Springboard to Progress CEO Aisha Nyandoro discusses the results of her organization’s guaranteed income program for mothers in Jackson, MS and why we can’t afford to stigmatize poverty during the pandemic.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Universal Basic Income Would Give Americans ‘Breathing Room’ During The Crisis | MSNBC
The US is the most money-oriented country on Earth. They miss what’s important because of it.
@Fighter Pilot you got that right!
yes only cvntz like pelosi can kerp her 125 million U WIN DUMBFCC OF THE DAY
@Marisa Mary hello Marisa, I’m very sorry about your kidney transplant. I’m assuming you live in Canada? I only ask because I work in the healthcare and I have never ever heard a 1000 dollar copay. Especially with insurance. No cosmetic plastic surgery? That’s the only field I am unsure of….but either way it is against the law in the United STATES to price gouge, and that is definitely a HUGE price gouge . Most doctors would not break the law for 1000 bucks. They definitely have big and better ways that are harder to prove. PRESIDENT TRUMP is a actually trying to fix that problem with medicare. So many CORRUPT people here, CORRUPTION does not discriminate.

. Anyhoo when Obama was in office he said he fights for the minorities and LOW INCOME but we all found out that wasmt the case. He allowed ANYONE that did not work to recieve snap benefits (foodstamps) and medicaid. Everyone thought that was so great as did I since I had the aid for myself and children so I understood the importance of such a bill to be signed in. But as a society 10 yrs ago and today we have MANY MANY people that think they do not need to work because they are being fed and can go to doc if needed for free. We are human with all the negative and positive ethical behaviors that comes with it, there is no stopping it , except through parental guidance , community programs that also teach and public figures that LEAD BY EXAMPLE , wats morally right and wrong.
But most people don’t know this because Obama in 2013 signed a bill that included propaganda from the media . So our news anchors are allowed to manipulate our news feed into garbage . They look pitiful on the telly , contridictions every week. Lies after lies. More like gossip from the Enquirer than anything. Conflict of interest every day , you know like wen someone supports and aids in one subject to the point of total ruin of the other subject its conflicting with.
Then wen wat they encouraged happens, they then act as though THAT is equally as destructive but with a unsettling gloating in their words and emotions. It’s kinda like a police officer that is there to help citizens , be fair with citizens, but murders them and goes back to the SCENE as detectives and MEDIA sworn the area, like he gets off on it. Disgusting… wven our google and YouTube are biased in their news feed. You have to practically know exactly wat your looking for , like factcheck.org or something. You cant just ask a open question and think you will get the truth, or if there is someone telling a different perspective of that truth they make sure it’s not obvious for anyone to see. You have to go thru pages of different sites that all have same rhetoric. Do the Canadians do the same wen communicating to their citizens worldly
Ongoings? Lol they have even went so far as to make each article of the COVID19 articles CURRENT. mostly from April 2020, reporting different facts from wat was originally reported. But I do have some good news alot of this will be coming out in the open soon
Factcheck.org will be first there are 2 factchecks that are complete False and untrue. They have been turned in to the OIG and is pending upon investigation.
Working hard for yourself and family teaches things like self esteem, confidence, responsibility, etc.I’m confident we all want honesty compassion, respectfulness for one another and happiness. Instead we CURRENTLY have ENTITLEMENT, VICTIMHOOD , MANIPULATION, INDUSED DISCRIMINATION , THE OFFENDED BEING TAUGHT THEY HAVE A CHOICE STAY OR LEAVE THE OFFENDING SITUATION , THEY TAKE OUR FREEDOMS ONE BY ONE AWAY.
It’s awful. The minorities and low income
Suffered as a result of this belief in
” it’s your right to have food and medical paid for by the backs of others. We lost half our snap and lost many services covered by Medicaid. As we worked harder to get off aid and eventually did we were met with the HIGH price of “affordable healthcare” lol…22000 single children grown and on their own , gets you 250 a month w a 20000 deductible. And if you cant afford it, now they fine u every yr starting at 750. I had read someone’s comment saying 4 French experts studied socialism. I advise them to study the human nature first. Because with any advancement in anything all aspects of research needs to identify and resolve issues surrounding the issue.
