US Energy Department assesses Covid-19 likely resulted from lab leak

The US Department of Energy has assessed that the Covid-19 pandemic most likely came from a laboratory leak in China, according to a newly updated classified intelligence report.
Two sources said that the Department of Energy assessed in the intelligence report that it had “low confidence” the Covid-19 virus accidentally escaped from a lab in Wuhan.
Intelligence agencies can make assessments with either low, medium or high confidence. A low confidence assessment generally means that the information obtained is not reliable enough or is too fragmented to make a more definitive analytic judgment or that there is not enough information available to draw a more robust conclusion.
The latest assessment further adds to the divide in the US government over whether the Covid-19 pandemic began in China in 2019 as the result of a lab leak or whether it emerged naturally. The various intelligence agencies have been split on the matter for years. In 2021, the intelligence community declassified a report that showed four agencies in the intelligence community had assessed with low confidence that the virus likely jumped from animals to humans naturally in the wild, while one assessed with moderate confidence that the pandemic was the result of a laboratory accident.
Three other intelligence community elements were unable to coalesce around either explanation without additional information, the report said.
The Wall Street Journal first reported on the new assessment from the Department of Energy. A senior US intelligence official told the Journal that the update to the intelligence assessment was conducted in light of new intelligence, further study of academic literature and in consultation with experts outside government.
A Department of Energy spokesperson told CNN in a statement: “The Department of Energy continues to support the thorough, careful, and objective work of our intelligence professionals in investigating the origins of COVID-19, as the President directed.”
#cnn #cnnnewsroom #wuhan


    1. The US Gov has 336 bio-labs located across the globe – the Pentagon funded and provided the SARS Pathogen to the Wuhan lab in China – for the purposes of research and development of a designer virus for bio-warfare. THE USA is responsible for the deaths of many millions of innocent lives and uncalculable grief and financial loss across the world.
      Governments lie while people die – this was all about control = nothing less.

    2. I still can’t believe that people looked at me like I was nuts and called me a conspiracy theorist for saying it was probable the coronavirus leaked from a lab that did coronavirus research in the exact location where the coronavirus pandemic originated.

    3. Actually, I would argue this report is the actual misinformation. This is to scare the Chinese.

      The real purpose behind this report is Russia is looking to get weapons from China. We are being prepped for the idea that cheapo Chinese goods are not going to so cheap anymore. Maybe not even AVAILABLE anymore. It is a shot across China’s bow, financially speaking. Bad trade relations=less money for China. Tensions are escalating behind the scenes.

      As for anything new on the actual source of COVID: The jury is still out. This report does not give anything useful or usable to us.

    4. Biden/Harris are corrupt traitors and will go down as the worst dictators in American history, Impeachments immediately for China Joe ”Trump 2024 Save America”

  1. If this were to be the origin, China would do everything they can to cover it up and point fingers, which is exactly what they have been doing….

    1. Your theory is also applicable to those 46 secret Biolabs run by the US, in Ukraine. LIke you said, probably been covered up by the US.

    2. The US Gov has 336 bio-labs located across the globe – the Pentagon funded and provided the SARS Pathogen to the Wuhan lab in China – for the purposes of research and development of a designer virus for bio-warfare. THE USA is responsible for the deaths of many millions of innocent lives and incalculable grief and financial loss across the world.
      Governments lie while people die – this was all about control = nothing less.

    1. @yanboa True! I also have COMMON SENSE! China doesn’t care if they kill their people as well. They have food scarcity. Bill Gates believes in getting rid of the old and/or sick as well.

    2. @LotsOfFun everyone knew it was from a lab. I don’t know where you get your information, maybe you watch too much news?

    3. You will never know. This report is being put out by the DoE? Don’t be duped. It has nothing to do with COVID at all.

      The real purpose behind this report is Russia is looking to get weapons from China. We are being prepped for the idea that cheapo Chinese goods are not going to so cheap anymore. Maybe not even AVAILABLE anymore. It is a shot across China’s bow, financially speaking. Bad trade relations=less money for China. Tensions are escalating behind the scenes. I can assure you that if China backs off of the weapons supply to Russia another report will be put out as “not credible, sorry!” or you won’t hear about it again.

      As for anything new on the actual source of COVID: The jury is still out. This report does not give anything useful or usable to us. It wasn’t meant to.

    1. @MassiveLibCawk And still people called it a conspiracy theory. those who said this were even called Nazis and other names over here in good ol’ Germany. 🙂

    2. @dezpotizmOFheaven no that wouldn’t make sense they prob wouldn’t resort to racism. Everybody knew it was from a lab. Early science showed that it was likely manufactured and multiple viruses including HIV genetic sequences were found within COVID. GMO virus 💯 science is the answer.

    3. The US Gov has 336 bio-labs located across the globe – the Pentagon funded and provided the SARS Pathogen to the Wuhan lab in China – for the purposes of research and development of a designer virus for bio-warfare. THE USA is responsible for the deaths of many millions of innocent lives and calculable grief and financial loss across the world.
      Governments lie while people die – this was all about control = nothing less.

