Top US officials say they are worried that the Chinese government could soon send military or financial aid to Russia to help Putin’s war against Ukraine. Biden says there would be consequences. #CNN #News
US officials worry China is preparing to give Russia military aid

If you find yourself going to the Chinese to ask for help and threatening to import 20,000 Syrian mercenaries, I think it’s safe to say that things are not going to plan for Putin.
OMG so funny
@Izreal Zeus
Huawei sold U.S. tech to Iran. How did that turn out?
@joe dirt Who’s you fools? I’m an Anarchist, I have no love for either of the fools. I agree they both have screwed us.
How is inferior Chinese weaponry given to a ill trained, unmotivated, poorly led fighting force going to turn the tide of this Russian debacle?
I just read 3 articles about the inferiority of Chinese equipment and arms. Countries like Bangladesh and India who regret purchasing cheap Chinese arms because they break or don’t perform in battle conditions and tanks with cheap armor unable to sustain operation when hit by ww2 era antitank weapons. Let them send what they want and sanction china as hard as Russia. They still won’t defeat the brave Ukrainian people
@joe dirt another true American. Thank you.
Seems unlikely. The Chinese are very fond of making money too, and with the pandemic now domestically getting wildly out of control in several cities and special administrative zones, the last thing the Chinese government need is to get embroiled in a regional dispute that could bring them significant sanctions problems too.
It’s run by a brutal authoritarian regime too, of course, like Russia – but China is playing a longer-term game aimed at global influence, whereas Russia is just one maniac yanking the country around. Even the language used by China shows a not exactly enthusiastic or full-blooded defence of Russia at present.
While China certainly acts with speed when needed – the destruction of Hong Kong’s civil liberties and World City status in less than two years underscores that – China, even under single-autocrat leaders, tends to enact decade(s)-plus plans, which can get overlooked by external leaders/governments constantly hustling to retain or get power for just a few brief years at a time.
So, while China is likely to be behind the scenes trying to bring some soft diplomacy to bear to pressure Putin to give up his madman antics, if push comes to shove, I think it’s much more likely that China will take a standoffish approach, not particularly helping or hindering Russia – which will still be a win of sorts for China, as the response of the West will help it to gauge responses for if and when it moves to invade and seize Taiwan.
Good comeback.
Your reasoning is flawless.
@Loch Dickinson
Hey wait a second! That is their plan, they want that so they can do the Great Reset! 

