Kristin Urquiza, who lost her father to COVID-19, tells Lawrence O’Donnell that Trump’s admission that he intentionally downplayed the threat of the virus is a “betrayal” and says her father and nearly 200,000 Americans might still be alive if Trump hadn’t “lied to the American public about the severity of the crisis.” Aired on 09/09/2020.
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Urquiza: It’s Clear Trump Knew About Threat Of Virus And ‘Decided To Lie’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
He should have 200 thousand personal lawsuits filed against him.
@Sarah Lee How does a doctor / hospital “stabilize a patient? Is there any possibility that efforts to stabilize a patient with something they really know little to nothing about could cause more harm than good? I.E., How many were prescribed “ventilators” … how many died on “ventilators”?
@Chris Klemos So, the idea is that once a person become so sick that they need to go to ER, that person is basically ‘done’. What the hospitals were/are doing is ‘life extension’ procedure. They are not ‘curing’ the patients. That was clearly understood about covid.
@Sarah Lee Nearly 90% of COVID-19 patients put on ventilators in New York’s largest health system died, study finds. Nearly all coronavirus patients who needed ventilators in New York’s largest health system to help them breathe died, a study found.Apr 23, 2020
Sounds like they really know what they are doing, eh?
@Sarah Lee So, do you really think that masks and lock-downs are going to interfere with the movement of Covid-19 through the populous in the US… or is it going to spread… no matter what… because lock-downs cannot be continued indefinitely (or does that not occur to the media or the Democrats) Or is Covid-19 just another something the Democrats blame Trump for – the existence of Covid-19, and the death toll?
I respectfully disagree! The ones who support this orange mess…. should except their fate if they were warned or the had an IQ above 44.
The next time a cat 5 hurricane is approaching the coast, the weather service should use the trump technique. Tell everyone a small thunderstorm is coming that will quickly go away. After all we don’t want anyone to panic.
Tell everyone it’s nothing and then redraw it with a sharpie on the weather map. M A G A !!
*THIS!* Perfect analogy.
He knew there was a deadly virus and throughout this time is still trying to take healthcare away from millions of people
John McCain stopped the repeal of Obamacare hes a hero.
Trump knew! Trump admits he knew!! And Trump admits he downplayed it. Trump admits he likes to continue to downplay it. Because of this, Trump is what caused hundreds of thousands of American deaths, irrespective of where the virus originated or whether it evolved naturally or was artificially created.
Even though most Americans voted against Trump, it is an unfortunate fact that the Electoral College mechanism overrode the will of the American people and made Trump President, and that means he was, by a quirk of American election system, placed in the position as COACH of team America, but Trump insists on being a “CHEERLEADER”, because he is unable to be a coach, let alone a player, he is only a cheerleader. That is also by Trump’s own admission, it is not my opinion.
Trump has the blood of 195,000 Americans on his hands
@ylass No, you won’t because he feels nothing & neither does his worshipers.
@nevermore from past . . . . Herman Cain cares.
@Michael Whitted He may feel something when incarcerated
He has filled a bath with their blood. He loves it. It makes his skin so soft.
A scandal every week since he took office.Can’t you Americans see he is the anti Christ and loves destruction !..Greetings from Granada Spain and once a American citizen..THANK GOD !!
Do you have a spare bedroom?
I want out of this country.
@Mark A N you are not alone. If he “wins” again i am out. Mexico..ecuador..costa rica..
@P Jones I’m saving money for South East Asia.
@Alcvin Ryūzen Ramos
No thanks.
I want nothing to do with a religion that includes Trump.
Trump is Putin’s puppet. When Trump was asked about Russia supplying weapons to the Taliban, Trump said, “Well, we supplied weapons when they were fighting Russia, too.” LOL Trump defended Russia in the exact same manner that Putin would have. In fact, it was almost as if the reporter was interviewing Putin himself, based on the lies, deflections, and whataboutisms that Trump gave as answers.
*Lying is what pathological liars do. BIGLY.*
p.s. *TRE45ON*
Trump knew! Trump admits he knew!! And Trump admits he downplayed it. Trump admits he likes to continue to downplay it. Because of this, Trump is what caused hundreds of thousands of American deaths, irrespective of where the virus originated or whether it evolved naturally or was artificially created.
Even though most Americans voted against Trump, it is an unfortunate fact that the Electoral College mechanism overrode the will of the American people and made Trump President, and that means he was, by a quirk of American election system, placed in the position as COACH of team America, but Trump insists on being a “CHEERLEADER”, because he is unable to be a coach, let alone a player, he is only a cheerleader. That is also by Trump’s own admission, it is not my opinion.
Let’s give credit where credit is due #yourefired #vote
So heartbreaking. So criminal and deliberate. I’m sorry for all those who lost family and those suffering. This was not just his doing. His supporters have ignored American families.
Oh i hate his supporters. They are as much to blame for my moms death as he us
I would still have my grandma with me if it weren’t for Trumps deliberate malicious lies
Trump thinks American soldiers are disgusting. The veterans that gave their lives for the country, calling them losers and suckers is disgusting. And yet Trump calls Putin strong. Americans can’t allow Trump to remain in power, must vote Trump out.
I didn’t want to create panic to the stock market.
@J not a fear campain, when it would have saved lives….. you relay are small minded
So true. And my mother died of covid too. I wish Trump had to know what this feels like
Exactly, you nailed it, Where Fans Meet. To him, money is far more important than people.
@nevermore from past Been there done that. Never died lol. Keep trying.
Daily Reminder: Trump said Corona Virus is a Democrat Hoax that will miraculously disappear.