    4. @Isaacs Obeng Agreed, Biden/Harris are corrupt traitors and will go down as the worst dictators in American history, Impeachments immediately for China Joe ”Trump 2024 Save America”

    1. Correct. The real purpose behind this report is Russia is looking to get weapons from China. We are being prepped for the idea that cheapo Chinese goods are not going to so cheap anymore. Maybe not even AVAILABLE anymore. It is a shot across China’s bow.

      As for anything new on the actual source of COVID: The jury is still out. This report does not give anything useful or usable to us.

    1. He looks rather downtrodden, angry, or even sick. Then again, that might just be his serious face he always wears to pretend to be a news anchor. Maybe it’s just his normal face, or maybe his face makes some people sick.

  2. Just take a minute to reflect on the censorship and misinformation on this issue during the height of the pandemic. Shameful.

    1. @MassiveLibCawk It is still there! lol…. Reason it’s still there is because it’s TRUTH and NOT misinformation. CNN viewers are the last to be told anything true! sucker…

    2. @MassiveLibCawk so they were censoring the America media? 😂. Remember when you said Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation 😂

  3. Remember when you couldn’t even suggest a lab leak was possible without getting your social media accounts nuked?

    1. @A7A3L R5M Are you even paying attention or do you just eat everything CNN feeds you? Its true if 2 years ago you would’ve said this, you would’ve been banned for misinformation. You don’t find that concerning?

    2. I remember. I’m not even a conservative, but I definitely see that they tried very hard to keep the lab theory all hush hush. Trump was right and got THRASHED for it anyways. I believed the lab theory was right in 2020, I’m even more certain now.

    1. Because they control the nuclear stockpile. The same stockpile that is responsible for retaliation against nuclear, chemical, and biological attacks. We don’t bother wasting money to have 3 different ways to destroy humanity. We only need one.

  4. China was not the origin. Americans found it in lab samples from Sep 2019 and Italy found it in samples from AUGUST 2019. China found it in Dec 2019.

  5. “Severe implications to China” right.. while corporate America, Walmart etc provides a steady stream of revenue to the CCP. Name one thing that has been done in the last two years to reduce the dependency on Chinese imports

    1. It was a cover up, protecting the WHO which is paid huge by the CCP. CNN is just putting this out now so they gain some deniability. They got paid to cover it up too. They’re just doing damage control now that the truth cannot be hidden any longer.

    1. You are correct but just remember fox can never tell the truth . I’m Shure as hell I’m no liberal speaking . What I am is wanting the best four all humans . What does it matter who is wright or wrong .

    2. If this wasn’t a conspiracy theory, why do you think till now they still use *with low confidence, and very likely originated from?*

    1. its china tho… they are literary about to go into indirect war with US… i dont think they care, God knows they might have done it intentionally

  6. Don’t worry. Those who are responsible will get away with everything, as they always do. Nothing ever happens

    1. The head of the research lab in Wuhan disappeared for months. I am sure she got reprimanded quite severely and threatened if she ever admitted the truth. Of course, there is also plenty of blame to go-around here in the US as we provided funding for the gain-of-function research in Wuhan. Nobody is willing to admit who was on the committee that approved that funding.

  7. I hate that a health crisis seems to have been made political. What’s worse is that you are only allowed to believe one thing or the other, no in-between. Everyone knew the potential this could have been leaked in China but not enough information was available so some people choose not to readily agree that that was the case.

    1. STFU! You supported that very crime syndicate that pushed the virus conspiracies on us! We all knew what happened! Only us SMART ONES, said fk you 🖕🏿to those vaccines! Don’t worry us pure bloods will save humanity! FKN losers!

    2. “Correct. The real purpose behind this report is Russia is looking to get weapons from China. We are being prepped for the idea that cheapo Chinese goods are not going to so cheap anymore. Maybe not even AVAILABLE anymore. It is a shot across China’s bow, financially speaking.

      As for anything new on the actual source of COVID: The jury is still out. This report does not give anything useful or usable to us.”

      Correct. The real purpose behind this report is Russia is looking to get weapons from China. We are being prepped for the idea that cheapo Chinese goods are not going to so cheap anymore. Maybe not even AVAILABLE anymore. It is a shot across China’s bow, financially speaking. Bad trade relations=less money for China. Tensions are escalating behind the scenes.

      As for anything new on the actual source of COVID: The jury is still out. This report does not give anything useful or usable to us.

    3. @Millo trust in god ?? Seriously why is religion a main factor in just about every conflict since the beginning of time ? Talk about madness and illusion….

    1. Don’t be duped dude. The real purpose behind this report is Russia is looking to get weapons from China. We are being prepped for the idea that cheapo Chinese goods are not going to so cheap anymore. Maybe not even AVAILABLE anymore. It is a shot across China’s bow, financially speaking. Bad trade relations=less money for China. Tensions are escalating behind the scenes.

      As for anything new on the actual source of COVID: The jury is still out. This report does not give anything useful or usable to us.

  8. He’s still calling this a “Lab Leak Theory “. What a joke!
    At least call it an ongoing investigation, not a theory .

  9. They couldn’t keep the cat in the bag so now they’re calling it a “leak” to make it seem like an accident, rather than an intentional release. They’re still lying, but at least they’re getting closer to the truth.

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