Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syrian crisis Mark Cutts says the massive humanitarian crisis facing Idlib, Syria, is unlike anything they have seen during the nine years of this war.
#CNN #News
UN coordinator: Syria’s humanitarian crisis happening on ‘unimaginable scale’

Gotta mic both speakers… not just the reporter.
You can see he has a Mike on it must of broke. But yes they should not of aired this section it just makes them look silly.
Ya this was pathetic. For any news source
Anyone else have the audio mess up?
The man’s mic didn’t record maybe.
I thought it was my earphone took it off and then l have realised it the video
Click and watch this video for 30sec to win $100 Amazon Coupon ..
hurry now before video is taken down.
Nah man, audio is perfectly fine here. Maybe you need some new audio equipment? Get a waterbottle,
Terrific editing of the audio.
That’s CNN for you. Idiots!!
*I am soooooo glad he put it into words!*
There is a lot of audio missing in this
Yeah ..very poor Audio ,,,hello stephanie ..You look Good …
Thats better. All fake news. Its easy to prevent your children will never become a socialist. Give them a job, pay $10 for it, and take back $7 back and give it to a friend that did not do anything. Guaranteed that they will never become a socialist! Trump KAG 2020-24, Candace 2028
No: Not a ra;cist, Not a Big;ot, Not a se;xist, Not Nevre a Demon;rat!
“How are you able to put into words what the civilian population there is going through right now..”
Let’s watch from the distance. No more involvement in the middle east.
@J N On a broad agenda scale, I agree. But we really need to patch up the genocidal nightmare we caused for our longest standing ally in history, the Kurds, first. They’ve had our six, fought and died for us, for the same values, and by our side since frickin’ world war one. We owe them better. We, the US not keeping its word as an ally, is the direct reason the Kurds have been a stateless people for the last hundred years FFS. If we don’t have their backs, why on earth would anyone else ever have ours?
We should definitely get our military out of the middle-east. But that is one “loose end” we cannot afford to leave untied. Nor should we even consider it. The only reason this happened against all advice and warning, was one murderous despot tricked another, with zero regard for or understanding of history, strategy, civility, integrity, or the concepts of “allegience” and “brotherhood”. Just leaving your brother in arms and blood on the field to die, his family to slaughter like that… Our men and women of service, they’re never gonna be the same. And they can never trust another ally to have their backs again as before, because no ally can trust _them_ – American troops – to have _theirs._
We can never undo this. But we can do right by them. Because we owe them, and they earned it far more than we ever did.
@pr0xZen We have already given them over a trillion $ worth in weaponry in the last decade. it’s their civil war. We are staying out!!
To interview a mute man.
Ignorant CNN. Are you surprised?
Is the guy being muted on purpose or what ? I can only hear the lady and the footage audio of the soldiers and the military .what’s up with that ?!
Simple CNN is incompetent.
Nah there’s background noise so they mute her mic and and (should!) turn on his when he’s talking. Either his mic isn’t on, or his audio feed didn’t get mixed in. That’s why there’s zero audio at all for the edit-in clips with no audio of their own.
Wow these idiots had one job…………….
Okay Mr. Mime
Hopefully Syria’s SAA kills all those Israeli/British/US and Saudi backed moderate head chopping rebels.
If CNN were really a journalistic and investigative media outlet they could uncover US/NATO/UK/Turkey/Israel/Gulf state/UN’s complicit actions in their ongoing attempts to destroy Syria and its government in order to install a puppet regime. They havent even been able to report on how ~1200 ISIS personnel took over Mosul in Iraq which had a standing army of ~33,000, enabling them to acquire thousands of tons of US military hardware, who then flaunted their captured armaments in the streets for two weeks without as much as an eyebrow being raised in Washington much less military action being taken. Western media are evil war mongering filth.
No audio of the interviewee. . who posted this waste of time?

The images are speaking enough… As it is, this video is making a point.
lol guys it censored get used too it in 2021 king trump will do it an every news media
@Florifulgurator – The rebels are attacking leaving civilans. Placing road side bombs and with mortar fire…so they can be used as human shields and propaganda later. (You remember those buses they blew up a couple yrs ago with all those kids..same here). Also, some civilians are telling the Syrian Army where to attack. Better sources “on the ground” than CNN.
This is that video it was the rebels who attacked it. Not the first time they’ve done that. They’ve done it numerous times.
GIRL _fromOz No audio, no fake praise God. Its easy to prevent your children will never become a socialist. Give them a job, pay $10 for it, and take back $7 back and give it to a friend that did not do anything. Guaranteed that they will never become a socialist! Trump KAG 2020-24, Candace 2028
No: Not a ra;cist, Not a Big;ot, Not a se;xist, Not Nevre a Demon;rat!
“Thank you for joining us and trying to better understand what’s happening.”
What a joke.
CNN censored the doctor. Long live democracy
Yep, they forgot to drop out of propaganda mode to do some actual journalism.
jnounan I think it was bad sound, not censorship. Sound techs need to up their game.
I doubt they would sensor their own reporting of a story
It is censorship not a bad microphone

@Catherine Andujar i dont get why the backround sounds are cut out too tho
The best thing is they will probably never find out there’s something slightly wrong with the audio
When he said:
I felt that.
So I guess he couldn’t put it into words then? Lol
The Democratic system
Guess not hahahahaaaa
Damn, That man speaking straight facts
3:54 “as you’re hearing…”
No we’re not.
CNN would not exist if there was no war.
If a humanitarian speaks in the woods would it be heard?? ?
P.S. Not on CNN!