@Spunn Center Wtf are you even trying to say? Is this english?
jools2323. How long will it take to get to get back to the world before the Corona virus? some think never. They have good reasons to think like that. Many companies, airlines, cruise lines, hotels, retailers, elements of the service industry, and more will have disappeared, unable to weather the storm. Unemployment will remain high. Marry this to the impending tsunami of technological innovations of artificial intelligence and clever machines just waiting to swamp our manufacturing and service industries. Who will need expensive and unreliable humans? Sure there will jobs for a handful, but for the vast majority of us, who come to the work place needing occasional sleep, and go to the bathroom, get sick and want vacations? thank you and goodbye. So what’s going to happen to us. It’s already happened to tens of millions, principally the ones whose jobs have being shipped abroad over the last two or three decades. The ones who turned in their desperation to the only saviour they saw, and are desperately hanging on to his false promises of bringing jobs back and making America great again. Will we all be left to die without food, shelter or health care? Probably not. So what to do? Get rid of money. There are other and better ways of exchanging credit. Hopefully a system which will curb the ridiculous ambitions of a few lucky, or ruthless individuals from cornering the market and stashing billions in offshore accounts. All fit and able folk will be tasked with community duties for which they together with the unfit, the young and the old will receive credit. Probably in the form of digital currency. The system will be geared to encourage individual enterprise and learning for extra credit. There will be a base level of housing, and health care below which no individual will need to forgo, unless they so choose. It’s impossible for me to realistically envision any other system except a sort of dog eat dog dystopia. What do you think?
Why is it we the people have to beg for our tax dollars to help us but the rich just ask once and get it?? So many thought Yang was crazy for wanting UBI and now that this is happening to them it’s a different story.. Pathetic
@athena icaria hahahahahahhahaha paid taxes ahahhhhhhhhhhhh
Two reasons. One is because our republican and democratic reps are being pimped by their main interest donors. Second, just look at the comments in this section and throughout…don’t you love your fellow Americans?
Yang was crazy because he wanted to give everyone $1000 and then tax everyone 15%+ for VAT tax for everything. You in the end would be getting the $1k and paying it all back in insane taxes.
@citizenxgen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1PJjn0Z6rw
Because the Republicans can shout “socialism”, and that is all it takes to shut it down.
It’s a joke that Trump is constantly trying to compare the outbreak in the US to heavily affected European countries. Countries such as Belgium and the UK have a population density roughly 10 times higher than that of the US.
The US should not be anywhere near European countries in terms of cases/deaths per capita but it is, despite it’s geographical advantage.
Almost 40% of the cases and deaths are in one state you ignorant buffoon. But don’t let that stop your anti-american rant. You’re bound to get a bunch of likes here, if you crap on the country.
You had Yang and Bernie but you had to screw it.
@Laura Lafauve “I could explain to you how the Democratic party rigged the primary…”
No you can’t, because they didn’t rig the primary. Sanders just isn’t as popular as you think he is with the Democratic base.
@BrotherAlpha you’ve already stated your unwillingness to look outside of your narrow box. If you don’t look, you probably won’t see it, huh?
Yang is about 20 years ahead of his time. Eventually due to automation and AI and robotics we will need UBI. People will still work but it will be in jobs they enjoy, not jobs they must do to just pay bills.
@Tim Marshall UBI will happen eventually. Not everyone can be computer programmers or robotics engineers or AI coders. Those will be the most highly paid jobs in the future.
@Laura Lafauve Wrong. I’m willing to look outside my narrow box. HOWEVER, you claimed you looked for evidence and failed to find it, despite it being out there in droves. That’s clear evidence you refused to look, which makes this projection.
Your argument ignores Obama. Obama was able to come in in 2008 and overturn what the establishment wanted, so the DNC didn’t rig that election. If they rigged the elections in 2016 and 2020, you should be able to point to rule changes they made to do so. If not, then they didn’t rig the election, Sanders just wasn’t popular enough with the base.
So what rules were changed? I’ve asked this plenty of times before and never gotten a proper answer. Not once.
The Fed has DUMPED over $33 TRILLION into Wall St since 2008, and the BAILOUT had $4 TRILLION for BILLIONAIRES AND MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS, but real Americans get a pittance. Anybody that thinks our government isn’t owned by the BILLIONAIRES is LIVING in dream land.
