Rachel Maddow looks at some of the promises Donald Trump made a month ago when he declared the coronavirus crisis a national emergency, and notes that Trump's failure to deliver on those promises and other key steps in the coronavirus fight has left the U.S. unprepared to move beyond stay-at-home orders. Aired on 04/13/2020.
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US Eager To Leave Lockdown Finds Trump Failed On Month-Old Promises | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Under bush 3,000 Americans died on american soil on 9/11
Republicans: “he a true leader!”
17 die in a foreign land Under Obama
Republican: “Hes a traitor!”
60,000 Americans die on american soil because trump shut down the pandemic task force
Republicans: “Eh… You are over reacting…”
Can you say Hypocrisy and tribalism?
Hey republicans. Its not football. The republicans are not your team. They are USING YOU!
Well put.
Biden is YOUR candidate.
Case closed.
@Keith B best joke on the internet right now. Lol
Only thing funnier is they’re endorsing him.
@Carlos Carlos this may come as a shock to you, but American nationals are perfectly capable of carrying and transmitting the virus. Banning only Chinese nationals accomplished NOTHING.
All this talk yet no one is going to do anything to get him out of power
That’s why We, The People, will do it ourselves because Congress only cares about their own political needs
@One Drone Pilot I do pro fpv drone racing and my drones do over 380 to 400 kmph
That’s up to us real AMERICANS to do in November
Muddy Water wth? I’m saying that…
“I alone can save you.”
“What have you got to lose?”
“I take no responsibility.”
–President Donald J. Trump
He did say all that.
What have we got to loose?
Our lives in a horrifying painful death. Thanks to GOP
I won’t get someone who bankrupted 5 casinos to manage my estate though, just the thought of it woke me up in the middle of the night.
Lily Dale, don’t forget those he hated Hillary so much to give this guy a try. Buyer’s remorse isn’t a thing apparently, as Trump gets mulligans like no one’s business.
Biden is YOUR candidate.
Trump’s coronavirus response is like the Trump University scam.
Jeff Smith but..but it’s a HOAX!
jax jaxie it’s common information. This conman/ mobster was NOT vetted. Whose job was it to vet him and how much money did they recieve?
Muddy Water is that all you’ve got, step aside little boy, you are in with the adults…
Jeff Smith yup! Ur correct
Jeff Smith How about those juicy steaks?
Trump only cares about stealing the stimulus money, he’s already claiming hotels and resorts need to be paid first due to lack of tourism.
@Robert Williamson weren’t you on Sesame Street?
@Dave Box
What administration are you referring to?
Schumer and Pelosi had as much input into these stimulus packages as anyone else and they all voted unanimously for it.
How come there was only crumbs in it for you? I thought the Democrats were the champion of the little people. Hahahahahaha!
Robert Williamson Bahahahaha, typical simpleton republican!! The rivers of stupid run deep through your camp Bob, you are literally cheering on someone who is stealing from you! I suppose people are correct when they say you can’t fix stupid, so there is no hope for you.
@Rocky Hernandez They DO need to be paid. That’s why competent governments like Australia & New Zealand are paying hotels to host anyone in need of isolation due to possibly having the virus. That includes recently returned travelers, medical workers with families & homeless people. So let trump have the government pay trump towers to continue operating BUT only on the condition that it is paying for the right to house whoever it wants to in those hotels
yeah opening HIS hotels HIS Maralago resort because HE’S LOSING MONEY because of NO tourism to HIS place. ITS ALL ABOUT HIM!!
it seems to me that there is enough evidence to accuse trump of negligence
Kim Fyffe Joe can’t remember what planet he’s on
are you serious?
@Flashy Paws Make that 614,000 cases .. US alone as of today.. And over 26,000 deaths .. US alone .. And the numbers just keep piling up.. these are only confirmed and tested cases mind you.. There are huge numbers that haven’t been recorded due to lack of testing..
@Edmondson James Joe 2020 he’s our man
Edmondson James there’s a difference between “ acquitted” and “ total acquittal”
I’m sure Susan Collins is going “Tsk, tsk, tsk.”.
Vote him out
Charles Robertson didn’t you hear? There’s no democracy. 65 billion in bioweapons defense and we have none. You can’t vote when you are dead.
Then lock him up.
Charles Robertson 4 more years
Hitler spent his last days moving non existing troops around a tabletop battlefield model and was giving confusing and impossible orders to Generals from the bunker ……..
This man literally said “i dont take any responsibility at all”, and you want him to be the one who decide when to stop the lockdown? Lord has mercy on you all.
Bud Fudlacker Hey kids Lackey Budfugger is back with his bogus account! Are you Russian Mr. Lackey?
@sybdragon keep stupid and go lick doorknobs help America get rid of the stupids.
@kaybee65 Biden will be fine trump is filth.
@sybdragon go lick those doorknobs thin out the stupids and yes you are one of them.
@Susan Sullivan Biden can’t even answer simple questions without looking at his notes. His vision is to continue what Obama did, where is his own vision for America. He is having a dementia and his presidency would be “fill-in-the-blank”, literally. That would spell bad news to average Americans living paycheck to paycheck
what do you expect from someone who looks at a solar eclipse directly. It didn’t fry his eyes, only what was left of his mind
There was nothing left by the time he looked at that eclipse
It’s unbelievable the extant of his lies. It’s embarrassing that so many of my fellow Americans believe in this poor excuse for a leader.
PowerPuffSoldier unfortunately….neither am I …. Blessings!
@Patsy Sadowski a good part of rural America watches Fox News religiously. I have friends in Kansas that watch Fox News and they’re Democrats. But those particular friends are pretty racist. So I think people divide along different agendas. I know some districts in my State voted red for the first time in 16 just because they had no jobs. Many people just could not accept that coal was not coming back. So people see what they want to believe too.
His supporters are morons
@Kitt Songstad Racist Democrats? That’s gotta be a rarity.
I often say that not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republicans.
I get that there are exceptions, though.
@drew pedersen a lot of people are just whatever party affiliation their family or parents were. Some people don’t even follow politics or understand how government “works.” That’s why this campaign of conspiracy theories on social media is so effective.
This is how cons work. Act like you have everything moving forward layer by layer covering up the fact nothing is being done, it is nothing but smoke and mirrors, with the clown in the cheap suit selling snake oil in the side
@Frank Maskil yep trump is the kind of person who could make a 700 dollar suit look like a Goodwill reject. What I like is someone must have told him he needs to change it up a bit, change his image and he us aearing different colored ties now. They look as out of place on him as he would in the Elvin Wood’s speed reading course.
It may be an odd analogy, but… Anyone here old enough to remember “The Music Man”? If not, look up either the old film with Robert Preston, or the original play. The very essence of a con man. I think Trump took it as a “how to” lesson….
ishtarian Never looked at it that way but you are right except that the operetta had a happy ending. I have trouble seeing that happening here.
Yeah it’s called being pretentious, that’s just who Trump is.
Ms. Bubbles Pretentious isn’t derogatory enough in his case. He is a PHONY!!! Isn’t that more satisfying?
Well, thats what you get when you elect a conman…
“Elevator to nowhere”… That is a perfect analogy for Trump’s administration.
@dan mac
It’s not what he’s done more so if what he’s done has actually done anything
@marjan mitkovski

