As Russia threatens a second capture of liberated Kupiansk, Ukraine, CNN's Melissa Bell talks to Ukrainian residents choosing to stay in their homes despite constant shelling. #CNN #News
Ukrainians in this city remain resilient despite Russia threatening second capture

Russian tactics in a nutshell :
1. Send in the tanks anyway, with no infantry support.
2.Tanks blown up.
3. Send in the infantry after the tanks.
4. Infantry killed.
@Yakiv Popavich5 yr old
@Yakiv Popavich I don’t understand what this has to do with what we were talking about but that’s ok
@Chinysukaine Pyobytt Whatever you say mate. No need to base anything in reality. Good reality testing is for sane people.
Some things never change. Russia was in alliance with Hitler until June 1941. Together they invaded Poland in September 1939. Earlier Russia invided Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Russia provided Hitler with resources and trained his military. Nazi stays nazi.
“Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.” ~ Joseph Campbell

Godspeed Ukraine
It’s unfair on how things have turned up to be due to the recent world economic downturn… things has been so difficult, this isn’t good in the sense that it ends up addicting the civilians financially in different angles of life. we see complains here and there on social media from different people in different parts all round the world
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We pray for the victory of Ukraine. It will be a victory of good over evil, a victory of the future over the past.
Glory to Ukraine!
She is a great reporter. Seems spot on, smart & extremely knowledgeable what she reports with a bit of spunk! Thank you!
Where I can get CNN truth pills, Afghanistan 2.0 so so sad
A Tribute to Ukraine
The Fight
Where were you
when the walls came crumbling down.
Fearing for our lives
In our home towns.
Where children once played
Laughter was everywhere
We now find graves
Seems like only…we care.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s soul.
If we lose.
If this was our last fight.
I promise you
We didn’t run and hide.
Only one way to live
Head high and full of pride
What we would give
Our blood and tears we cried.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s soul.
A burst of lightning
coming from the morning sky
confuses all
We will not run and hide.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s…..
And then,
There’s one thing that remains.
Fight until the death
Fight for our Ukraine.
But now,
Our prayers were not met
By those who stood by
By those who would forget. .
By Humble Driver
thank you for reading humble poem
and if you are interested in song please go to Humble Driver YouTube
@Chinysukaine Pyobytt words you say could carry merit of truth. However, my poem inspired by the Ukrainian people’s fight for their freedom and their lives… not what leader did this or that. Thank you so much for reading humble poem
@Joey z My poem inspired by the Ukrainian people’s fight for their freedom and their lives… not what leader did this or that. You wish to state your political opinion Joey go on ahead.
Thank you so much for reading humble poem
@♠️ Манька Облигация thank you for your words of wisdom…humble self hope you and your family remain safe and free from harm.
Thank you for reading humble poem
If you can, find my song (2 separate versions) on my Humble Driver Channel. I believe you’ll enjoy them.
we pray for the victory of Ukraine. It will be a victory of good over evil, a victory of the future over the past.
Brave Ukrainian people. Our prayers are with you and your defenders.
@simp defend m’lady those who fled first had hungarian and other passports. and women left with children cause of bombings and cold without electricity and no jobs
@marions I am active on many support groups. Almost half of the women are young and childless. Cope harder
@Team Transitionwhy? The USA sucks and I’m American.
No one wins when lives are lost… Every leader in this world needs to try to work together for the love of this planet and EVERYONE on it!!!

Dissonance between Putin and Wagner might just be a bluff to make people expect a quick victory by Ukraine and put our guard down. Prigozin, Shoigu and Putin are best friends since long ago.
True. Also the news about “low ammonution”
Actually.. my husband said the same thing. Thankfully, I suspect people who have influence and sway in this situation may also be keeping this in mind.. here’s hoping
It’s really horrible how so many people have suffered all because of Putin’s madness. Ukrainians have lost their homes and their lives, and many Russians have been forcibly drafted and died in a fight they don’t even fully understand. It’s just sick how Putin thinks so little of all this destruction and carnage.
All good news for Ukraine great
It’s an exchange where lives are sacrificed for legacy
“Non-Radio Frequency Tagging, Tracking and Locating” very useful information
A true leader cares about his people’s loses not the enemy. He doesn’t brag about how many he has killed but how many he had succeed to save.
Heart breaking to watch president zelensky should negotiate Ukraine will never get all it’s territory again
I don’t know why I laugh every time she mentions how neat the handwriting is
This was a really sobering interview. India and China are key players here