US economy reports worst quarter ever recorded as coronavirus cases surge

The US economy shrank by 32.9% in the second quarter due to the coronavirus pandemic. CNN's Poppy Harlow talks to Goldman Sachs, Head of Urban Investment group, Margaret Anadu about the numbers
#CNN #News

US economy reports worst quarter ever recorded as coronavirus cases surge


    1. @Mmbourgeois Bourgeois yeah ive never seen someone destroy everything so fast seems republicans are enjoying the anarchy

    2. Jake S
      It’s unbelievable how people can be brainwashed, or Brain Dead not to see how Bad the Democrats are!

    3. @Mmbourgeois Bourgeois i watch all news including fox but fox news is the hardest to watch because its racist and they lie A LOT so many so fast its hard to fact check. CNN lies sometimes but i check with everything they say just in case they do have an agenda but its like comparing the kkk to nazis (fox being nazis)

  1. Wonder how the administration is going to spin these new numbers after touting the gains the last couple months.

    1. @Generic snacks 2 republican administrations in a row now have destroyed the economy, created the highest deficits on record, highest unemployment on record and yet people still love them most for one reason guns like myself. If democrats would stop their anti gun rhetoric they’d never lose

    2. @Ms. Clair Sorry to tell you, I didn’t get that $600 a week. But you are going to miss it. Or did you just accept it, when you don’t need it ?

    3. @Erik Averink I have a career. But I do know lots of people taking it that should, or could have gone back to work.

    1. Really … you’re blaming anyone for this? Huh. Must be nice to be so privileged that you’re allowed to have a mind that enables you to be narrow-sighted for the sole purpose of signaling how amazing you believe you are as you insult people in a scenario where maybe no one is responsible. How “Virtuous” a thought process. ffs

      But yes … let’s definitely blame reps for all of this. The economic bomb that is about to hit dem cities will ALWAYS be the fault of the reps. Doesn’t matter the choices dems made and the fact they have control over, anything bad that happens will be because of republicans. Anything good … like the last 3 years of the best economy in the history of the US until the pandemic, is ALL because of the dems. ffs

    2. @Jubjub Tubs Wake up, you’re having another fever dream.
      Trump had a job he failed to do which was to activate FEMA and get the hell out of the way. He chose “herd immunity”. When scientists leaked that he was going to kill 2.2 million people with that plan, he knee-jerked the economy, destroying 7 years of Obama’s work and 3 years of riding on the Great President’s coattails.

      Now, it truly is Trump’s economy and he has 167 days to fix it.

      Does he seem like the kind of guy who would do anything good for the country between the date he is voted out and the date he is penguin-walked out of office? Hell no.

      The deaths of 300,000 Americans will be on his hands by election day – and that’s just the trump Plague. Soon there will be homelessness, murders, suicides, wife beatings, and racist hate crimes because he put Obama’s economy into recession back in February before he even jerked the rug out!

      All according to plan…
      Steve Bannon: ” I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment”

      Trump Jan 2014: “You know what solves it? When the economy crashes, when the economy goes to total hell and everything is a disaster. Then you’ll have, you know, you’ll have riots to go back to where we were when we were great”.

      40,000 Klansmen march on Washington
      “Great Again”

  2. CNN, don’t blame the Congress. The House finished the 2nd Bill 8 or 9 weeks ago. Talk to Mitch in the Senate.

    1. trump said in June he would never sign anything over a trillion dollars.
      looks like his new FBI BUILDING WILL HAVE TO WAIT.

    2. If you can’t see the Republicans are causing all this problems. Then why did they leave for the weekend again during the pandemic and having no resolutions for a fix. They sure got time to go home and go on vacation and do whatever so they can put a strong arm move against the Democrats so that they would sign the cares Act the Republican including Trump and Kushner received 82% of the tears Act score 43,000 American. So there went most of the money that should have went to the people but it went to 43000 hedge fund in real estate. And now they’re wondering why we need a new bill. Because you stole all the money from the first one. Sucking moron Republicans if we don’t vote these morons out of office it’ll be our own fault and this is the reason why. Vote Blue Cross the board Joe Biden will be our next president United States Trump is going to prison

  3. 96 bottles of orange tan to go
    96 bottles of orange tan to go
    take one down, smear it around
    95 bottles of orange tan to go

    1. 4 more years of Trump to go, 4 more years of Trump😂🤣 And we thought your little temper tantrum about losing in 2016 was bad! 🤩 Man you sore losers are the gift that keeps on giving!

    2. Unfortunately there are 176 bottles of orange tan to go (days until current presidential term ends).

  4. Baby Donnie: “The American economy is doing so well, I am thinking that another tax cut to the rich would be fair. Make it so!” SMH

    1. @trans magic no I just know a spam bot when I see one. Also i love your arguement i think she’s fake therefore I am fake. Take that low intelligence mentality back to the playground where it belongs you simp

    2. @bruce banner hahahahahaahah you subscribe to Robert Rieche…no wonder you’re moronic HHAHAHHAHHAHAH dope

    3. magic  listening to other people’s views is the best way to seek further insight to your own stance and moral groundings but I wouldn’t expect a simp like yourself to understand such a basic concept.

