CNN International Correspondent Scott McLean reports on the uncertain future of Ukrainian refugees who were encouraged by Russian authorities to take a 4,000-mile train journey east to the very edge of Siberia. #CNN #News
Ukrainian refugee in Russia tells CNN why she’s ‘forbidden’ to return home

my childhood friend took in a senior citizen couple from Mariupol. She had gotten out of the city in time and he stayed to guard the small apartment. Then was “evacuated” from Mariupol to Rostov, where they tried to put them into a train which was falsely labelled “Moscow” but in reality went to the far east, as he was told by a railways employee. So he got off and made his own journey via Latvia to Germany where his wife is. Heartbreaking. He spent most of the time looking at the fotos of his burnt down apartment building that a friend had sent to him. Clearly traumatized.
Good fanfic my friend.
True heart breaking but if this is the path Russia willing to take it is understandable, as well as we can understand Ukraine, a lot of people in Russia got two citizenships and two passports and willing to use both Ukrainian and Russian citizenships, depends on situation and authority, like Crimea as an example… it has to stop at some point… people need to decide, under which jurisdiction they willing to enter International corridors, if they will have such opportunity!!!
@truth-uncensored2 Ironic name for one who lives in an alternate reality eh?

I heard it somewhere, just as true as “Ghost of Kiev” and “Russia is out of rockets” for 11 months.
Another thing you’re not mentioning is what would happen to these people if they spoke out against Russia. There’s a reason Russia took them as far away from Ukraine as possible & it’s not just charity… it’s to make it virtually impossible for them to return home
A train ticket doesn’t cost that much. Even if you go from Vladivostok. They can all go wherever they want. About 20 thousand rubles. Plane or train.
Trolls hard at work on this video.
@Helen R Tell us how US started revolution in Ukraine and attempted to create revolution in Belarus, Russia and Kazahstan.
How Georgia bombed Tshinval and got coached by US army, Georgia thought that NATO will help them, but guess what happened in 2008.
Im sorry this is like Germany in the 1930s
Clutch thy pearls tightly
Tragic. The devastation is awful. Hopefully those brave people can be looked after and return home when they are ready to.
M. S are you going to leave any of their homes standing?
They need to make an effort! Nobody is going to look after them there, obviously!
This is a senseless war, and so sad for all those who have died for one very small man. In the end I hope he gets what he deservers to die alone no big parade or 21 gun salute. Time is not on his side. Death comes to us all.
This is an embarrassing comment considering the lengthy amount of time you have had to look into the conflict. In truth people like you are the ones who make conflicts like this possible.
@John Freedman Apologies for hurting your feelings. Hahaha, what about all the children, men and women and you think I care about your feelings. You really have no idea what I really think. USMC.
Heart breaking

Though they’ve few other options
,it’s a shame that’s the journalism we’re dealing with today 
I am surprised you didn’t say Mainstream media or woke ….Whining about journalism
Very difficult to watch this kind of reporting but it shows you how strong the will of the ukrainians are glory to the Ukraine
Ukrainians who fled to Russia to save their lives are roughly divided into two categories. The first category went to Russia because they chose Russia over other options. Our friend and classmate from Canada had offered his Ukrainian cousin and her extended family sponsorship and resettlement in Canada. Yet she chose to go to Russia on an invitation from other relations. While in Kharkiv under the Russian shelling, the lady had constantly complained that her perils were all the Ukraine faults. Apparently and according to her, the air defenses operated “close to her neighborhood” thus putting them in “danger”. The other category went to Russia because it was the only safe way out. Some of them stayed for “convenience”, and some had left for other countries shortly after arrival. Those who stayed might not be “collaborators”, but they should certainly undergo rigorous interviews before they are permitted to have their Ukrainian passport restored and allowed a safe passage back home.
None of this happens if Russia stays home.
@John Damon WallsHad NATO not moved west. Or had it not orchestrated a color revolution in Kiev, Or had it not created a NATO standard and NATO aligned army in Ukraine next to the Russian border.
You can’t clap with one hand.
“Do not hope that once you take advantage of Russia’s weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russians always come for their money. And when they come, do not rely on the Jesuit agreements you signed that allegedly justify you. Therefore, you should either play fair with the Russians, or at all do not play.” Bismarck Chancellor of Germany 32
Keep dreaming but not all dresm is real
it’s entirely up to Ukraine. Just as Crimea’s force-fed russian population will be dealt with by Ukraine once their water runs out. Again. I’m sure there will be “openings” in Siberia?
The reason border security and immigration is so important is, a lionfish is just a dreamer too. It wants a better life and is seeking asylum because it’s society/culture is falling apart because it’s culture can only last so long before it collapses itself by the way it lives. Now the lionfish is in Florida just living it’s culture in the reefs.
Well in other words Vladdy boy thinks the whole situation makes him look good
Great reportiing
Those who went willingly were ones who called Russia to come to Ukraine. I’m happy they left Ukraine.
The whole areas left Ukraine and rejoined mother Russia. And you will never see those area’s back again
They are wanted by Ukraine in fact Ukraine told them if they had to go to russia to get out of frontline areas then they should
despite the fact that there were high salaries in the USSR where Russia now resettled these Ukrainian citizens, my mother emphasized that there was nothing to do there. Many went there without children, leaving them with their grandmothers, returning to Ukraine with money.
You know who else cant go home? Jullian assange and edward snowden…