US Census Bureau To Suspend Counting Operation On Sep. 30 | MTP Daily | MSNBC

NPR national correspondent Hansi Lo Wang discusses the U.S. Census Bureau's decision to end all counting efforts a month early. Aired on 8/4/2020.
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US Census Bureau To Suspend Counting Operation On Sep. 30 | MTP Daily | MSNBC

US Census Bureau To Suspend Counting Operation On Sep. 30 | MTP Daily | MSNBC


  1. Trump is letting people die by the thousands, how are the Census takers supposed to make an accurate Census record if they can’t finish taking them? Be prepared, those of you who like to find their families through the Census. In 10 years they will wonder why they can’t find their families. Maybe they’ll have enough smarts to look up history and see what happened.

    1. Cannot agree more:
      Trump has a problem when voting by mail leaves a paper trail that can be checked for accuracy.
      He would rather use his new trademarked voting machines….
      Speaking of did you see in 2016 an 11 year old kid hacked into a voting machine and changed votes in under 10 minutes…
      Other kids also were successful- the youngest being 8 years old..

    2. American elections should have UN supervision. What a rotten corrupt country it has become.
      Maybe it always was.

    1. Covid-19 in America came from Europe. The 44 epidemiologists on the pandemic disease outbreak response team located in China, as well as other countries were fired when Trump cut their payroll in the Global Health account by $76M dollars. That amount would cover annual payroll and expenses. The subtotal of Health and Human Services is part of a bigger budget and was cut by 1 billion dollars. China was actually a victim of Trump’s gross negligence.

      When I say Trump created Covid-19, I mean exactly that. I don’t need anyone to correct me. I presented reliable verifiable evidence source in the post about. People have tried to disprove my evidence and failed. Trump literally created this global crisis.


    1. @Logan McLean Most disagree. If you think you can change enough minds, you’d better get to hustlin’. You have 89 days before you lose your crutch.

  3. Vote 🌊across the board and in numbers never seen before, your life, America and the economy literally depends on it.

    1. @Logan McLean Then tell that to all the Republicans, starting with the Republican led Senate Intelligence committee that found Russia interfered in our election, Republican Mueller, Comey, Sessions, Rosenstein, Mccabe, Bolton, Romney, McCain. And again lay off the Trump Disinfectant Strategy your delusional and fact free.

    2. Bono Budju
      So what are you gonna do to stop interference?? Like if you believe Facebook ads/groups cost you the election, you’re wrong. Maybe take into fact that Hillary was awful and democrats went woke

    3. @Logan McLean But but whatabout Hillary, Fake news, deep state, socialists, immigrants, elitists, lefties, muslims, Obama, NATO, China, nasty women, injecting disinfectant and ultra violet light, FDA, CDC, Fauci, Birx, liberals, the squad, WHO, windmills, Sharpiegate, BLM, Transcriptgate, raking forests, Sondland, Ambassador Taylor, Ambassador Yovanovich, Col Vindman, whistle-blowers, Mary Trump, Sessions, Mueller, Bolton, Mexico, Germany, G7, vote by mail, seriously you must have run out of scapegoats for this Dumpster fire administration by now. When Obama was President, Trump said bucks stops with the President, but hey that’s how hypocrites roll.

  4. Decriminalize & Legalize Marijuana!! Only chance our economy has with the weakening of the dollar!

    1. Terrence Bryant is that wilful ignorance or poorly educated or incurious or gullible or just a magical fantasist? Many paths to the same destination.

    2. Michael Bray I really wish I knew! Among these folks are some very intelligent humans I can’t even try to wrap my brain around their way of thinking.

    3. Terrence Bryant I think it is a complex multi-faceted problem requiring an inclusive, just and fair vision to lead the US over generations to address. But a good first step is rejecting the Trumpian vision of “American Carnage”.

  5. Clearly tRump has mobilized his team to undermine the 2020 presidential election…there must be a law against this so someone’s going to jail.

  6. Must have been a lot more participation from people of color than this garbage administration wants to accept.

  7. The census play by Trump same thing Hitler used to control population aided by American company called Tabulation company later known as IBM

  8. Trump and his super corrupted republicans senate administration is publicly doing back to back crimes against Americans voters..

  9. the poor man just knocked on my door this evening… I told him to stay safe, he was a nice old man

  10. We are the Boss.

    2.1million signatures petitioned Mitch McConnell to put the Heros Act on the floor and pass it. He is the leader of the Senate, he decides what they vote on. This was months ago! Over 600 organizations came together and compiled 2.1million signed petition demanding for him to put the Heros act on the floor. And that is just the tip of the ice berg.
    Stimulus relief before the cares act originated from a national petition demanding UBI 1.6 million petitioned for that along with another petition with the same demand reaching 400k. That petition sparked the Cares Act but it was the cheese in the trap, to keep pressure down publicly we thought we got relief, 1200 one time. While 43000 millionaires each recieved over a million from that bill.

    Congress has had 3 Bill’s that actually meet the demands of millions of people calling for UBI during this pandemic. All of which have been silenced by a majority of congress/media as they created this hyper focus on Heals act and Heros act debate.

    Automatic Boost to Communities Act
    Senate bill purposed, committee supported, denied floor vote by Senate leader

    Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act
    Senate bill purposed, committee supported, denied floor vote by Senate Leader

    Emergency money for people act
    House bill purposed, committee supported, denied floor vote by speaker of the house.

    Whitehousegov. Petition to pass the Emergency Money for People Act surpassed its signatures goal and has still been silenced in the middle of this hyper focus the congress has created between Heals Act and Heros Act. No media wants to touch on what the people really want just the debate of what they want us to focus on.

    Point being the Civil servants are not listening to us (the boss) we have made our statement very clear to them and fortunate for us some congress listened creating the three Bill’s for monthly payments. However the majority of congress is donor dollar blind to support the interest of the public’s wishes.
    We are at a time in our history where the political corruption by wealthy donors is creating wealth extraction and supporting poverty exploitation and to overcome this we need mass organized pressure.
    Peoples stimulus movement had over 300k people visiting congresses homes july 11th and july 25th. Movements like that and more signatures on the current petitions will ever so create more pressure.

    Come together, don’t be divided on this focus between GOP and Democrat, take unified action to Congress as a whole.
    Sign the petitions like the rest of us.

    They are the civil servants, it’s time to remind them were the boss.

  11. Shutting down the census early before all the people are counted may play into a “voter fraud” argument later?

  12. I think we can all hold off on the census until we have a government. We should do the census for 2020 in January.

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