US border officials watch migrants use rafts to cross into US

Days before Title 42 was set to end, the Supreme Court is stepping in after an emergency appeal filed by a group of Republican-led states. The justices' decision will affect cities along the US-Mexico border and dictate the future of the thousands of migrants waiting to get into the US. CNN's Rosa Flores reports. #CNN #News


    1. I agree with you that they crossed the border with a dishonest mindset (since they never applied for a visa in the first place), but why did you 2 wrote the exact same comment verbatim? Are your accounts part of a comment farm of some sort?

    2. backlog? this STARTED in 2019 when the number of people at the southern border DOUBLED any year since 2007.
      Ever wonder why?
      Trump kept many of them out but they just kept rolling upi cpuntry after country after country then COvid finally let up in 2021 and bam BACKLOG BOTTLENECK flood.
      The trump border crisis isn’t his fault – the way he dealt with it would burn him in hell if there was a God. Thank the gawdz there isn’t or we’d ALL get what we deserve and it sho AF ain’t grace if grace only comes from Christ cuz my boy? He’d be walking on that water with kids on his back and you know it

    1. It’s possible. Ukrainians and Russians both entered through the southern border when the war first started. It was over 40,000 people, so ya. They don’t need to though. There have been around 20 CCP operatives publicly announced as spies between Canada, and the USA in the last few years. China’s biggest ally is still Russia, and they tell them everything.

    2. @Berahlen šŸ‘ˆ. Demented biden gave an open invitation to let illegals into the country. President Trump had a secure border.

  1. Gee, for the life of me I can;t think of anyone ever talking about “open borders” I wonder where they get ideas like that?

    1. Gee, for the life of me I don’t understand how ignorant people can be falling for the same talking points for the past 40 years. Nothing has changed dippy.

  2. Most if not all of these people who come here are economic migrants, and will spend most of their time in America in very low poverty.
    This only leads to overcrowding of already underfunded programs, mostly thinking schools here, absent from home parents (because they will be like most Americans working multiple jobs to barely stay afloat) and have their kids end up in the criminal justice system.

    Next generation will squawk about how poor immigrant brown communities are disproportionately targeted by police, etc. Itā€™s a pattern weā€™ve all seen before.

    We desperately need to fund and fix things here before we keep adding people that also have a laundry list of issues that also need fixing. Itā€™s crazy to import all these people at this rate! Whatā€™s the point of even being a citizen if non-citizens reap the same benefits, and their first act is breaking the law. Iā€™m also including ā€œasylum seekersā€ in this because the word ā€œasylumā€ is essentially the password to get ā€œlegalā€ entry into the United States. These people are ECONOMIC MIGRANTS, rather than refugees in the most classic of terms.

    These people are threatened by gangsters (if even true) and just think that automatically grants them access to America? Like people here in America also donā€™t have gangsters threatening and extorting them too?

  3. Such sad situation, when people are trying to find a different locations to live in due to difficulty in the country they are coming from.

    1. @MrWhiskers Not very kind. They are desperate trying to escape tyrannical governments. Welcome them and love them. No hate please!

    2. And how many homeless people do you let into your house? Seeing by your comment Iā€™m assuming you probably leave your door open at night? Right?

    3. @Toenails šŸ‘ˆ. I just did 5 weeks flying back
      And forth to California and also frequent Texas, NM, and Arizona. Itā€™s a mess, tent cities everywhere, you canā€™t pump gas at a gas station, a store, a Walmart without someone coming up trying to numb money. And when say no they get rude. There is crime everywhere and peoples sheds are broken into
      Where people steal or camp out in them.
      biden is destroying America.


  4. This is crazy. Remove all sanctions on those countries and allow their governments to thrive for their people. I canā€™t imagine what these people are feeling and what theyā€™re going through.

  5. I’ve never been more motivated to stop the Democratic Party than now. I have no sympathy for the policies democrats vote in favor of. I hope you get everything you deserve.

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