forget the 1991 referendum
Takes one to know one
Some one tell that guy to shut up and get suited and booted the American people staying out of this one this is a fight for politicians and they kids let them go and fight the Russians

Really appreciate you sir .. real account is a legend … Intellectweb s was successful after reached him
Mass grave means from prior wars he created.
Leave Ukraine alone Russia!
Okay, this is getting uncomfortable