A US Army soldier discussed bomb-making techniques and bombing a major American news network's headquarters, as well as named presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke as a possible target before being arrested this weekend, according to court documents.
#CNN #News
US Army soldier arrested after allegedly discussing bombing news network

They are going to say mental illness
@No Worries Health & Wellness its true
And his mental illness is called TRUMP!
govt psyop
Most Trump supporters do have a mental illness
The “mental health” the caucrazians are terrorist that got this whole country with PTSD
Surprised??? Not at all.
Not even alil
I’m not surprised cause CNN has earned it
Yea, CNN committing treason on a daily basis is driving people crazy. I’m not surprised either.
even U.S soldiers can be a terrorist… scary
Even? Lol
Really that scares you think about what they do in other countries and what they can get away with this
@Mister Morgan like what and please name them
I’ve been the Army a long time, and I can tell you it has an uncanny ability to attract, shelter, and promote sociopaths who clearly have violent inclinations, whereas people who have no desire to be violent at all (and would only kill if absolutely necessary), are shunned.
Mister Morgan shut up troll
Just wait till one muslim does similar stuff and they go insane
@Miguel Solis Just like you turds Caca
@GMS AMARCORD SERPENTMEN EDUARDO IBARRA Islamism, is a belief that Islam should guide social and political as well as personal life. Still not a race! And you would still say “A white man” Not men! American people come in all colors and creeds. So Are you saying a white man from America, who was born in Germany? What type of white man are you afraid of? White people are not the enemy. The one who carries the hatred is!
Lord Vader No, your orange president
Are you a goldfish? The media has always gone insane when law enforcement stops a Jihadist from carrying out an attack.
Regrettably, the military is an attractive option for people with a desire to kill. Glad they caught this one.
Indeed! Amen thank god …
Yep. Probably get to kill more as a cop though . some of em have figured that out
That’s why I want to join the Army specifically. To kill, and to die.
@Air Itself be a cop.kill americans without con sequence then
@Kathymac1542 Mac Yeah but I hate law enforcement in general. They do get away with murder most of the time though.
Oh great another trump supporter lunatic
“I ain’t scared of al qaeda, I’m scared of al cracka.”
~ Chris Rock
Did they say he was white? Iβm too lazy to rewatch
π€£π€£π€£ seen that one coming a mile away
I canβt believe he is this mad that he really wants to kill fellow Americans… meanwhile al the dems talk about is trying to win the hearts of the right wing. Itβs a nice thought but not realistic
@Brandon Keys
Why Michael Richards(haven’t even heard that name in a decade lol) Did he say a bad word? Have you ever listened to Chris Rock, My god the whole show is just whining about race .
@Trev Dakine
No Trev I’m not Big league mad, just calling it like it is. A r@cist is a r@acist no matter the skin tone.
We need to get this government baking on track an Trumpler not helping.
βThere are four types of people who join the military. For some, itβs family trade. Others are patriots, eager to serve. Next you have those we just need a job. Then thereβs the kind who want the legal means of killing other people. β
Na, you don’t really get to do that in the military very often. those guys just become cops…
This is true. While in high school I remember hearing kids talk about joining our armed forces because they want to help this country. I also heard a couple wanting join just so they could kill another human. My jaw dropped when I first heard it come out of their mouth. I never thought any human could be that bad. But it’s very real. This is why I own guns. I will defend myself against those evil people.
@Aaron so you own guns so you can kill another human?
I feel bad for people getting wrapped up in this administrations constant propaganda.
People should be able to see through the blatant lies and be on the side of the American people instead of a traitor.
Gravitational Pull incorrect correction
Whether or not you mean to, when you say things like that you imply that these bigots and terrorists should receive sympathy when that is the last thing they deserve. Letβs be clear, most trump supporters are small minded bigots and terrorists or at best bystanders. Most of these people already had ugly beliefs which is why they gravitated towards a guy like Trump in the first place. All those dog whistles and fear mongering conspiracy theories have real world consequences for minorities, women and liberal leaning whites. Stop feeling bad for disgusting people who hurt others
@Brandon Keys I didn’t mean that at all.
mike conley Easily led sad individuals. Smh…
Notice they never mentioned Trump being inspiration in blowing CNN all to hell. CNN pisses people off in a serious way. Trump doesn’t have too tell me CNN is the enemy of the people I have eyes and ears.
when the president sounds off in public month after month, week after week, and day after day about how the press is ‘the enemy of the people’ we have to hold HIM accountable for this.
