US confronts China over suspected spy balloon

Secretary of State Antony Blinken was “very direct and candid throughout” his hour-long meeting with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Munich, a senior State Department official said after the two diplomats met for the first time since a Chinese surveillance balloon spurred a significant rift between Washington and Beijing.

#CNN #News


  1. “I was in the the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him, that’s when I traveled 17,000 miles when I was Vice President.

    1. Bill G. Has shares in that toxic train spill in Ohio that is poisoning the water in many states. One train derailment after another. Bill G. Bought more shares as soon as that happened. He is spraying chemitrails into the atmosphere causing droughts, wildfires and flooding. He is bankrupting farmers and buying up all the land and taking over the world’s food supply. The toxic recent train accident happened where the best farm land is. All the creeks are poisoned . It is now going into the rivers all the way to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Animals, and fish are dying. These people must be held accountable and sued until they become bankrupt. I will be fighting back. I will be suing

    1. Unless China is willing to admit their own lying truth, nowhere will this go anywhere – and China will never admit their wrongs, nor will they stop spying on US.

    1. @First Name Last Name it’s not a fact that Biden is adversarial towards China. You never know when you’re hearing the truth and when you’re not. Something about bidens relationship with China made China think it was ok to send them balloons to our airspace. You know full well china would not have been comfortable enough to do it with trump in office. For some reason they thought they were good to go. Biden takes money from China. You watch fake news?

    2. ​@Heath Swinson They’ve sent three balloons during Trump’s administration. Fox has reported it, in case you’re one of those, only conservative leaning media is real and everything else is fake news types of people.

      Do you not know what a tariff is? Yes, Biden takes money from China. Trump did too, that was his goal. Make China pay to keep doing business with us. Like I said before, Biden extended and expanded Trump-era economic action against China. Biden added sanctions on semiconductor and advanced computing exports to China.

      Whatever you feel about his image or rhetoric toward China is subjective. Objectively speaking, he has passed legislation furthering America’s adversarial position against China.

  2. Can’t Yi admit that anyone would take measures against someone invading your airspace and not blindly trust an adversary’s words?

    1. Yeah right, we did the same thing when Iran shot down our drones and we were even brazen enough to demand it to be returned. It’s just diplomatic jargon.

    2. We saw how it played out. The US saw it take off from China. China gave US notice that their surveillance balloon might accidentally cross into US airspace. US let it wander into its airspace did nothing for a week then decided to shoot it down after Republicans mocked Biden. Can’t Blinkin admit they overreacted and tell the truth that it was indeed a weather balloon. You shoot what you think is a spy balloon down and did not think to capture the data it was collecting??? Makes a lot of sense 🤡

  3. I think this is a perfect example of provocation. You cross someone’s boundaries and then get upset about how they decided to react. You can’t create a problem for someone and then not only get angry but to criticize the way they chose to handle the problem they created. Professional political gaslighting.

    1. @D1 T We should have let Japan burry China during my father’s war! Or voted for MacArthur instead of letting him fade away as all good soldiers do.

    2. @Kevin Jenner … LOL. Nice try, CIA bot. ALL those are done by your U.S.,…. NOT Chiina. The world ha–>tes you more than ever.

  4. China statement only applies to Chicago Convention if balloon payload is less than 4 kg. Which it wasn’t. And if balloon is ONLY meteorological. Not “mainly” meteorological. Sovereignty rule applies and US is within its right. Of course, politics also apply and opportunity does exist for communication in a bipartisan manner.

  5. Questions:
    1. What type of research team did the balloon come from and explain exactly with detail how it got loose.

    2. Did the research team reach out to the PRC government to give a heads up; and if so why did the China airspace command fail to reach out to the US air force to give details and prompt suggested actions; if not who’s responsible for making sure the people of your country doesn’t infringe upon the sovereignty of other nations (and how do you intend to better regulate this in the future).

    3. What actions could we have done to circumvent the scrutiny from your government about the way we addressed the situation, and in the future, if your airspace is occupied by a foreign power, without notice, will you commit to exercising your recommended course of action?

    4. The US is open to using this happening as an example of how miscommunication / silence could lead to forcible actions being taken. Can we count on you to work with us as a world leader in protecting the sovereignty of independent nations through diplomacy?

    That will literally solve it for all people unless the Chinese were being malicious in there intent

  6. US military aircrafts are everywhere in the world! And it only a balloon from China 😂
    It’s really double standards!

  7. Instead of using Skyhook which we’ve seen in The Dark Knight they chose to spend $800k on 2 missiles for us not to be able to know what the wreckage entailed. It’s insulting.

  8. China asking the US government to handle the situation professionally is pathetic… the world will never forget how they handled Covid-19. They have no right to ask any questions, all they can do is answer questions, not ask.

  9. we knew exactly where it took off in china and its exact flight path and yet allowing it to traverse thru our entire country. what’s our excuse?

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