Up To 1-In-4 Testing Positive For Coronavirus In Houston | MSNBC

David Gura is reporting some hospitals in Houston are reaching capacity as the city hit a record number of cases in a single day. Aired on 07/03/2020.
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Up To 1-In-4 Testing Positive For Coronavirus In Houston | MSNBC


    1. Walter Godsoe — Absolutely, I am a Republican who will be voting against Trump, Abbott and Patrick in future elections. I didn’t vote for these idiots because their stupidity, but now I have to vote against them to remove them from positions of Power. They are destroying all that good and right in people — dividing the country and state. Greg Abbott is okay, but siding with Trump was an complete and total failure of Leadership. Had Texas waited till June 1st and gone with a Slow re-opening based on the CDC guidelines then the hospitals would not be at capacity as they are today. 🤓

    2. 500 billion ppp taxpayer dollars unaccounted for, IG removed
      #DONTHECON is running the con of his life on America killing Americans in the process

    3. Is there no national plan for dealing with the virus b/c trump wants the states in a month to go bankrupt ?

    1. @Bill Wilson Then why is my province hospitalization rate keep going down? Because we took the virus seriously, we have a public healthcare, we have two separate governments that cares about their people, even if one of them wants independance from the federal, they still work together to protect lives. And only the opposition went for the political route, trying to stop the federal from helping people, and look were we are right now, we are leagues, and leagues, better than the USA, covid will magically disappear in september if we keep the border closed, if we keep socially distancing, no lockdowns, just making sure to not spread the virus, to trace it, wearing mask, and most important of all, not being together.

    2. Is there no national plan for dealing with the virus b/c trump wants the states in a month to go bankrupt ?

    3. @Erika Johnson trump destroyed the pandemic response department because it was created by obama

  1. I 100% hold Donald Trump and Greg Abbott responsible for this. They care more about money than human lives.

    1. @Double_EE
      We all know the origin of the virus …but at this point that’s irrelevant. The virus is here and spreading like a wildfire due to the stupidity and incompetence of this orange baboon. …most of the countries the were impacted by the virus before the US now have the virus under control. Yet 6 months on we are still in darkness….we are still debating about masks, we are still refusing to follow any advice or guidelines put out there by experts.
      We’re now averaging 50k plus infections per day …I mean how is it that this is possible a country that has so much resources, technology, science, talent etc…allows this to continue?

      But y’all can whine about China or any of you bs while the problem is right under your nose …

    2. WOW he didn’t DIE! Are the recent spikes due to increased testing & due to leaders ignoring & allowing large groups of non-Violent “PROTESTS”? What are the hospitalization rates due to CV19 ONLY, very LOW, people are in the hospital for medical procedures that are long over do and people are being released way quicker, RIGHT? And what are the ICU bed rates due to CV19 ONLY? Yes beds are full, but, only 1 in 4 are due to CV19, RIGHT? What is the NEW CV19 related Death Rate due to CV19 ONLY. With less people dying and large numbers of new CASES, the death rate must be very very low, RIGHT?

    3. Is there no national plan for dealing with the virus b/c trump wants the states in a month to go bankrupt ?

    1. Is there no national plan for dealing with the virus b/c trump wants the blue states in a month to go bankrupt ?

    2. Houston TX here, that’s going to be a hard “no thanks”, we don’t need the Trump circus to come to town.

    3. @Pedro Guerra Yeah, Democrat cities are doing so well. No need for people to hear a different point of view.

    1. howdareyou41 just warming up, America in large areas still think it’s a fake or just the flu

    2. @hmmcinerney you’re also very unlikely to need that with Covid…considering the actual recorded fact that most people recover from it within two weeks. Facts life matter too

    3. @J F A S H Depends on who “you” are. If you’re a cancer patient, someone with diabetes, someone with a lung condition, someone who is elderly (15% of the population), then this illness has a good chance of either killing you or leaving you debilitated and recovering for months. But I understand that for the “pro-life” right, certain lives don’t matter.

  2. Looks like Dan Patrick got what he wanted.
    And congregating without a mask in church is allowed — good idea.

    1. @Doug Lowe Common sense? Point out the comment from these people that shows common sense. Its just a bunch of hateful people that hate God. I come to these msnbc videos just to see the comments from people, i could easily go to foxnews and be comfortable, but i want to see the other side. All i see is hate on the democrat side.

    2. @Doug Lowe Also, I didnt vote for trump but you called him divisive, incompetent, and a criminal. Can you give me an example of how he has done each of these 3 things?

