The village of Ivanivka in southern Ukraine, has been recaptured from Russian forces following a two-week artillery battle. It remains deserted. 'Playboy,' a Commander of Ukraine's Air Reconnaissance Unit, takes CNN's Nic Robertson to see what's left behind. #CNN #News
Unexploded shells and abandoned pets: Inside a village recaptured from Russians

For many Russians, one of the most profound unspoken tenets that formed the Soviet system was that human life has no value — except for the lives of the rulers and authorities. “I am nothing” forms a grim legacy inherited from the Soviet Union where multitudes often were repressed, oppressed and sacrificed in whatever manner the leaders deemed appropriate in order to accomplish their goals. It derives not only from that oppressive system, but also from centuries of being subject to autocratic rulers who regularly regarded citizens as property to be used as needed.
@rolback non sequitur, ork
When General Konev saw the developing German encirclement of Kiev and of Red Army troops at the end of August, 1941, he asked Stalin to retreat. Stalin refused. The result was the largest military loss in world history, 665 thousand Red Army troops. If Stalin had allowed Konev to retreat, those half-million-plus troops would have been available to fight the Germans, and arguably the Germans would never have reached Moscow. Perhaps two-thirds to four-fifths of those Red Army prisoners perished.
@thinkerly1 This was not Konev, but Zhukov. This famous skirmish between him and Stalin was shown in several Russian feature films (for example, “War”)
For a soldier, unexploded shells are IEDs and abandoned pets are food.
1 Final Drive Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Marie Lucas 🪦🪖💣🌭🛰💰Modern warfare is akin to The Hunger Games.
America, you see how important it is to have voices to represent you in Congress. The state of the American people can’t depend in one Vote, it’s too risky! That’s why, it’s important that you Vote ! Vote!..
The M777s that Ukraine got did not receive the GPS box’s on them bc the US didn’t trust the technology not to get out. It makes the howitzer a lot less accurate.
1 Keith Wright Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Understandable, I guess… I wonder how difficult it would be for the Ukrainians to rig up an equivalent gps system of their own?
Source ?
😭😭😭😭 vulnerable creatures always suffer the most in man’s folly.
The cockroaches will take over soon enough.
I look at those poor dogs and think how could they be left but I have never had bombs dropping on me so it’s just an awful situation. There are groups in many places trying to care for the animals. Some post on this platform. Try to support them if you can.
I have augmented spider like pets that love getting rid of DNA from these concrete buildings.
Let’s pray for the 🐠🐱🐰🐕🦌🐄🐏🦒🐫 pets victims 🙏🕊️
1 Cristina Lexy Reef Tank Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
The reporter on this piece should be fired or reassigned to something more within his capabilities. What an idiotic question to start with !
The whole situation is bad. But I feel especially sorry for the pets. They don’t understand what the hell is going on. One minute human mom and dad love them and feed them, the next loud noises explosions and they are on their own.
But I am a broken person… 3 combat tours and I barely get out of my house… thank God for my VA disability check.
1999 I got to go to Yalta for a Russian language refresher course with the Army Reserves. Crimea is beautiful! Shame Putin has screwed this whole country over.
1 Christopher Higgins Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I Stand with Russia
@Ryan Clone* We 😂
فرق في التشبيه الجيش الاوكراني الشجاع اما جيش الجبناء جيش روسيا فغير قادر على الحرب البريه هو فقط يحرق البيوت الشجر والحجر والانسان وبعدها ينزل جيشه الجبان لماذا ليحارب الارض والاشجار المتفحمه ام ليحتل البيوت المدمره ام ليحكم الناس القتلى هذه روسيا المهزومه وتصرفاتها تدل على انها مهزومه وجبانه
If one my “journalist” asks, “how do you feel”, I will lose it.
War and destruction have always plagued Humanity for centuries but how much is Ever Enough🤔
So sad.
I like Zelenskyy’s speeches.
The M777s do not live up to expectations, say the Ukrainian soldiers, while the Panzer PZH2000s screw up as soon as they are used a little too much. Fortunately for the Ukrainians, they have a piece of equipment true to its reputation, the king of artillery, the Caesar!
Bravissimi Ukrainians
God in with you. 🇺🇦🙏🇺🇦🇮🇹🇺🇦
So many poor orcs mothers waiting for their dead sons to come home victory for Ukraine 🇺🇦 glory to the people
‘Playboy.’ Now that’s a call sign. Blessings to the brave men and women of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
God grant the strength of the Russian army to defeat these fascists ! RU.Z