The United States is pulling out all US personnel from its embassy in Kabul over the next 72 hours, including top officials, two sources familiar with the situation told CNN on Sunday.
The withdrawal of embassy personnel marks a rapid acceleration of the process that had only been announced on Thursday, and is a situation that many State Department security officials expected would have to happen given the speed with which the Taliban has gained territory in Afghanistan in recent days.
Most of the American diplomats will go to the airport in Kabul, the capital, and then fly back to the US. A small number of core personnel, including the top US diplomat in the country, will remain at the Kabul airport for now, the sources said. This means that the US Embassy in Kabul will be shuttered — at least for the time being — by Tuesday.
#NewDay #ClarissaWard #CNN
US completely pulling out of embassy in Afghanistan over the next 72 hours

Governments around the world have mastered the art of wasting Taxpayers money.
Remember the ONLY thing that matters!
J.B. and K.H. are in Charge of all this and our Border!
And NOT D.T!
And their both
Along with B.O!
Are you a Russian girl?
Biden is celebrating on his vacation bc Talibans seized and controlled Kabul and entire Afghan… this is another great achievement 6 months after failing southern borders… and all cnn brainwashed love it too
@Fred Frond well those countries alll suck so I don’t know if I’d want to follow their leave but you do you.
Well, I’m not sure they “mastered” it. I suspect there’s some room for improvement.
US personnel being airlifted out of a embassy after a lost war. Don’t know why, but it feels eerily familiar…
Luckily Taliban forces does not have anti-aircraft guns (SA7, SAM) or long-range artillery (130mm howitzer) like North Vietnam troops to shoot down the evacuation helicopter or destroy the Kabul airport.
@Ed Otis yet still different. German and Austrian accents are very different, so no, not same thing.
@Carol Smith Can you not read what I wrote. I’m talking about the CURRENT situation. Vietnam now was nothing like it was back then. They are mostly Pro American and even considered an ally. Americans visit and even study there.
@Ed Otis And I am not sure of the logic you had there – of a countrie’s accent being defined by ONE man who moved there from another country.
@Mike12259 Ng OK. Just saying it wasn’t worth what they went through.
My apologies to all the veterans who served and died in Afghanistan all for nothing
We should stay out 100%. Let the devil’s eat each other
@bakedinspiration what does black lives matter and $100 have to do with your friend I mean his leg is still blown up. Or would you rather his son‘s leg also be blown up in the same fucking war. Yeah keep your $100 lol
They got Osama so the veterans didn’t die for nothing.
@tshav ntuj kaj nrig
. Lol know what you mean.
I would like to see the Pentagon Papers.
@MilkCow also the dems are far from being “left”
Many thanks for your email
FOIA them!!! Freedom of Information Act.
@jett888 Huh? They are already publicly available online.
Biden is celebrating on his vacation bc Talibans seized and controlled Kabul and entire Afghan… this is another great achievement 6 months after failing southern borders… and all cnn brainwashed love it too
For Sale: Afghan military rifles. Never fired and only dropped once. Cheap
That’s been a classic joke about France for years…good one.
We should have just carpet bombed that miserable country!
Former owner murdered after surrendering…
Biden is celebrating on his vacation bc Talibans seized and controlled Kabul and entire Afghan… this is another great achievement 6 months after failing southern borders… and all cnn brainwashed love it too
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani
Exactly like Fall of Saigon in 1975. Literally history repeats itself.
@Bob The Frog In that case, that is a big fucking problem.
Shame Biden!! US just run away. terrible result for his just first years. he has 3 years ahead for other losing in Iraq, Syria and IS. SHAME. We are Viet, we knew how Sen. BIDEN do in Saigon Fall 1975. we were his victims. That”s why all most Viet people around the world support to TRUMP
Biden is celebrating on his vacation bc Talibans seized and controlled Kabul and entire Afghan… this is another great achievement 6 months after failing southern borders… and all cnn brainwashed love it too
Except Vietnam actually progressed afterwards.
Being ruled by theocratic, fanatic medieval warlords probably won’t do the same.
Other than the geographic location, this is exactly like Saigon ’75. I remember when Saigon fell. With the Taliban in Kabul, I wonder if the U.S. will airlift from the embassy roof.
Our soldiers died for nothing for 20 years
And the innocent Afghans?
They didn’t die for nothing.
They are the reason that South Asia had peace for 20 years. That counts for something
@Ashutosh Bhushan

