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Showaaa Victory as always
Chat bout JLP…..winning team..
Lovit no violence
Jlp. Time now
Cute and intelligent
A very intelligent and structure Camilla Johnson , showwwwwa
Your strategy has worked. I hope everyone in the nitty and gritty of the island is taken care. not only the greedy but also the needy.
Tvj. Gieaner. Rjr. Get a shallok them too bias. It is like they. Are spokeperson for. Pnp. Be balance. That will. Help the. Pnp. Rebuild we need a strong. Oposition.
Those media outlets are not getting it. Year after year, election after election and they still make their view unbalanced. People did not listen to them, victory went to the JLP.
johnson the girl to the world johnson we name
Showa lobour right jlp win I like that showa jeffery nuff love
Showaaa labourite
enough blood already shed for this election to win I hope thar’s it Jamaica should be free of the sacrifices now