But the cult will somehow deflect the blame
@Jus One *Always*
I travel through the poorest as well as the wealthiest communities in my State… and through the middle class as well… through communities of every color… rarely see a mask worn… (except to go into a store where it is mandated)
So many perceive it to be way over exaggerated.. so as to be a hoax!
Treason is in order.
While Americans were dying…how much did it cost to PROTECT Trump and his grifter children?
Let’s give credit where credit is due #yourefired #vote
Fake news playing on your emotions. So what what the President said about COVID when nobody really knew anything, Trump’s job is to be exactly as positive as possible. Not to spout gloom and doom as the Democrats and leftist media does. Imagine if during WWII FDR had made speeches about how horrible our troops are doing. Your view is distorted by the MSM like MSNBC and others who bash on our President for everything he does. Additionally, what your President says is of little consequence since COVID response is on the state level and for some strange reason the top 7 out of 10 cities with the highest COVID death rates are Democrat run states.
And remember, he, his staff, and his whole family are COVID tested daily while most Americans are scrambling for tests.
@Magus Peitub . . . . exactly where is the credit due? Certainly not with Donald Trump. After the Deutschebank scandal his credit is shot.
@Mox Avenger . . . As most Trumpsters do, you miss the point and did not listen to what she says here.
Donald Trump and the people who have represented the Trump all lie. Donald Trump and the people who have represented the Trump Administration and Donald Trump’s public face are all liars:
Donald Trump:
Kellyanne Conway:
Sarah Huckabee-Sanders:
Kayleigh McEnany:
Laura Ingraham:
MAGA: My Associates Get Arrested
Rick Gates: Convicted.
Paul Manafort: Convicted.
George Papadopoulos: Convicted.
Mike Flynn: Convicted.
Michael Cohen: Convicted.
Roger Stone: Convicted.
George Nader: Convicted.
Richard Pindeo: Convicted.
Alex van der Zwaan: Convicted.
Chris Collins: Convicted.
Duncan Hunter: Convicted.
Sam Patton: Convicted.
Bob Kraft: Arrested. Charged.
Steve Bannon: Arrested. Charged.
Louis DeJoy: Under investigation.
Rudy Giuliani: Under investigation.
Donald J. Trump: Under investigation.
Jared Kushner: Under investigation.
Donald J. Trump: Impeached, and once he’s
no longer a sitting president, indictments are coming.
Birds of a feather, flock together, and Trump’s gaggle of flockers just keeps getting larger and larger, by the day. Cohen tried to warn them, but they wouldn’t listen. Trump will throw anyone under the bus to save himself for just one more day. He demands unconditional loyalty but offers none in return. Those with any sense will jump ship, while they still have time – The SS Trumptanic is sinking.
Trump purposely lied. I’m not surprised in the slightest. Now we need someone to do something about it.
I Knew it was deadly, but I told everyone it would just go away.

So I created a Pandemic, Rather than have citizens be Gravely Concerned & Prepared.
I was really hoping it would go away. I should get a Noble peace Prize for avoiding that Panic.
Trump lies and American businesses, economy and communities die.
Well the virus didn’t disappear, but 195k Americans did. They’re gone.
And Im sure Trump loses no sleep over it.
“… like a miracle …” – what is near miraculous is that the GOP has stood idly by for four years, having made themselves complicit in what is arguably the worst presidency in American history.
I hope voters will keep this in mind when they cast their vote.
The deaths are collateral damage. Gotta keep the stock markets up. Money over people.. The American Way.
Anybody who lets Trump run with the notion that he lied to the country “to reduce panic” is enabling a murderer.
Trump doesn’t decide to lie; it’s his natural default.
Donald Trump should be held responsible even though he said:”I take no responsibility”. What a coward. Resign now.
Trump knew! Trump admits he knew!! And Trump admits he downplayed it. Trump admits he likes to continue to downplay it. Because of this, Trump is what caused hundreds of thousands of American deaths, irrespective of where the virus originated or whether it evolved naturally or was artificially created.
Even though most Americans voted against Trump, it is an unfortunate fact that the Electoral College mechanism overrode the will of the American people and made Trump President, and that means he was, by a quirk of American election system, placed in the position as COACH of team America, but Trump insists on being a “CHEERLEADER”, because he is unable to be a coach, let alone a player, he is only a cheerleader. That is also by Trump’s own admission, it is not my opinion.
Trump says he takes no responsibility because he doesn’t see himself as the coach of the team when he leads the team to failure, then he’s only the cheerleader. But when the team scores once or twice in a WHOLE season despite his hindrance, he takes responsibility then and claims he was the coach. It’s time to fire this pathetic loser cheerleader who has made suckers out of all those who still support him.
@D SP . . . well, Donald Trump has never taken responsibility for anything in his miserable life, so why should he now? Leopards don’t change their spots.
Make no mistake, what Trump did was a violation of his oath of office. It was a premeditated dereliction of duty. What he did is the equivalent of a Fire Chief out in California refusing to warn an entire neighborhood that the wild fires are headed straight for their homes, which resulted in the loss of countless lives.
David J it is premeditated murder he willfully lied to the American people about the severity of the virus which caused the death of 190 thousand people.
Exactly… his conduct is deplorable
remember, he read that poem, “the snake” that bites and kills the kind woman who helped the snake: “ …’stupid woman’, said the snake w a grin, ‘ you knew i was a snake when you took me in.” we’ve a;ways known who trump is. i dont get how this malignant narcissist has supporters. hes a psychopath.
Omg yeah i remember thinking how creepy that was. And playing a song like Live and Let Die at his OK rally where his staff removed the social distancing tape..
Well said, that sums trump up perfectly.
Because they’re exactly like him.
He says he did not want Americans to panic, but he is spreading panic EVERY TIME he speaks now!!