@Michael St. Hill i dont think your nonsense really needs a comeback. Anybody who has read a book since the end of the cold war knows you are dealing in alternate reality that doesnt reflect how nations function.
You led off with how India and Russia are going to sanction the USA. Do you know what sanctions actually are?
[][][][][]&&&&&&#######*******Satan exulted that he had succeeded in causing Moses to sin against God. For this transgression, Moses came under the dominion of death. If he had continued faithful, and his life had not been marred with that one transgression, in failing to give to God the glory of bringing water from the rock, he would have entered the Promised Land, and would have been translated to heaven without seeing death. Michael, or Christ, with the angels that buried Moses, came down from heaven, after he had remained in the grave a short time, and resurrected him.—Spiritual Gifts 4a:57, 58. TA 104.3
The power of the grave had never been broken, and all who were in the tomb he [Satan] claimed as his captives, never to be released from his dark prison-house. TA 105.1
For the first time, Christ was about to give life to the dead. As the Prince of life and the shining ones approached the grave, Satan was alarmed for his supremacy. With his evil angels he stood to dispute an invasion of the territory that he claimed as his own.—Patriarchs and Prophets, 478. TA 105.2
As Christ and the angels approached the grave, Satan and his angels appeared at the grave, and were guarding the body of Moses, lest it should be removed. As Christ and His angels drew nigh, Satan resisted their approach, but was compelled, by the glory and power of Christ and His angels to fall back. Satan claimed the body of Moses, because of his one transgression; but Christ meekly referred him to His Father, saying, “The Lord rebuke thee.” Christ told Satan that He knew that Moses had humbly repented of this one wrong, and no stain rested upon his character, and his name in the heavenly book of records stood untarnished. Then Christ resurrected the body of Moses.
Anyone remember when China was known for promoting human rights? Me neither
@Daniel Andersson Who executed 100 million Native Americans?
@Pohana Hawaii YESS SMART thank goodness it’s good to find someone with a brain..too many trolls online
@dan dansen You aren’t any different, mate. You are also a puppet of the West. The sad part is that you don’t know it…
@Jerry Ge That war was not justified and should be condemned, while Bush should face war crimes. However, that is complete exaggeration.
@SCPython You have a poor understanding of geopolitics and what’s going on in these other countries. I can tell you with absolute certainly that China is not the country you are describing and is in more trouble than you think.
Russia and China are two sides for the same coin.
They are the last bastion of hope against the axis of evil: the Fed and the West. Of course Chinal will help Russia, and Russia will help China when it invades Taiwan.
CNN and MSNBC are two sides of communist propaganda also.
@Shie H. Well it’s all about the money. Russians will give them oil and gas and Chinese will give them support. Fair enough. Europe is lost and scared, Americans just makes more money on selling the weapons to Europe
Smart Americans.
Nope, the two countries are very different, and the way they work to… China is all about economy, if they start to get sanctions the same way Russia does,the country is fucked, i don’t say the rest of the world ia not, but they are affected the most at that point.
For the sake of humanity we have to take them out
This can’t be serious like we didn’t all already know that China was backing them from the absolute beginning and that this thing was going to go through
@Zero 8880 This End is Nigh claim has been made so, so many times throughout the Ages.
China supports all countries that are enemies of the United States. This is not for national interest. but the interests of the party. The Chinese Communist Party believes that the democratic system promoted by the United States is the greatest threat to its own existence.
@Zero 8880 It is the nature of some to do evil, some to oppose it, and some to look the other way.
[][][][][]&&&&&&#######*******Satan exulted that he had succeeded in causing Moses to sin against God. For this transgression, Moses came under the dominion of death. If he had continued faithful, and his life had not been marred with that one transgression, in failing to give to God the glory of bringing water from the rock, he would have entered the Promised Land, and would have been translated to heaven without seeing death. Michael, or Christ, with the angels that buried Moses, came down from heaven, after he had remained in the grave a short time, and resurrected him.—Spiritual Gifts 4a:57, 58. TA 104.3
The power of the grave had never been broken, and all who were in the tomb he [Satan] claimed as his captives, never to be released from his dark prison-house. TA 105.1
For the first time, Christ was about to give life to the dead. As the Prince of life and the shining ones approached the grave, Satan was alarmed for his supremacy. With his evil angels he stood to dispute an invasion of the territory that he claimed as his own.—Patriarchs and Prophets, 478. TA 105.2
As Christ and the angels approached the grave, Satan and his angels appeared at the grave, and were guarding the body of Moses, lest it should be removed. As Christ and His angels drew nigh, Satan resisted their approach, but was compelled, by the glory and power of Christ and His angels to fall back. Satan claimed the body of Moses, because of his one transgression; but Christ meekly referred him to His Father, saying, “The Lord rebuke thee.” Christ told Satan that He knew that Moses had humbly repented of this one wrong, and no stain rested upon his character, and his name in the heavenly book of records stood untarnished. Then Christ resurrected the body of Moses.
Do you do foreign policy analysis from you moms basement in Seattle ?
This is really really hoping against all odds that China will not help Russia, after China declared that their friendship is iron-clad, and knows no limits.
@Rodriguez ” the heart throb ” cruz Does it say BOB?
@Doginu Россия мертва.
@Chess Lover Зеленский — марионетка, управляемая Игорем Коломойским и ЦРУ
Don’t worry our president biden will scare them away.
@Doginu Залинский не марионетка. Путин психопат и убийца.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that China could have military assistance to Russia and demanded that the Chinese authorities break cooperation with Moscow in the light of the situation in Ukraine.
In response to the statement of Stoltenberg, the official representative of China with the EU called NATO destructive force, which threatens the world and stability in Europe and all over the world.
“We will never forget who bombed our embassy in the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. We do not need lectures on justice from those who violate international law” – said the official representative of the PRC
Why does Russia want Chinese military weapons with total different standard and language? Why do people in this news pretend they all don’t know this fact?
@crosidre The new world order was Nazi and Hitler. Trump used the term. Now everyone wants a new world order. With Politics no one knows what they will get as they do everything in secret..
@Aghilas Oceo I think heir Putin has done a pretty good job destroying russia all by himself . China will make Russia its batty boy .
Americans are not very bright buddy. They lap up war propaganda like fast food.
Vostock 2017 CCP/Iranian/Russian joint war maneuvers, 300,000 troops in the field.
Well I guess if they aid in it we should be able to wipe out the deficit we owe China
And “all Chinese imports!”
Interesting logic there…..