    3. @Jesse Lowry go read the comments on the fox news video about bayonets, comfortable with that?

    4. @StoneMonkey3D I think i would rather read comments on msnbc videos about burning, looting, and defacing property and labeling these people as peaceful. Not to mention the comments calling police pigs and such. You children have lost your way and have no idea of what common sense is and most of all…morals. Continue with your hate and rebellion against police, you are going down a dark an idiotic path.

    1. But Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick said elderly people are “dispensable”. ☠️ 💀 ☠️ And this is reality – not Sarah Palin dreaming up the “death panel” fantasy… 🐥 🤷‍♂️ 🐥

    1. Is there no national plan for dealing with the virus b/c trump wants the blue states in a month to go bankrupt ?

    2. If the experts had been ignored yes we could have avoided this. But they need funding and to be needed. And the fakenews media feeds them. Cheers

    3. @foreigner fan ok… Please slow down. Explain your post.
      It was as clear as mud.
      Thank you.

  3. COVID-19: “I took the “don’t mess with Texas” challenge, and won. People in Texas are now wearing t-shirts that say ” Don’t mess with COVID-19.”

    1. @TORBEN Texas, and don’t hate, not everyone here shops at your moms favorite store “big and tall”

  4. Trump: “There are small embers. We will put them out perfectly. We’re really doing good with this virus.” Incompetence personified.

    1. @David Hale Why is it with some of you Americans, that you utterly mangle the beautiful language we gave you? Let me re-write it for you correctly “It IS good to know YOU’RE listening to him.”

    2. @David Hale It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.

    3. Is there no national plan for dealing with the virus b/c trump wants the blue states in a month to go bankrupt ?

  5. All of this could have been prevented with a federal three week shutdown in April that every state and every citizen followed. But no, we can’t have nice things in Amurka.

    1. Is there no national plan for dealing with the virus b/c trump wants the states in a month to go bankrupt ?

  6. We’re not back to where we were 3 months ago– it’s worse, and only going to worsen further based on the rate of positive tests.

    1. You want more people to get it and survive. Death rate is below the flu now. Cheers from Toronto

  7. Lets see Canada has flattened their curve and here in the US we
    put our curve in a rocket ship.
    I wonder whats the difference between the countries? Humm?

    1. In Canada we dont pay our hospitals $15000 per covid case. We also dont have lowlife politicians like Democrat and Republicans. Cheers from Toronto

    2. Canada’s success: 1. universai healthcare so that no one is denied care and no one stays home because he/she cannot afford hospital 2. leadership and bipartisan support 3. Army called in to support first line responders 4. closing the US border 5. listening to medical experts 6. providing financial support to individuals and small businesses so they do not feel too pressured to reopen prematurely. Most advanced countries did more or less the same and have flattened their curves. US is the only one with a second spike worse than the first one.

    3. We had our issues, no doubt, but I think it’s that we didn’t make this nearly as much, or even at all, of a political or rights/freedoms issue

  8. This is bad. Soon they will impliment the “who should get bed and who should get a ventilaor.”
    People will be told to go home… To die.
    Isolate. Wear a mask. Wear a face shield if you can’t wear a mask. Wash your hands. Keep your hands, away from your face. Learn how to put on and remove your mask properly. Wash your environment often. Taps, switches knobs…
    Don’t linger inside stores.
    Please, be safe.

  9. *If you want the positivity rate to be 0%, just stop testing.*

    1. IKR kinda like if you are in a car crash and you don’t get Xrays then you don’t have any broken bones!

    2. A lot of people say it goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in.

      Also Trump

  10. Trump, “I saved hundreds of thousands of lives”. Those who’re going to vote for this fella are legally brain-🇩🇪🇦🇩.

    1. WOW he didn’t DIE! Are the recent spikes due to increased testing & due to leaders ignoring & allowing large groups of non-Violent “PROTESTS”? What are the hospitalization rates due to CV19 ONLY, very LOW, people are in the hospital for medical procedures that are long over do and people are being released way quicker, RIGHT? And what are the ICU bed rates due to CV19 ONLY? Yes beds are full, but, only 1 in 4 are due to CV19, RIGHT? What is the NEW CV19 related Death Rate due to CV19 ONLY. With less people dying and large numbers of new CASES, the death rate must be very very low, RIGHT?

    2. Is there no national plan for dealing with the virus b/c trump wants the states in a month to go bankrupt ?

  11. Maybe they should change the name from covid 19 to MS 13. Then people would realize how deadly the virus is.

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