@Danny Burke
Then I guess you’ve never had a bank account that paid you interest?
I’m not taking about some fantasy of being owed by simply existing, but owed the same by law in legal and financial matters.
@To The Point
50 percent of american household have stock. 50 percent of american household isnt rich. AS of 2020, the top 10 percent of Americans owned an average of $969,000 in stocks. The next 40 percent owned $132,000 on average. For the bottom half of families, it was just under $54,000. You want to tax poor people?
@Vahaki Walahu
I also own some stocks. I am not in the 1%, but I am comparison with most of the world “rich”, so yes if I can afford to buy stocks I can afford a one-half percent tax on those stocks.
@Vahaki Walahu
You obviously don’t understand what it means to be poor.
@To The Point
You want to tax people who own 80,000$ stock to give to poorer people? That is stupid. Which is apparently want democrats want. Small shareholder should get a refund.
When Yang proposed UBI Trump called it welfare. Now Trump is giving out welfare, but he calls it stimulus.
@Karin Reck I know exactly what it means, that money was sent to Wuhan in 2014, tell me again how it is Trump’s fault? I can’t stand the man, but I am highly interested in how he managed this.
@Natasha Norman We funded that lab until 2014, when President Obama placed a moratorium on funding due to safety concerns and concerns over research deviating into gain of function not just early detection. Trump resumed the funding through the NIH upon beginning his transition into office and only stopped the funding a little over a week ago. Your welcome for being your free research assistant. If you have further questions you are unable to type into google I can get you a price quote.
@Karin Reck type this into google only 700K of that went out under Trump.
This one also says most of the money happened during Obama but continued under Trump.
@Karin Reck Too bad out of millions of sperm, you won.
@Natasha Norman Newsflash, Obama hasn’t been president for almost 4 years. I get it, you don’t want to deal with the last 4 years but you sound very histrionic. Perhaps seek some help for that
Canadians get $2000+ a month for 4 months. Similar amount in Australia for 6 months. WTF is wrong with you, America? You’re the richest country in the world.
@Tim Marshall really and where did you get that figure and what has it helped or accomplished?
@Vulcan Logic I don’t think that’s true I think you should go back and read the bill.
@Aaron S disability with supplemental in WI is only $874.40 a month. Can’t afford to stay alive without food pantries.
@Doug King Alaska gets ubi. Every resident gets money from the oil production. Every state has a production but not every state has deals with those industries to give back to the people except for reservations with casinos that give money to natives only. Insted most of us pay higher property tax to lower the taxes for factories.
@Vulcan Logic approximately $1600 annually. That is a far cry from what we are talking about.
They set up the system and we live our lives to support it, while those “in charge” claim they are here to help us. Everything is backwards and we end up in a struggle.
@Venelin Mihaylov who are they, boy everybody wants to blame, its pathetic.
@Danny Burke It doesn’t have to be, you know. People can, and have, cooperated before. All of humanity’s greatest accomplishments have been cooperative efforts.
oh u will pay mthrfkkrzz it aint free
Michelle Victor. How long will it take to get to get back to the world before the Corona virus? some think never. They have good reasons to think like that. Many companies, airlines, cruise lines, hotels, retailers, elements of the service industry, and more will have disappeared, unable to weather the storm. Unemployment will remain high. Marry this to the impending tsunami of technological innovations of artificial intelligence and clever machines just waiting to swamp our manufacturing and service industries. Who will need expensive and unreliable humans? Sure there will jobs for a handful, but for the vast majority of us, who come to the work place needing occasional sleep, and go to the bathroom, get sick and want vacations? thank you and goodbye. So what’s going to happen to us. It’s already happened to tens of millions, principally the ones whose jobs have being shipped abroad over the last two or three decades. The ones who turned in their desperation to the only saviour they saw, and are desperately hanging on to his false promises of bringing jobs back and making America great again. Will we all be left to die without food, shelter or health care? Probably not. So what to do? Get rid of money. There are other and better ways of exchanging credit. Hopefully a system which will curb the ridiculous ambitions of a few lucky, or ruthless individuals from cornering the market and stashing billions in offshore accounts. All fit and able folk will be tasked with community duties for which they together with the unfit, the young and the old will receive credit. Probably in the form of digital currency. The system will be geared to encourage individual enterprise and learning for extra credit. There will be a base level of housing, and health care below which no individual will need to forgo, unless they so choose. It’s impossible for me to realistically envision any other system except a sort of dog eat dog dystopia. What do you think?
