Top Republicans in Arizona are blasting members of their own party for peddling conspiracy theories with their "election audit." MSNBC's Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber discusses this growing fracture within the GOP with political strategist Chai Komanduri. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ).
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OOhh, the grift that keeps on giving!
@littleangel4780 always russia’s fault unless it’s a democrat.
Biden shut down our pipeline oil production forcing us to buy oil from russia. then, pays russia to build a new pipeline which strengthens their economy.
i want every dem to know they are being grifted like a country of village idiots.
Trump won
@kyle gesin Next level dumb comment
@Turbo Nerd I know but the truth is over the dem’s intellectual capacity at this point…Trump derangement syndrome is real…
@littleangel4780 What’s your new delusion going to be after this one fails? I’m interested to know. I mean everything you trump morons say has completely failed to happen since before the election even but that hasn’t stopped you making up new lies daily and failing every time.
Yea! A fellow film buff.
The truth fears no lie, but lies fear the truth.
@adam therolf you do know the city and state are somewhat run separate the city has it’s on taxes to pay for the bs programs. And overall the state population is down not much but it’s down. And if wallstreet leaves the city is done. Even woke journalist are doing articles saying NYC is slowly going back to what it was in the 80s with the high crime rate, drugs, poverty, etc. And hopefully voters wake up and vote someone in with a vision unfortunately there wont be a Rudy to save NYC this time.
@Yannis Karageorgiou what are you smoking?!!
don’t you know the difference between a forensics audit and a risk limiting audit?
@Me Off those countries that don’t have a diverse population with a extremely high tax rate, very low corporate tax rate, extremely hard for immigrants to get on those social programs and you’re comparing those countries with the population of Ohio to the US an extremely diverse population of over 330million and we already have social safety nets.
@Gregorio Martinez It’s not really complicated if one has the skill-set to understand what they’re seeing and therefore what they’re talking about, it only seems that way to the uninformed that don’t have the same level of background or expertise….
@Me Off if so many places practice more socialism than why don’t people migrate there? Instead the US is the number 1 destination for immigrants. And you think socialism is good but yet all these immigrants want to come here many from socialist countries. Why don’t you move to a socialist country and try it out before trying a failed system here?
“Florida blogger”
Roster splat Orange
This nickname should stick, favourite so far!
Love it. Long live DJT
“The Florida blogger”

Well if all is well then you have nothing to fear.
if i were an arizona voter i wouldnt want someone named cyber ninja anywhere near my ballot
Nothing can stop the truth from coming
RepubliKKKans in Arizona are saying it’s BS.
@Kris K it’s not about Trump. It’s about America. It’s about corrupt politicians, entertainers, and media
January 6th – an angry mob of trumpists tried to overthrow the government to install their fascist dictator.
Is that “nothing to fear”?
“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” — Malcolm X.
@Gin C
Keeping you up in prayers.
May Jesus lift you up.
I love that quote cuz people are so brainwashed by nonstop BS and propaganda from the media. They constantly get played & manipulated but stay coming back for more like a crazy Ex 
“The media’s the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent look guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the mind of the masses.”
“The Democrats are playing you for a political chump and if you vote for them, not only are you a chump, you are a traitor to your race.” – Malcom X
That first quote, do you have any evidence that he actually said it, or do you just believe everything you read on the internet?
Evidence would say when he said it and/or where he said it, such as in an interview, speech, or book.
The second quote appears to be paraphrasing, but the sentiment is right… regarding the Democrats of 1960, before the Civil Rights Act and before Republicans courted the racist vote with the Southern Strategy. The sentiment is completely at odds with the Democrats of today.
Yada yada yada, time for accountability. Not botted replies, fake upvotes, fake downvotes and the typical GOP angles of “both sides are wrong ” “everyone is dirty as we are” “fake news”. There was no election fraud. Now that it’s outed you cry foul? LOL.
@ruben cohen Like the 3 death people in PA (who just made the mistake to vote for Trump) ?
Fear? Panic?
Does the fun part finally begin?
The GOP wanted 17 hearings about Benghazi so they could find a way to pin it on Hillary Clinton somehow, want to recount election results until they find someone incompetent enough to give them the results they want, but refuse to look into why people broke glass and smashed things in the capitol building on Jan 6. WHO WAS IN THE BUILDING ON JAN 6 YA CRYBABY “CONSERVATIVES”?! If it wasn’t trumpettes, then why hasn’t Cochran come out of the wood work for any easy payday saying the gov got the wrong guy? I’m confident you’ll find a way to deny reality further, but I’ve no time for your bad faith bull sith when you’re plotting the next insurrection right now
@David Tee y’all democrats are brainwashed from cnn and msnbc
@Carolyn Talbot how many people died investigating Hillary?
@David Tee This is what you get when project veritas gets kicked off twitter, wall to wall trump socks talking horsesh!t on YT.
@Ted Cruz 2024 *lol* someone with a Ted Cruz image talking about brainwashing xD
Dude would leave behind his own dog in a snowstorm while fleeing the country – clearly the perfect image for a non-brainwashed person to associate with, I guess?
Man the losers really can’t cope with their loss, can you?
Truth is scary to the people live in lies! LOL
Truth coming
@David Tee Don’t you think it’s funny that that ” Insurrection ” started BEFORE Trump even finished his speech ? Don’t you think it’s funny that several of those ” Trumpettes ” were identified as staunch members of Antifa ? Don’t you think it’s funny that the whole story the left pushed about the Capitol Policeman being killed with a fire extinguisher was PROVEN FALSE ? The whole thing was B.S. !! Trump told the people at his rally to ” PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY march over to the capitol so our voices can be heard ” Then the whole Left clown show got together & tried to Impeach Trump ….. again ……..WOW ….WHAT A PACK OF MORONS !!!
@Mr. Patrick Well said! They’re crapping their pants!!