    4. Yes high taxes Will send the Work out the country and Lot of American will lose ther jobs is that your wish 🤔 that was what Obama did and Joe did .you should wake Up

    1. @Mauricio Morro – Don’t forget about all the rich people pumping money into to stock markets daily

    1. Quinn Carr
      No. Before the coronavirus, Trump had record unemployment numbers and the highest job creation numbers in history. And the housing crash happens during the Obama administration and there was pandemic then.

    2. Victoria Nyteshade
      TND is a Chinese company based in Hong Kong and so is Epoch time. They are run by falun gong.

    3. CLAY COLLINS after Obama was fixing stuff it just kept going trump doesn’t deserve credit for it

    4. Joshua Fleming
      All Trump’s successes are Obamas and all of Obama’s failures are Trump’s.

    1. @Legend Furong CNN = CLINTON NEWS NETWORK – You don’t know where I get my info but it certainly isn’t the MSM. Educate yourself and stop projecting your perspectives on others.

    2. @canadianperspective Thank you and no worries. I remain a registered voter and will not concede to this evil administration

    1. @BZRK Edge I don’t know for sure, but close down for a month, model proper mask wearing and social distancing, make sure supply lines are working, use the national stockpile for shortages, not spout lies about treatment, not claim it will magically disappear, base decisions on facts and science, not personally invest and stockpile a cure, not use ratial slurs when speaking of the virus, not blame the problem on republicans or China, generally not politicize the whole thing.

    2. @Josh R. just like Jerry Nadler said it was a myth about the violence in Chicago. It’s not a myth it’s all over the news Jerry Nadler saying the violence is a myth in Chicago when it’s all over the news I’m repeating myself

    3. @BZRK Edge dude sugar is almost guaranteed to be as effective. A large percentage will recover from the virus. Therefore a large percentage who take HQ will recover. Point me to the scientific evidence that purports a strong causation of HQ curing the illness. My dad had leukemia and ate a cookie and got better. We all eat cookies in my house now.

  5. The real Trump economy. The Fed pumping $3 TRILLION into the stock market didn’t fix the economy? 🤔

    1. Doug E It’s hard to fix the economy when the Braindead Democrats are pushing for a recession..

  6. Can y’all let me know when this “winning” will stop? REALLY ready to start losing again….

    1. Justin : Didn’t click on your name, so you don’t get paid for this one, trump troll. But, here’s my question: If Trump suspends the elections, will you admit he’s a Dictator?

    2. @terry lunsford the country is being run by a Republican and is in the worst shape it’s been in over a century sooooo yeah, your comment is beyond moronic.

    3. @Ash Roskell chump troll? Geez I guess you don’t get the “winning so hard” joke ash? I wish I got paid for comments, I could use it with GDP down 30+ percent.

  7. 10 of the last 11 recessions, and the Great Depression, started with a Republican in the White House. That’s a pattern.

    1. @Gabe Stich youre right.. and wrong.. it depends on more than just a president. but the president have an impact on it and the ability to regulate it if needed. Hoover dam, one of the first public project that was started to help the econom. it worked- announcement of cutting tradedeals also worked, however that was in a negative direction. Not trying to control a pandemic so 50 millions are in risk of loosing their home, millions have lost their business is also down to one man, the president. there are countless examples of a sitting president having a direct impact on the economy

    2. @green acre Call the hospital you’d be taken to if you called 9-1-1. Ask them if they’re giving Covid patients Hydroxychloroquine. If they say ‘no’, don’t call 9-1-1. (they’re going to say ‘no’)

    1. Get rid of the 1st amendment. That will stop hoaxes. Freedom of Speech is fundamentally anti-Democratic. If the people think something should not be said then it should not be said.

  8. Trump last month: We are on our way to a record 2nd quarter economy and full recovery by third quarter.

    1. “And the virus will just disappear like a miracle.”
      Addled mind in our White House people.
      Get out & VOTE BLUE!

  9. When 20 repub senators. Rump supporters, who willfully block funding during a pandemic.🙄🙄🙄
    Remember this point!

    1. @Josh Edmonds No, the economy is sinking because the Republicans in the Republican party failed to take Covid-19 seriously by not locking down entirely, providing the majority of US government backed financial support to large corporations, and by not wearing masks.

    2. @GuitarHawk but trump doesn’t control individual states..he can’t open or all the blue states with the virus is bc of Democratic governors? is that what you are saying

    1. B0Y S0l0 others countries don’t have “ peaceful protesters” for 70 days in a row who destroying America

    2. @DiscoTrain trump lack of action caused the failure of the economy to be worse and last longer than it should have.

    3. @Ashton Kusher he also bankrupted a casino. Who the hell does that?
      Look as president he must lead, he must formulate a plan that helps everyone. He didn’t

  10. No ones fault? This pandemic is the fault of those leaders who don`t contain it. Taiwan has 7 deaths, Europe 300,000 (excess deaths) the US 200,000 (excess deaths). Xi Jinping needed 56 days to get the pandemic in China under control. Since five months the Chinese economy is growing. The pandemic isn`t a natural desaster but a desaster of incompetence and ignorance and mass murder.

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