@rolback you’re a real jerky boy. What are you 14 yrs old? Grow up
I know. I held my calculator atop a mountain!….in support.
Well trickle down helps those at the top more so theyve invested a pretty penny into making people think ubi (trickle up) is lunacy
@Jssisis Akaiais The funny thing is, I tried explaining this to my uncle (independent business owner and *major* economic conservative). At the end of the week, over a hundred million people get, say, 40*$7.50. What do they do with the money? They spend it; at restaurants, grocery stores, on luxury goods and services, wherever. If you follow where the money flows, it’s always flowing uphill, into a bank account with one more 0 than the last person’s. That is, until it reaches the top of the hill, where it gets stashed into an offshore bank account or passed between CEOs and politicians until it _does_ get stashed away.
To think that people wouldn’t go to work simply because they have an extra $1000 a month is stupid.
They’ll just use it on drugs and booze
Exactly, I can’t live off of 1,000 a month, work is still necessary!
I know! People can’t live on $1000 a month. We would definitely keep working.
a thousand is no good. it has to be at least 3k a month, but split into 2 bi weekly payments. imagine all the savings the states will have when they no longer need to have “unemployment” since UBI is now federally insured to the people who need money because they cant find work, or cant work for whatever reason. it would eliminate a lot of the red tape.
I would.
As a server, I’ve worked almost every time I was sick in the past. EVERY TIME! It wasnt right for me to do but if I didnt work I didnt have money and if I called out, my job would punish me by cutting my hours or removing me from the shifts that would make me more money resulting in weeks or months of diminished finances all because I had the flu or food poisoning. I’m not saying it’s the only way to solve our financial problems but I’d like to see my government work to solve these problems somehow.
That is not what Americans want, otherwise, more people would have voted for Bernie Sanders.
Americans don’t trust their own government and do not want to pay taxes. The result is that there is no safety net, and if you hit a rough spot, you might fall to your death.
But hey, you saved the cost of net!
@geheimschriver Americans did vote for Bernie. And more of them would have if the powerful had allowed Bernie and his campaign to be covered equally as others.
I started tracking the misinformation after I did some research and found there actually was a “Bernie Blackout”.
There was also a Yang and Tulsi Blackout as well. And all kinds of ways to make their campaigns seem less legitimate, from getting Yang’s name wrong to trying to equate an old Jewish man, who had many members of his family killed in Hitler’s holocaust of Jews and Romany and many others, they tried to equate BERNIE to Hitler and his followers to “Brown shirts”. Sad. REALLY sad.
And I’m not going to go into detail on how votes have been “lost”, or miscounted, or how polls were closed early or moved or closed entirely even before the pandemic was an issue.
This would require empathy not apathy. Tell me, which is more abundant in today’s America?
David Martinez
Empathy. Most Americans are really good. The trumpanzees are a minority.
Autobot Diva
Trump was golfing in February. He knew that the pandemic would hit America hard, because he ordered 100,000 body bags in January, so he knew but didn’t care.
I mean, unless the numbers of the poll are fudged, most people seem to approve of UBI. Roughly 4/5ths of the population. I imagine it’s mostly mid-to-low income people; the ones who have everything to gain from UBI, and nothing to lose.
@Redwood Madrone thats because Dr Tedros hid the truth. U gotta know the facts
duh its that simple… u r a dumb fcc
Bring Andrew Yang back…I was going to vote for him!!!!
Everybody needs more money not just mother’s!!
Time for the 1% to get they’re pockets picked.
Andrew Yang is giving everybody who shot his suggestion down the side eye
As he should.
He was right all along.
I currently dislike being a US citizen. I hate the leadership, the corruption, and more. God bless America.
“Either I become president or everyone starts sounding like me”-Andrew Yang
We CERTAINLY don’t have a problem with “money for nothing” with how much we pay corporate moguls. They could send a corporation into bankruptcy — and still walk away with millions.