@Mike Thanks man. Much appreciated. Funnily that one we agree on. When I see MSM report on hate crimes, I can`t help but feel that there is a bias against those who are on the right regardless if they are extreme or not. The truth is that extremism happens on all sides. And any form forms of extremism is just wrong.
After my hospital stay, most of my more liberal friends and acquaintances tended to go into the politics of it all, whereas my right leaning ones talked more about finding the fuckers who beat me up. I felt better with the second group of friends then…. : )
@Rahim Majid lol have a good night. I’m about to crash. I enjoyed the argument. Good time to end since we both found something to agree with π
@Mike and its deserving
Most soldiers are patriotic Americans, but every military will also attract the enthusiastic killer.
They often will… Same with racist police officers who just want an excuse to harm people… But this dude isn’t just a guy who wanted to shoot people in combat… It seems pretty clean that he has a certain ideology and is leaning a certain way on the political spectrum
Most soldiers have no idea what they want to do with their life so they join the military, some may be patriotic but most are just looking for a job and a direction in life
Not according to the FBI.
His name is Jared? Let me guess, he ain’t Mexican or Muslim.
@GMS AMARCORD SERPENTMEN EDUARDO IBARRA FU Paco Mexico and all of Latin America is a sht hole look up on google the countries with the top 10 murder rates none are white countries…. White Americans invented everything you use including the laws that protect you… If we are so bad why are we being invaded by the brown hordes? Oh yeah free stuff and because they are too stupid and lazy to fix their own countries
@User name So you are G@Y ? no straight guy with a wife and kids would talk like you
do you always sound like a racist
Of course he ain’t bro everybody knows that Muslims and Mexicans and Latinos in general don’t cause the problems ..
.we know who really causes problems blacks and whites
@Mr. Sarcastic Like when you google images ( Idiot ) and get a picture of trump?
yes they keep trying to call antifa terrorist. they have never done anything other than fist fights with right wing bullies.
you are right, I’ve never heard of any other acts beyond that and a few reports of throwing objects (when it cannot be proven where those came from….)
@Connie Stone <--stupid antifa kunt
The rightwingers say Antifa are terrorists so they can justify their own terrorism.
@Connie Stone how about trying to shoot up a detention center ending with the guy being killed. Oh that’s right you people don’t ever get told news that isn’t about the right being bad do you.
*Thanks to the FBI, another American Terrorist is in the trash can.*
@NOTHING BURGER – CONFIRMED. still fantasizing about a grandma huh? Is it the wrinkles or the granny panties that you love most?πππ
Let’s hope Terrorist TRUMP is next!
Smith:. “I’m going to join the army.. When do I get to kill people?”
You’re an idiot
First day
I hope he gets every bit of 20 years in prison.
Ah, yet another republican domestic terrorist. Man itβs a shame all these mass shootings and these threats of bombs and bombs being sent in the mail tend to be republicans, mainly trump supporters. But hey, watch them try to blame something else or others
Too much extreme right wing media seems to warp these young people’s fragile minds. Hannity, Limbaugh, Jones, etc. should face a class action lawsuit for this sh!t some day. They’re classified as ‘entertainment’ so they can get away with lying to their audience instead of informing them like a news host would have to, but they’ve gone below entertainment to a place of inciting & radicalizing people. If we were a better society, the Carlsons & Ingrams wouldn’t have as broad a platform because people would be too ashamed to advertise on their shows.
Another right-wing wannabe mass murderer? *Gasps in fake shock*
NOTHING BURGER – CONFIRMED. You realize that more people think cnn is trustworthy compared to Fox News and trump combined right?
@Eclipse The Gambling Ocelot Then We’re Definitely Fucked..