Western allies announced that they would provide Abrams and Leopard tanks to fight against Russian forces in eastern Ukraine.
RELATED: Ukraine hit with round of deadly missile strikes by Russian forces
President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that the U.S. will send 31 of its frontline battle tanks to Ukraine, reversing his previous reluctance to provide armored vehicles as Ukrainian forces prepare for a new Russian offensive.
The M1 Abrams tanks, which Kiev requested and Biden faced international pressure to deliver, are viewed as critical to stave off a springtime offensive by Russian forces and to help the Ukrainians claw back parts of their country seized during the invasion ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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#Ukraine #Military #War
“We have always been at war with Russia.”
– Ministry of Truth
They are at war against military industrial complex from going hungry
Please God, don’t let Biden speak anymore…
Support Russia!!!
You like Putin and Russia….GO THERE.
Why? Ukrainians need to protect themselves from Zelensky.
He will leave a rich man as his country gets robbed.
STOP STOP STOP sending our money and equip to Ukraine. WHEN DID I START WORKING FOR FOREIGN COUNTRIES????????
the end is near
Hopefully this helps Ukraine defeats the Russian Nazis as soon as possible.
Join up!
How about sending solutions toward peace rather than more war and killing. Somehow they were able to do it without Boris Johnson this time. Think I’ll go watch another episode of Zelensky’s old comedy shows…
WW3 coming
Correction, it has already begun.
Better get the hell out there while you can.
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No more aid should be given. Ukraine needs to work their own problems out at this point. Let someone else help them.
If Putin wins in Ukraine, he’s going into Poland and it puts all of Europe at risk. WHO is someone else? OTHERS are helping , all of US allies are helping. Germany also sent tanks. Obviously you have no clue WTF is going on.
Give Ukraine some superior fighter jets as well.
Есть только одна правда,все колличество военной техники Европы и Америки на много меньше от запасов военной техники России.Интересно кто первый поймет ,что чем больше воюет с Россией тем больше будет сам в убытке , Россия 20 лет весь бюджет тратила на вооружение,у нее хватит лет так на 5 минимум,а что станет с Европой за это время? Непойму , Весь Мир зомби?
That’s pointless when each country can just Nuke each other all ready this is beyond Bully the Bully scenario doesn’t justify War Crimes.