Oksana Klausmann discusses her experience flying out of Toronto and the chaos and confusion at Pearson Airport.
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so those ppl crossing at roxham qc from usa will be sent to niagara hotels for work?? or baggage handlers? regardless…minimum wage is a form of abuse just like human trafficking but the difference is both are legal in this case!
Did you just compare paying someone a fair wage (significantly above the world poverty line ) to human trafficking?
Thank Trudeau! Expensive food, rent, gas and chaos everywhere!
Inflation is worldwide. Nothing to do with our PM
Self educate and one can see what jt has done. Just remember 3 years! And no more Mr fancy socks
Canada is becoming a laughing stock on so many issues.
OMG. I want to move to America so bad now.
@Jake Arsenta Wait until the GOP took the house and senate in the coming Midterm.
@Jake Arsenta so move, dont forget your kevlar
Oh calm down.
It has been for years but for some reason ppl are brainwashed by brands
Thanks, Omar Alghabra! Thanks, Jagmeet Trudeau!
accepting diversity is so challenging
Welcome to Trudeau`s Canada.
@TheRealPVC seaside mom is on glue
@Seaside Mom Not in America. Can’t wait to move out of Canada
@Jake Arsenta Way you go then. It is for the best.
welcome to canada
LMAO!!! Same in UK at Heathrow. place is a mess
Hope you don’t need to visit the Hospital……
Out of curiosity here: isn’t this kinda dangerous all this over crowding in the airport? What if there’s a fire?
Or worse, a Covid outbreak!
@TourCaddie lol
Avoid Pearson at all costs.
-Pay more, if needed, to fly out and into the country through YYC, YVR, YWG, YEG etc.
-Avoid Air Canada
-Avoid chequing bags
-Avoid short layovers
More like avoid Canada ENTIRELY! I’m moving to the USA. Canada can’t get anything done right.
I don’t blame you. Blame Justin for that.
Get yourself a one way ticket out of Canada
@Jake Arsenta this is a problem all over the world these days. However, Air Canada has really messed up their treatment of staff. Pilots and flight attendant wages and benefits and staff relations have all deteriorated as AC has squeezed more exec comp and profit out
I guess forcing pilots to choose between vaccines and flying wasnt such a great idea.
this is not about vaccines. This is about airlines choosing extra exec bonuses over staff retention and valuing staff
You knew this, yet still you went. I don’t feel bad for them.
When you have a liar as the minister of public “safety” what do you expect?
That’s what u get for jabbing up
Maybe the military needs to get involved in major airports…
I wonder if this is just a Pearson airport thing. My sister-in-law with 2 little kids flew to Japan through YVR. It was fine. No issues. Her flight was at noon. She flew on a Sunday. Maybe I am not finding the videos, but I don’t see other airports having disruptions similar to Pearson airport.
it’s everywhere! Europe, UK etc. Some airports are worse than others.
Pearson is the worst.
Toronto should stop voting liberal and have a clean airport. Liberal what a shame.
How could such a thing happen with all that “Canadian Experience”?
What a shame of an airport
Great, my dad is coming from the UK tomorrow and I’m freaking out…