All of this is so insane and dangerous, it’s mind boggling
@democrat party Da comrade, your ruble is rubble. Papa Putin has Parkinson’s. And you will never travel out of your filthy country after this is over, not that anyone wants you in their country
@Boosh idk who grandpa Simpson was but we had a useless dimentia patent corporate puppet and a businessman run for president last election. one was so unpredictable that no one dared to poke the bear the other so weak and fragile every opposition is looking to gain power while they can.
Russia has a horrible military they scientist or horrible machines tanks barely work smh
@Banjos Money here is the thing, we went to war with Iraq with the back up of many allies and we still lost the war in Afghanistan. Russia is defeating and will defeat Ukraine i don’t side with them one bit but I don’t feed into propaganda bull crap I accept reality and don’t let the media dictate my thoughts. It is sad how easily minipulated people are. It’s sad and scary to think people are incapable of using their minds or own thought.
@Banjos Money Really 20 km from Kiev? They are slow like a python swallowing a pig.
Propaganda about bad Russian army got to you. Remember Syria and Russian airforce? This people have a 1000 000 army, and only 93 000 are fighting Ukrainian Nazi’s.
I am against the war, but what the Nazi’s did to Donbass in 2014, they surely deserve to be destroyed.
I thought I wasn’t going to be alive for when the next empire collapsed but I can see it happening in front of my eyes, it’s kinda sad but expected.
@Tin Watchman
@Tin Watchman if you do not know the difference then sue your elementary school you lack 5th grade level of critical thought. Huge difference between tyrannical inhumane regimes and the rest of the nations that are not…smh! Willfully ignorant cultists are the problem worldwide
Biden was installed as president for this to happen. He’s also on the China payroll too.
No cap
The communist empires u mean
Hate the phrase “history will judge you” by people unwilling to do something NOW!
@Huey Freeman they’re doing something. But Ukrainian children are the shields for adults well-armed western soldiers and politicians. I guess NATO needs a Pearl Harbour before they react with the force necessary.
@Huey Freeman You realize that frequently in life, perhaps more often than choosing for ourselves, circumstance or hierarchy dictate for us. You don’t kno if that man’s individual crusade will impact you directly or not. 12 men killed 2,200 office workers on 9/11. No govt involved.
yep, so United States sent guns to Ukraine to “give peace a chance”,Is that what you want “do something “to be?

@Alan Donly they will create it only when countries with no nuclear weapons attack not against a nuclear power which is non beneficial to the corporate America
When will NATO get off their lazy butts and do something
It’s ignorant to compare the sovereignty of Ukraine with Tibet, Hongkong or Taiwan.
@prioris55555 Xi Ping: What is AUKUS? ; Advisors: Do you worry about that, Sir ; Taiwan:

@Peter Sinclair
Japan handed over to China upon surrendering, u.s. were not the only country at war with Japan, Russia, China, UK and some other nations were at war with them as well.
@Peter Sinclair
Manturia was handed over to China as well, it’s impossible to have a intelligent conversation if you prefer to write your own history.
@Peter Sinclair
And now, are you going to deny Taiwan’s constitutions??
@Andrew Lim you got it wrong. Under the constitution, China (PRC) is a part of Taiwan (ROC)
One dictatorial county wants another to restrain from helping another!
Imagine surviving a world war, only then to experience a global pandemic.
Imagine doing it in reverse order a hundred years later.
Not exactly the lesson to be learned.
Really time to air the dirty laundry of the world ..
We are ready to lovingly do it again… and again… and again ad nauseum
Every 75 yrs.. One time we fought for 100 yrs.. fun…
What type of military aid could China give to Russia? I thought Russia had all the military hardware they need, I don’t think Ukraine finished them off, at least not yet.
chinese weapons today is way better have you heard of the J-20 and F-35 encounter? first chinese anti stealth radar is not a myth they detected the F-35 after it flew second the F-35 did not detect the J-20 before it got near him so that shows why china isn’t even interested one bit on the F-35 they even assisted the US navy on salvaging the F-35 turned submarine lol
@Darko 1234 You are a liar.
@Chess Lover mama raised you wrong, bad boy!
@KanZaman Товарищ, у меня плохие кости.
@Chess Lover No I’m not do your research it even came from USAF general on that encounter he was impressed on China’s command and control and J-20 he even said F-35 cannot be compared to the J-20 but to the F-22 instead that is why US halted additional purchased of F-35 lol..why are you a jealous indian?
“In any war, the first casualty is common sense, and the second is free and open discussion.”
–James Reston
“The first casualty of war is the truth.” (Hiram Johnson)
Liberals can’t decide if china is friend or foe. Trump said something bad about China, therefore china must be good. China helps Russia, china must be bad.
China/Russia not scared of Biden at all.
@Mr Bojangles it’s not you can decide china is friend of foe. China is a country that have their own sovereignty. In layman’s term is they make their own rules. America view china bad is because chinese doesn’t align with US interest by siding with US. But does this even surprise anyone?
Under trump the relationship between US and China already soured why would chinese help us knowing they are the next target? If you watch any of the corporate media, they are all focused on taiwan is the next ukraine. It also doesn’t help when there is a trade war still ongoing, call them virus, ban their student, and arrest the cfo. Also, it is not like biden contributed much to improve the relations between two countries. Biden actually made things worse in some sense by increasing sanctions and tariff against china.
So what is next? Us will sanction china more so china could find a reason so side with Russia or invade taiwan?
I think it is a great strategy because if US manage to get Europe and Asia in chaos, all of the capital will go to US or rich chinese will sanctioned by US where their assets goes to auction.
@Jack the relationship between the US and China was sour long before Trump.
When US invaded Iraq, who is on the right side of history. Did US pay for being on the wrong side of history? If not, why should China worried about it?