Good catch. And well said,
P S He’d have to buy that on the black market.
@Jon Nelson
What’s it like living in a communist dream, Jon?
When people get back to work in two weeks, the U.S. economy will roar back like a blast furnace and you will weep.
In the mean time, keep chowing down on that bucket of Bernie Diks.
@Jon Nelson thank you I totally agree.
You dont care about the economy I’m guessing your a low life collecting welfare your whole life living off the system go out and get a job I work to support my family
Just with Democrats
Your yelling.
“It’s not the federal government’s job to run the country!” — Shirking Trump
If that’s the case, we should be done with the federal tax. There is no better time for that now.
its not… ever heard of states rights?
@Paul Wilson I hope you’re being sarcastic.
@Aubergine Bellen *the constitution gives the power to the states to run them as they see fit. If it was up to the fed to run things there would be no difference in laws between them… and no need for gov’s or representation. Did you not know this?*
@Paul Wilson Article VI, Clause 2 (the Supremacy Clause) of the Constitution says, “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”
Additionally the Tenth Amendment states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
That means the federal law trumps state law. This is why states can have different laws covering the same issues, as long as there isn’t a federal law covering it.
And finally do you really think states run the federal government? Obviously the federal government doesn’t run state governments, duh. Are you such a “states rights” zealot you can’t listen to reason? I’m going to type this slowly because obviously you’re a slow reader, *”THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RUNS THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.”*
How do you not know this?
The display of total incompetence has never been witnessed before in our history before from a sitting president and will probably never be again.
Jim Longo remind me again how is your 401k doing and your federal taxes doing? Last I know of he wants to cut yours. But hey, don’t listen to me. You’ve made your mind up already
Tom Dower you can’t fix stupid. Ron white told us that
@Tom Dower Yes, DO tell us all about this “great economy” that Trump insists on taking all the credit for LOL
And how come he cut taxes for the rich, but only “wants” to cut them for the working class?
0bama, BJ Clinton, Farmer Carter, all wildly worse.
Want to bet on that? Hehehe
The 2020 “Tool of the Year Award” goes to:
President Donald Trump!
You should know, you ‘A’ holes are the complete set.
Stacey Olivas

Tools are, by definition useful objects.
mp is a chocolate fireguard.
1:12 – “…elbow-bump him instead of grasping his *little* hand…”
_Donald J. Trump has furiously left the chat_
I caught that too

We are living in the 21st Century, “sense” isn’t common anymore.
About seven years ago, before my highschool science teacher pass away, he said this “common sense is not common. And that’s scary.”
my country (not America) is proving it is in fact abundant. So much basic stuff, like realising that most vets are using ventilators that were originally built for human use & then purchased when they got old, but are still perfectly able to be used on humans with a basic service from military or regular ventilator technicians. We recognised that if you pay people what they need to live, they will happily stay home if asked to do so in return for that money, we recognised that if you offer companies that are unable to currently sell their regular products the option to sell the government what they need to fight the pandemic, they will happily convert & make what’s needed, SO many options available & that we’re doing that are just basic common sense. Sad it’s not happening in America
@Lilac Lizard
Reality, not a political fantasy, 1 works, 1 doesn’t, your country proves which one.
Because: Liberals.
@P S We’re not the fools that elected the totally out of control, doesn’t have a clue, DENY! DENY! DENY! any and all responsibility fool currently in the White House, you are.