Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation Harvey Bischof says he thinks the risk of COVID-19 at schools is higher than it should be.
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Leave the kids alone let them be kids and as for the teachers teach what your supposed to be teaching 3rs
@Lois Hirst Except conditions are different. COVID can be spread asymptomatically, defeating the purpose of sending sick children home. Their parents did not live through a global respiratory pandemic that harms at the rate of this virus, so their experience is not fully compatible.
Bad idea to send them back if covid hits again and is rising your kids at risk Shandon allyous
@Alan d’Eon My freedom does not end where your fear starts.
Well, your freedom ends as soon as you find yourself in a coffin soo…
@Gato asd That too. However while I am still outside of the coffin I’d like to remain free. If you’re interested in living in a coffin because some corrupt hacks scared you brainless – that’s your choice.
simply put, the Government is doing a Herd Immunity Experiment with school-aged children.
you need to some actual research on what this illness is and isn’t before you make ridiculous statements
Wrong, how as the rest of the province gone back to work and everything is ok. Hospital stays are at on all time low. You can look it up it you like.
Why are all the kids working in the back or McDonalds or tim Horton’s ok? Oh that’s right because the techs of full of it. They wait in line to get coffee every morning and that’s ok. But it’s not ok for them to get back to work
@TPkills , talk to me in the next two to four weeks.
@Don B I’ve been back to work got 6 months… we have figured this out.
@TPkills , I,ve never missed any work and I’m fine also but I’m not in a classroom with 35 other potential COVID spreaders.
theyr already having full contact with each other stop suffocating the children with these stupid mask
Speaking of stupid, Hi meatwad.
@Alan d’Eon Very constructive and trustworthy.
@Alan d’Eon If you think NON-medical masks (and that is the type mandated in most jurisdictions) do anything to stop a virus, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.
Should be ????? WTF ?
I give school a month before they close up again
The kid that predicted may be smarter than the polititcians.
Probably. Most politicians are either horribly incompetent or horribly corrupt. (Some are both.)
yes invisible meaning nothing
Thanks to Ontarios moms and dads for their sacrifice alone the way
poor choice of words 0:45
The invisible threat he mentioned was the missing and dead children of ontario. the truth is worse than the lies.
Who the hell is that beige savage that was speaking on behalf of the cat lady teachers anyway? Is everything in Canada run by a foreigner now?
Unions will never b happy.
It’s hard to be happy when your members are being placed in danger.
We use a non union school. Way better education.
@Alex Ye I used to be a union steward and negotiator, I know we were never happy.
I don’t believe this Union rep.
Why are the frontline workers (myself included) expected to work since day 1 of this pandemic. The teachers get to reach the benefits of that(go shopping, hospital visits, car repairs.) But now wont hold up there side of the bargain. We all have to work together. Teachers need to the their heads out of their assess. Teach to teach.
Classes have 32 students, Desks are less than a metre apart!! No extra staff hired as of yet!!! Teachers are required to clean before and after students, Teachers have been told by their board not to post anything on social medial or face repercussions!! So much for following The advice of the Ontario Health office!! Lecce is a child trying to act like a big boy and Ford is looking like Trump more and more everyday!!
The BS of the union not being listened to….all they want is permanent smaller classes which they have been pushing for years. They never care about the kids.
Iwill homeschool my kid not jeopardize my kid for ignorance
Wrap them in bubble wrap keep them under a rock
“These data all suggest that children are not significant drivers of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is unclear why documented SARS-CoV-2
transmission from children to other children or adults is so infrequent.” – COVID-19 Transmission and Children: The Child Is Not to Blame
– American Academy of Pediatrics – Aug 1, 2020
Shhhh! Don’t bring facts and data into a panic and fear fight!
Why on earth would the government need to talk to the unions? The teachers don’t work for the union, the union is only there to represent them, not direct teachers in any way. Time to give parents real choice for education. Fund the individual child.
Two weeks before they all get the sniffles and go back on paid holidays guaranteed.Send them all home now they are non essential and can be replaced by computers now .bye bye!
this makes me sick. Poor children. treated like test subjects for no reason:( smh
Not for no reason. Treated that way due to hysteria.
Doesn’t matter what the government comes up with, the unions would have been against it, that is unless a big pile of cash was placed in front of them.
Here’s my simple comment to the teachers: either go back to work or don’t get paid.