US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi holds impeachment signing ceremony | USA TODAY

Live of Speaker Pelosi engrossment and signing ceremony for impeachment article before it is sent over to the Senate.

The House impeached President Donald Trump for inciting an “insurrection” in last week’s attack on the Capitol, a stinging rebuke of the nation’s 45th president as he prepares to depart the White House after four tumultuous years.

Ten Republicans broke from their party – and their president – to join Democrats in approving the single article of impeachment. Trump will leave power as the first president in the nation’s 245-year history to be impeached twice.

The vote to impeach Trump was 232 to 197.

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US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi holds impeachment signing ceremony | USA TODAY


  1. I wonder will she have another plateful of souvenir pens to distribute here; shall we see this as another celebration or as a movement to protect the nation as is being stated.

  2. It took months and months and months to give us 600 bucks but get rid of 6 days from Trump’s presidency oh it’s a big rush

    1. So piglousy was NOT arrested trying to “escape” and jailed in greenland gitmo . Like nutjobs said she was
      Fake news putting out “q” made up stories to keep patriots hoping or make them look foolish ?

    1. You are 8 Months to late for the first part of your question! Coup attempts tend take a front row seat to any pandemic

    1. She is pretty worried about what kind of self serving goodies she can get in the next Covid bill. What a gal.

    1. @Nate Harris Is that equivalent to ten thousand people packing downtown San Fran with Pelosi encouraging it, Pelosi ignoring warnings, etc?

    1. right, we drink to celebrate all of his impeachments….just like you drink everytime before you procreate……

  3. Wow Congress get something done in 10 days it’s a new world record. Too bad they couldn’t set a new world record when it came to covid-19 relief

    1. Well they don’t encourage supporters to storm the capital, they don’t dog whistle white nationalists, oh and they don’t hate gay people

  4. When will people wake up she is the one causing the divide as well as others no need to mention I got my popcorn

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