20 years ago the Time magazine cover was like ” the last days of Taliban”
Never Ages.
It’s printing error……it should be ” the last days of US’s puppet Asraf Ghani “
@Engage360 At home reviewing the CRT curriculum for our military….
When things were at their very worst:
2 Suns, Cross in the sky, 2 comets will collide = don`t be afraid – repent, accept Lord`s Hand of Mercy.
Scientists will say it was a global illusion.
Beaware – Jesus will never walk in flesh again.
After WW3 – rise of the “ man of peace“ from the East = Antichrist – the most powerful, popular, charismatic and influential leader of all time. Many miracles will be attributed to him. He will imitate Jesus in every conceivable way.
Don`t trust „pope“ Francis = the False Prophet
– will seem to rise from the dead
– will unite all Christian Churches and all Religions as one.
One World Religion = the seat of the Antichrist.
Benedict XVI is the last true pope – will be accused of a crime of which he is totally innocent.
“Many events, including ecological upheavals, wars, the schism in My Church on Earth, the dictatorships in each of your nations – bound as one, at its very core – will all take place at the same time.”
1 November 2012
The Book of Truth
now they coming back , even stronger with highend military equipment, sponsored by USA.
Biden is celebrating on his vacation bc Talibans seized and controlled Kabul and entire Afghan… this is another great achievement 6 months after failing southern borders… and all cnn brainwashed love it too
Faster than the fall of Saigon… on something we were told a month ago “would never happen.”
Thanks, Joe Biden.
How is this Bidens fault? The Afghanistan president ran away,. That’s who the Afghanistan people are blaming, only brainwashed republicans blame Biden who had only been president for a few months. What did Trump do? He called soldiers losers and made a deal with the Taliban.
South Vietnam felt into Commie hand more than 2 years after US complete withdrawal from VN in 1973. They fought on their own with whatever US left behind in the middle of deep military aid cut and believe President Nixon’s promise that US will intervene by carpet bombing if North Vietnam violated Paris agreement. Except some hasty quick withdrawal from Central Highland after North VN launched sudden attack on weakest city due to lack of military resources to hold, they fought back from adjacent provinces to right into the city center and buy precise time for US evacuation of their personnel and some Vietnamese allies within 2-3 days period.
My father was South Vietnam officers who stay behind until last minute and went to Communist prison (aka Re-education camp) for 13 years before we went to US in 1992.
@bdegrds BIDEN 4 weeks ago: Taliban takeover is highly unlikely

I still can’t believe anyone voted for Joe Biden. Morons
Afghanistan the grave yard of empires proven once again
@Micheal Jackson hahahahahah
India will fanish
@Micheal Jackson India kill afghan people’s to much .India FANISH soon

@Surf_KaaboMantis10 bidan save USA from Taliban
@SL! soon u will see KHALISTAN free country soon

I thought it was the poppy field of empires.
Can’t wait for the Ken Burns documentary.
Don’t worry Lloyd Austin will handle it as soon as he’s removed some more trump voters from the military . Priorities!
Us once again is defeated like it was defeated in Vietnam History is repeating itself!
America didn’t lose lmao its all theater you don’t think they knew this would happen who do think gave them the trucks gas weapons just like isis
Now, once they get everyone out, if Biden won’t send more troops in to start a war…………

We were there for 20 years and still couldn’t beat the taliban.
@Surf_KaaboMantis10 how is this Bidens fault? What did Trump do for the soldiers other than call them losers
@bdegrds, Impeach Biden. Trump Won
@bdegrds get hooked on copium bruh
@Surf_KaaboMantis10 Won what?
The only place where American Army wins is in Hollywood movies.
@AugustanFinn america did not defeat North Korea.
@Hilary Miseroy kek nice!
@Ben Jones they all surrendered…France were pathetic…never lived it down…never will. Now the USA will be looked upon the same.
Biden is celebrating on his vacation bc Talibans seized and controlled Kabul and entire Afghan… this is another great achievement 6 months after failing southern borders… and all cnn brainwashed love it too
@Luan Nguyen fair point….hundreds of thousands have come into USA at the southern border…..easy access for terrorists.
I hope you’re taking the people who worked for you with you. Not like in Vietnam! Not like what you did to the Kurds!
The most important thing here….does the US military have it’s pronouns under control??? We need an update from Milley ASAP.
Shame, this war was a joke, the taliban take down 20 years US work in days, :s thousands of US soldiers killed by nothing
It’s ok… joe will take care of it when he’s done “relaxing” at camp David lmfaooo…. where’s all the sleepy joe supporters at ?? You people are pathetic

Can American tax payers get a refund?
The politicians at least were able to make some money during their occupancy…
Imagine those poor Afgans that worked side by side with the USA authorities and now are going to be abandoned to the hands of the talibans just like in Vietnam
Some people never learn, too bad. History repeats itself.CIA deep state don’t care about others, only how much money they can gain
They will end same way all traitors finishing.
Imagine if USA is occupied by foreign military forces, what you are going to think about Americans who work with foreigners?
Biden is celebrating on his vacation bc Talibans seized and controlled Kabul and entire Afghan… this is another great achievement 6 months after failing southern borders… and all cnn brainwashed love it too