One expert described the lives lost from the coronavirus pandemic as "an epidemic of deaths among the unvaccinated."
RELATED: How COVID-19 has changed our society after two years
As the U.S. mourns an unfathomable 1 million COVID-19 deaths, a figure reached Tuesday according to the Johns Hopkins University count, there are myriad reasons for regret. High on that list are the inadequate and even deceptive initial response from the administration of former President Donald Trump, the lack of pandemic readiness by the public health sector, the marginalization that left some communities exposed to the virus, and the political polarization that prompted so many to choose party preference over their own health.
Perhaps no aspect of the crisis has been more lamentable than the rejection of vaccines by millions of Americans, a decision hundreds of thousands of them have paid for with their lives. More than a year after all American adults became eligible for COVID-19 vaccines – April 19, 2021 – 24% of them have failed to get the full regimen, adding up to more than 60 million who are not fully vaccinated. Only about 50% have received a booster shot.
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#Covid19 #Coronavirus #Covid
They had already topped a million, or someone was lying before.
Vp Harris said it was about 220 million
Not one dead body in the streets…
Work at pandemic ever!
Well, since it has become clear that the number of Covid deaths was miscounted and the CDC was ordered to fact check their data, perhaps the number is accurate and perhaps it is inaccurate. If you have lost a loved one; that loss is not less because they passed due to cancer, heart failure, COPD or mental health issues. Your grief is real and justified. May the passage of time grant you solace.
It’s incredibly inaccurate.
My friend of 40 years died last year. He had EVERY symptom of covid yet they NEVER tested him .
If it says Cov on the paper, someone is getting well paid $
@JimmyGambiniEsquire, that’s for damn sure.
Given that 75% of deaths were people over the age of 65 with 1 or more significant health conditions, though their deaths were of course tragic and perhaps slightly ahead of schedule, I don’t think many people would make the argument that those deaths were shocking.
Like, if your 82 year old cancer-riddled grandmother died of COVID, is that such a shock? I mean, there would be like a dozen things that were equally as likely to kill her on any given day.
Yea my 86 year old granny WOULD have lived another 3 days but covid got her.

i think the percentage is higher than 75%
@Gary Stevens It floats around there. A fair number of people in their 50s died. People under the age of 50 accounted for like 5% in aggregate.
No deaths are shocking. It’s sad that people die, but not shocking. It’s just part of life.
What does that number look like? It looks like a number that is measured from the start of the virus, instead of yearly or seasonal like ALL OTHER viruses ever measured. OF COURSE it’s going to be an ever-increasing number if you never reset it to yearly/seasonal! Every days is a record, every day is more fear. The actual truth is, YoY death totals are down something like 60% and flatlining. Cases are still floating around, and even going up in recent weeks, while deaths are *still* going down on average.
…AND… doesn’t look like much next to 332,400,000 (2022)….(in 2020 it was 329,500,000)
well, this hasn’t become a seasonal thing yet; it’s very much still a pandemic. An epidemic could be seasonal, like flu epidemics, but not worldwide pandemics. Pandemics are over-arcing, one whole thing, which means you count every death until they’re over. Basically just like a seasonal epidemic, but longer, because it hasn’t truly stopped yet.
Average age of death:
81 years old
It means no one died from the flu
Look on the bright side. Nobody died of anything else.
Ridiculous comment
Probably more have died from drug overdoses. The US is where most drug addicts live.
Sounds like someone needs to be brought up on crimes against humanity! Starting on the hill.
These numbers don’t pass the smell test.
Looking at how we count, like if you pass away from anything and so happen to have had cov1d in the 30-60 days prior, that counts? Seems easy to get to 1 million by counting that way.
Yes. You are paying attention. Keep it up.
It’d look better if it was strictly politicians.
Now do the same thing for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer to put that into actual perspective.
I can’t really believe it .but that’s just an opinion.
For the headline You forgot to add “due to the President’s mishandling of the pandemic”. I mean, that was the template less than 2 years ago.
Rent free lol
What did you want President Trump to do.
OH NO… who gives af…
liars gonna lie, Texas and Florida haven’t even noticed lol
But 1 million die each year from cancer and heart disease for the past several decades…give them some love too
America is only 4% of the world’s population, but houses approximately 25% of the world’s prisoners.
Do a story on that some time.
Huh how many of those deaths were actually other illnesses ? Guess we will never know . How many people have died of heart problems since the first McDonald’s opened up ?
It means that China owes this country and the world a whole crapload of money. And an apology. Fat chance.