Nothing to see here!!!
@OIEgSaS32 YEP , the left is fighting it tooth & nail alright & throwing as many blockades in front of the truth as they can , but it’s not going to work … even if it takes 100 times THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT .
@Daniel Hawthorn People like you are the kind that would cheat on a test then brag about your good grade .NO PRIDE , NO HONOR , NO TRUTH…..Sucks to be you !
Omg the media is on fire with this. Only one reason they freak out like this
They are bleeding the United States out.
@Joshua you have no idea whats happening
@Joshua This is not about over turning the election, its already been certified. This is about figuring out how the democrats cheated and fixing it so they don’t do it again.
@Joshua that’s what’s going to happen.
So what was the reason the GOP freaked out about “Potato Head”?
Let it keep us warm
We’re going to hear this lie right up until the midterms. They’ll keep beating this
The swamp sewer dwellers are panicking big time because the truth will not set them free
@Crfor Freedom So, you would trust one uncertified tech firm, who is not US commissioned, trained, experienced or verified, …over three certified, verified, trained and experienced firms, US commissioned and cross audited? That’s what you’re saying..? That the security risk is greater when there are three companies cross checking themselves, versus one who is looking for bamboo fibers in paper as a last resort…
…and that is why it is a fraudit, and no one… not even you, will ever take it seriously.
@Lifelore HAHAHAHAHA!!! I’d like information on…….
No, I have no doubt that with the bi-partisan observers and court-ordered protocols there are the necessary countermeasures in place to protect people’s privacy, the county appears to just be fishing for an excuse to me, again, this is all a provision of the court, not merely a partisan affair…..
@Lifelore Again, they aren’t the whole audit just a small piece of it, and the court as investigated and approved them for use, so yes. I’m alright with them. I’ve checked them out, they’re a reputable firm.
@Crfor Freedom …it was approved by the Republican Arizona Legislator trifecta, the Arizona Supreme Court all seated by judges hand picked by a Republican Governor… and now a great majority that had backed this are now calling it to end.
“This is not an audit. It’s not even a recount,” said Tammy Patrick, a former Maricopa County elections official who is now a senior adviser at the Democracy Fund. “If we continue to indulge this kind of activity, we will not be living in a true, healthy democracy.”
Maricopa county recorder Republican Stephen Richer on Saturday called a Trump statement accusing the county of deleting an elections database “unhinged” and called on other Republicans to stop the unfounded accusations.
“We can’t indulge these insane lies any longer. As a party. As a state. As a country,” Richer tweeted.
Crfor Freedom wow you really are in the cult, he can steal from you, from veterans, kids do that simply want an education, put kids in jails, nothing impacts
com n 4 ya
Queen vladz troll activity is heavy on this one

When you let the crazies run away with the show…the show gonna be really nuts.
It’s about to be a bigger show.
BREAKING: Vernon Jones announces press conference tomorrow calling for a full forensic audit of the 2020 election in Georgia
@TheBase1aransas I would love to see that. Let’s “find the flaws” in our elections so we can “legislate solutions” to “restore faith in our democratic processes”
Oh my gosh so obvious y’all got chocolate around your mouth ! Saying you didn’t steal the cookies out of the cookie jar

I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way 4 years ago.
@420 painemanagement Don’t bother, that won’t get the irony.
Can we start calling Chai Day “Spill the Tea Day”?

LOL! Look who’s worried.
The GOP wanted 17 hearings about Benghazi so they could find a way to pin it on Hillary Clinton somehow, want to recount election results until they find someone incompetent enough to give them the results they want, but refuse to look into why people broke glass and smashed things in the capitol building on Jan 6. WHO WAS IN THE BUILDING ON JAN 6 YA CRYBABY “CONSERVATIVES”?! If it wasn’t trumpettes, then why hasn’t Cochran come out of the wood work for any easy payday saying the gov got the wrong guy? I’m confident you’ll find a way to deny reality further, but I’ve no time for your bad faith bull sith when you’re plotting the next insurrection right now
Worried about what, that another sham investigation will peter-out with nothing but excuses for not finding proof? It isn’t like this is the first hare-brained Trump conspiracy you all have promised would end with a bombshell revelation or series of mass arrests.
Let me ask you this: if this “audit” ends the same way all of the Deep State investigations did, will you accept the legitimacy of the election, or will you refuse to let go like you have before?
@Carolyn Talbot Now it’s that the Dems fed ballots to chickens, then incinerated the chickens to get rid of the evidence… the crazy never ends, it only gets crazier.
@Carolyn Talbot Oh honey there’s no reason to respond to them, it gives them what they want. They sold their souls to trump and can’t go back to retrieve them. They never thought he’d lose once Sanders and Warren dipped in the primary, but they underestimated how much trump is hated in the real world. He only won in 2016 because voters were lazy and figured hillary would blow him away so they skipped the polls in crucial states. We didn’t play in 2020 though and sent him packing back to the liberal wealth he inherited from his dad.
Who immediately went straight to the comment section and not disappointed
Wow I have not found a single op yet that is buying BS. Audit on is what I say!
Miss Demeanor
Not shocked at all, Arizona was the last state to recognize Martin Luther King Jr Day as a holiday