Unprepared, Unequipped Mike Bloomberg Makes First Debate Appearance | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Morning Joe panel recaps the first debate appearance by former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg, who faced criticism for past comments about women and his refusal to release women who worked for him from nondisclosure agreements. Aired on 2/20/2020.
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Unprepared, Unequipped Mike Bloomberg Makes First Debate Appearance | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Unprepared, Unequipped Mike Bloomberg Makes First Debate Appearance | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Senator Sanders is sitting there thanking the Lord that Senator Warren has found a new punching bag for the evening dot dot dot

  2. 44 lawsuits – (the pay offs that were DOCUMENTED), “it was a JOKE … I mean, can’t pregnant women take a JOKE about ‘killing it;?”

    1. Enuph Sayd the only paid trolls are the shills who support Bloomberg, he’s the one who is spending money and buying endorsements from dnc, media, YouTube influencers and bots.

    2. @Bj D 😂😂 Who??? Are you talking about Mr-Draft-Dodger-Bonespur-daddy-please-find-a-doctor’s-note tRump?? 😂😂 #HaveAGreatDay 😂😂

    1. Lest you forget, no one expected DJT to win either. Or the 1986 Mets, or the Giants ruining the Pats perfect year…but they did. In NYC, politics are sports, and EVERYone hates NY bc we win A LOT.
      I wouldnt be surprised if Bloomberg wins. Money makes the world go round, not internet comment sections.🤔

    2. @RezRising DJT is charismatic and a natural politican who taps into the Id of his base. As a former Republican, I’d vote for Bloomberg over Sanders, but he needs to perform a lot better. He’ doesn’t need to be Bill Clinton, just competant.

  3. Yes!!! This is the Warren that I missed! Reminds me of when she was trying to take on those corporate greeders for the working class. Keep this up, Liz! I thought I lost you there.

    1. @Mr V What free college education? She claimed to be maybe 1/32 NA, which wouldn’t qualify her for ANY Native American benefits. The DNA test showed a Native American Ancestor “6-10 generations ago.” That means she didn’t lie, she played up a family legend but got no financial benefit from doing so. Fact check before you post.

    2. @Tim Knepper Fact check before you post. DNA showed a Native American ancestor far back in her family 6-10 generations back, she only claimed to be 1/32 which doesn’t qualify a person for ANY of those Native American benefits you claim she stole, and there is no evidence that she ever benefited from her story.

    3. @Margaret Peeler Warren’s Lineage
      I.E Washington Post.

      Warren has claimed Cherokee and Delaware Indian heritage, but the only proof so far seems to be stories she says she heard from family members as a child. Cherokee groups have demanded documentation of the candidate’s Native American ancestry, but she hasn’t delivered.

      Source: The Washington Post. And yes. She did get financial assistance for minority status.

    4. @Karen Shaub She may have not had her whole entire college education paid for, but she lied about her heritage to get financial assistance.

    1. @I.P. DAILY
      Let’s see shall we? We have established the baseline right? ie the republicans lies all the time🤨

    2. That is what, 0.66% of his net worth? That is like the average person worth 1 million spending $6600. Do you spend 6/10ths of a percent of your net worth on a vacation each year?

  4. Saying, “I’m a philanthropist.” Isn’t handling it well. We don’t want to be told by you what we need. We want to decide for ourselves.

    1. “i get tax cuts for donating to organizations that wouldnt need to exist if i werent hoarding a scrooge mcduck pile of money tho!”

    1. I think of all my buddies who got messed with for being black and Hispanic on the street and sometimes hit or thrown to the curb. Mike deserves at least as much. He got off easy last night, and I’m sure he’s in a hot tub now overlooking NYC while being fed lobster and filet by one of his “handlers”.

    2. @Ben Frank You seriously want a broke homosexual or elitist Indian to run the White house?
      R u dumb?

    1. @Domino Ryan I win, bc I 1) Live in NYC. Better than where you are, trust me, 2) Live in a safer city than you. Better than where you are, trust me, and 3) live in a cleaner city than you, trust me.
      Btw, know how we say “F#@< off" in NYC? I'm gonna tell you right now... Trust me.

    1. Since Bloomberg and Lorne Michaels have been friends for 25 years, it will probably just be a height joke or two, nothing with teeth like they do to DJT.
      Bloomberg might even be ON the show this week.

  5. Seems like antiquity…Historians looking back to the Obama
    years, concluding journalists must have been bored out of their wits, having to
    report on the most controversial issues of their day, the wearing of the Presidential
    tan suit and his wearing of Mom jeans, and oh yes, his smoking, keeping it
    hidden from The First Lady as he continues his secession from the habit.

  6. Bloomberg: “I’m so nice, I’m giving away free money to the DNC”
    Bernie: “Yeah that’s the problem.”

    1. @Isadora Lavina-MacLeod point being the DNC & GOP are the real mobsters , bought and paid for by corporate lobbyist money, bribery is legal in the states. Ross Perot told us that in 1992.

    2. @Robert M Woods You don’t win elections with small donor donations and far-left socialism, you administer your purity test for your base who applaud, and Donald Trump is re-elected and appoints 2 more judges who will make sure there is no eletoral finance reform for the next 50 years. Al Gore told Ralph Nader voters that in 2000.

    3. @Isadora Lavina-MacLeod About last nite on Bloomberg.

      For a guy who doesn’t like socialism, he sure paid a lot to become publicly owned

    4. @Robert M Woods Yes, he did. And if Bernie Sanders is the nominee, and repeats the performance of the energised populist far-left in the UK, France, or Germany it may be a historic defeat for Democrats, and 4 more years of Trump will murder the institutions of our Republic and it’s cherished demcracy.

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