Unprecedented restrictions in Italy over coronavirus outbreak

In an unprecedented and potentially legally fraught move, all of Italy and its 60 million residents have been restricted, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced, part of a raft of sweeping quarantine measures intended to contain the outbreak. CNN's Ben Wedeman reports.
#Coronavirus #CNN #News


    1. Yeah same here. Looking forward to smking pot and gaming for the next month or so. Then again def my choice

  1. If everyone self quarantines for a few weeks there’s probably gonna be a bit of a baby boom come Christmas.

    1. @panthera50 In Italy three weeks ago there were 2-3 cases.

      The smartest thing to do is to avoid the risk of contagion (contacts between people, especially in closed places). BUT the biggest risk of contagion, as verified here in Italy, was entering the hospital.
      So in addition to limiting social contacts, try to avoid riding a bicycle, riding a motorbike, doing any activity that has the risk of hospitalization. Planning to have a baby at the moment is not a good idea. It probably will be when it all ends.

      Don’t panic, but take precautions. Good humor and irony are useful, but be careful to not underestimate the problem. Stay away from people. Stay away from the doctors. Stay away from hospitals.

    1. Jeanne – from “Contagion “ – this quote has been done to death. At least try to be original

    2. try to keep distance from other people at least 2 meters to advoid infected. buy things online and never touch uncertain things directly by hands, use alcohol to clean things frequently.thats what we did in china. we now have controlled the increasing very well. we can see the totally disappearance very soon!

  2. I’m from Italy and this virus is not a joke.

    Two weeks ago (even 5 days ago) we believed that the situation wasn’t so dangerous. We laughed at it, we made jokes about it, we thought that it’s a typical case of stupid journalism, we heard doctors who underestimate the problem and others who overestimate the problem, politicians made the usual silly war between them, using every moment to praise themselves or denigrate the opposition. No one had the real perception of the gravity of the problem.

    Now every day the situation is getting worse. The problem is not only the virus but the diffusion and the hypotetical collapse of the National Sanitary Service. Not all the country is ready to face an epidemy.

    Then, please don’t underestimate the problem. And remember that the responsability is yours. Every person, young and old, workers and sportsman, must follow the rules. Stay at home as much as you can, clean your hands often and limit social contacts.

    It’s not a war between politicians or states or economies. Be responsable. Each of you

    1. Bro they said that we’re facing pandemy right now and not just epidemy.
      It’s unreal. FORZA UNIAMOCI.

  3. And we don’t even have test kits in the US.

    Seattle and New York will soon become Wuhan and Italy….

    P.S.: The doctor made great points on why it’s worse than a flu, also another important point is… 10% of people will get very seriously ill and their lungs cannot breath, the only reason they don’t die is because of ICU and artificial ventilation machines. So a hospital can handle a few hundred patients at most, but imagine 10% of New York City get ill… then hundreds of thousands people will die and hospital will collapse.

    1. Facts on test kits.
      1.1 million test kits in the hands of State Medical authorities. 1 million more in transit or in stock.
      4 million more will be available in a few days.
      No you can’t just go and get tested every day because you feel like it.
      You call a doctor a clinic or a hospital if you have symptoms. The doctor you talk to will inform you of isolation procedures part of the market today and after an examination the doctor will decide if you need to be tested and then acquire a test. I hope this stops the drama queening and Hysteria.

    2. @Earnest Lee Saddened 1.1 million test kits available… oh wow… did Trump twit out this number? Is that why they don’t release the number of patients tested? FACT: in my state WA, the center of the outbreak, about 3000 people have been tested so far, that’s hundreds per day.

    3. @kevinmsft are you triggered by facts, that’s so pitiful. I do hope you get your daily fill of drama queen in.

  4. Watching this from the future (from Italy). Listen to this doctor, stay at home as much as you can!! It has already spread worldwide, please be smart and be safe.

    1. @Philip Hayes So only “positive” speech will be tolerated by the government you fascists intend to create? No thanks…

    2. @China Virus Fascist? Do you even know who I am? You’re just an ignorant underdeveloped American child who knows absolutely nothing about the world we live in. This situation has absolutely nothing to do with politics and everything to do with ignorant incompetent people like you!

