US recovers millions in cryptocurrency paid to Colonial Pipeline hackers

US investigators have recovered millions of dollars in cryptocurrency paid in ransom to hackers whose attack prompted the shutdown of the key East Coast pipeline last month, according to people briefed on the matter.
CNN #News

US recovers millions in cryptocurrency paid to Colonial Pipeline hackers


    1. @Ash Roskell 4 million? For hackers capable of pulling this stunt? You really think someone in this sphere is after 4 million? Especially they gave it back without blinking an eye. You lot are just hopeless.

  1. Wow, it is so nice to not have a crook in the WH any more. Biden’s administration is getting things done.

    1. @M Hallget use to it delusional brainwashed cult boy , Reality is back !! So much for your unicorns and pink elephants .

    2. @M Hall Please have some respect look at your own man incoherent drugging former president

    3. @Randall Reed 👈. Lmao. But he can’t answer hardball questions from reporters go figure. 🤔

    4. @Jennifer Middleton 👈. Respect for biden? Why, he has don’t nothing except raise prices, make a mess of the border and put kids in cages. biden needs to be in the Sunny Side Nursing Home.

    5. This whole feed is full of idiots… if none of you looked into anything or did your own research and you only get info from biased news or social media you shouldn’t speak like you know what you’re talking about… nobody took the time to look into what trump has done and it really shows

  2. So, President Biden uses our cyber muscles to push back against Putin’s cyber puppet. This is very good because aggressiveness is the only thing this creep understands.

    1. @Chad Simmons Prob faked an attack. Which raised prices. paid themselves. Then attack Bitcoin by saying they “accessed the wallet of Bitcoin.” All by your Gov wanting fiat currency.

    2. @Duramax Dad They make it look like the Feds were hiding inside Bitcoin bank vault & nabbed the Russian crooks😂I’ll bet your story was (a-lot) closer to the truth

    3. No, this is not good. biden should have never paid these terrorists. Now that he has, and the U.S government has went back and stole the cyrptowallet back, this poses a threat to everyone’s cryptocurrency, period. We should have never paid the Russians to begin with.

    1. @Jamtommy your comment couldn’t be anymore racist. Remember when you point your finger at others you have your own 3 fingers pointing right back at you. You waste of oxygen.

  3. Joe should repurpose and rename space force to Cyberspace Force. That would be something useful.

    1. @M Hall and ya not his fault but enjoy the koolaide .drank up cuz in two Montses he will rule the world

    2. @Luke Saltiboi didn’t gas prices go up because shipping oil by rail is more expensive than a pipeline? Also when Colonial was hacked that interrupted supply so again prices went up.

  4. Private infrastructure needs to step up! They’re not even meeting minimum standards because it’s profit over people!!! 😠

    1. Trump was in the process of working multiple deals with the private sector that would have provided high paying jobs AND saved trillions of tax dollars. All destroyed now.

    1. What about bragging about recovering millions, and leaving out the fact they got away with millions? Just like Obama’s dumb self selling guns to the cartels and only recovering about a quarter of them and calling it a success ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. It’s nice when the former Florida blogger can no longer fire inspectors general and FBI agents who investigate Russians.

    1. @Jamtommy cry your magatears into this bucket. I use them instead of gasoline because they are 85% ethanol.

    2. Funny how trump trolls are so unhappy about this? No bonuses for them, now their money has been swiped by US Intel agencies? Putin must be furious? Which means trump will be furious! Brilliant! ☺️👍

  6. This is what happens when you have a functioning DOJ that is serving the nation’s interests instead of the nation’s enemies’ interests.

    1. @Biden Sucks Nope. Just more GOP bullpucky that needs sweeping and composting. And more GOP suckers who think that bullpucky is gold.

  7. So we gave them the money and took it back by decrypting the network. Follow the money! Now that’s gangster! 😎 👌

    1. @habirton Besides the millions they didn’t recover like Obama and fast and furious. But hey it was just an inside job so you dems could pretend to be hero’s and line your pockets 🤣🤣🤣.

    2. @Ja Nein False flag op 100%. Any hacker would have immediately put the bitcoin in cold storage and it would be IMPOSSIBLE to get the private key.

    3. @musikinspace a) I don´t know what you mean by “false flag” in this context.b) It would not be impossible to get the private key. Even in cold storage the FBI could interrogate/pressure/torture a person and get the passphrase. They first had to find that person on a planet with 7.6 billion people plus the country of residence of that person had to turn a blind eye on the FBI giving this person a going-over. Plus they had to find the physical cold wallet, which could be hidden anywhere (unless they are able to press the seed phrase out of the person) c) It´s not sure, that the hacker(s) put the keys into cold storage. Maybe they were lazy and kept in somewhere on a hard drive. Shouldn´t it have been protected by a strong passphrase then ? d) Maybe the hackers were really dumb and had a custodial wallet and the FBI convinced the custodian to hand over the private key. This would have serious legal implications. Imagine: the FBI going to Binance and telling them: “Give us the money from the account with this public key.” e) The “hackers” don’t have to be the “blackmailers”. Maybe the hackers sold the software to the blackmailers and the blackmailers were really dumb with their wallet.

    4. @Ja Nein That is, a group of Russian hackers were smart enough to hack the greatest oil pipeline in America, but dumb enough to not only not put it in cold storage, but transfer it to some custody service within, of all options, US jurisdiction. Either that or the same country that is keeping the American Edward Snowden out of reach of the US government, and who has not been pleased with the hacking accusations, handed their own countrymen into the hands of US investigators who tortured the key out of them. I find the alternatives to an inside job quite unbelievable.

  8. Good work. Now sign the cyber bill proposed or revise it so we can at least use proactive measures to combat against these cyber attacks instead of being reactive and paying and negotiating with terrorists. Mind you, it won’t stop because the former man might have given Putin more than a hand shake. 😐

    1. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were teams already noodling out strategies in the new landscape.

  9. Russia is getting out of hand, they need a reminder that they always bite off more than they can chew.

    1. Actually, I don’t really think that it’s Russia in whole, it’s probably just a really smart and mischievous group of Russians that have a dislike of the US. Possibly a group of university or high school students.

    2. @Jamie Tung As far as I know Vladimir Putin is not a university student. All orders come from Vladimir the underwear bandit.

      The SVR don’t take orders from high school students.

  10. Cyber security is real a big concern. Thanks to FBI for their well done jobs 👍

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