    3. @Philip Hayes I know you want government to ban free speech and that makes you a Fascist…America is the most developed country in history. We Americans provided you third-worlders with electric light, flight, computers, the internet, etc. What has your crappy little country contributed to the world in the last 100 years?!? You are just a silly little person from a silly little country…

    4. @China Virus okay mr. China virus for your pathetic little information I’m American and I live in the city of Denver Colorado for your fucking information that shows how stupid and ignorant you are. The United States is not the most developed country in the world, the only thing that we lead the world in is in military power and that’s it. We have some of the highest mortality rates, some of lowest life expectancy rates, lowest literacy rates, lowest educational attainment rates, lowest health coverage rates, highest crime rates and highest murder rates in the industrialized world. We are not the most developed country in the world! We are one of the most ignorant countries in the world evidenced by your stupid comments! Here you are saying that I’m from a little country and then I’m a fascist, when in reality I’m an American libertarian from the good old state of Colorado. go ahead bro keep making your ignorant comments and making yourself look pathetic. by the way some of the smallest countries in the world are the most industrialized, the most successful and the most developed, unlike your brain!

  5. FORZA ITALIA!!! To all Italians people all my support and love…Mi pais Preferido que aun no visito! Elevar sus vibraciones 🙏☝️🙏☝️🙏☝️🙏Un abrazo Hermanos!

    1. @Elkslayer exactly typical American who has nothing intelligent to say just a bunch of racist insults

  6. Nation of beautiful people, I wish you a fast recovery and as little loss as possible. The whole world is with you. We love you!

    1. @Rob Perry “Nation of Patsies and they need to get some spine” says the ignorant American. So what exactly do you mean by that? Are you saying Italians are weak because they are doing a quarantine? let me remind you that the United States has some of the highest transmission rates of the coronavirus in the world and is pretty soon going to be worse than Italy! I guess you guys just start growing your spine’s now before it’s too late. LMAO

    1. @Tony Smith Delusional thinking won’t save you from the coronavirus. Washing your hands, mass quarantining and developing a vaccine- all human achievements- will bring about a solution. Not prayer or any sky daddy. Just good ol’ fashion evidence based thinking.

  7. In Japan, not enough testing is being done. It is certain there are many more people are infected, but the government is not testing many people for it.

    1. China is the devil in the world, please do not trust China! Do not learn from China! People in China have no human right , but we should have human right and freedom in Japan and Europe! So Do not lock the country ! Let people free to go!

    2. Stories of people trying to get tested but private hospitals don’t want to. But then when did Japan deal with any crisis well?

    1. BUT, if the U.S. goes on lockdown all you bellyachers will be screaming “my rights, I have rights, you can’t stop me from going where I want, you can’t make me stay at home”. Then the accusations will fly how the government is taking over and controlling us….which the liberals should enjoy, that’s what they are voting for !

      Everyone needs to quit bitching and do your part, they’ve given recommendations to protect yourselves and your loved ones and how not to spread it, now do your part. And if you need to be tested you’ll be tested but they’re not going to waste a test just because you want something rammed up your nose !
      And having the tests available is a far cry from having the facilities to process all the tests, educate yourself a little bit about healthcare and what it takes to test, process a specimen and to treat !!!!!

      Ignorance and just repeating bullshit you’ve heard someone say is more dangerous than the virus !!!!

    2. john Stetson hahahaha……then the Millennials will have to get a job and pay their own way in life ….hahahahaha

    3. What a China is? a university student was dead recently caused in spence of only 0.28 USD per day for foods in 5 years!

    1. lemme drop some facts on ya, the flu has already killed 18000 people and cancer kills more people than that a DAY. You have way more of a chance of getting either of those things than corona. This virus isn’t even bad anyway, if you’re under the age of 20 the death rate is .2 percent, don’t fret there’s no reason to, you’re gonna be fine. stay clean.

    2. also the media doesn’t include the 50k plus that have recovered. if you pick around you can get unbiased information about this topic. cnn is totally misconstruing this for views.

  8. I live in Italy, thank you for the encouraging comments from all over the world, everything will be back as soon as before 🙏

    1. I’m Italian, Thank you, I apprecciate. 🙂
      we still have a good mood, we just stay at home for 2 week
      to protect our elderly people. After we ‘ll come back kicking. Byy.

    2. Damn straight man all of those illegal aliens that just walked over Italy’s border no vetting no question the world is with them. Should I become xenophobic as fast as Trump did.

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