Ukrainian drone hunters are scanning the sky to spot and down Russian missiles. CNN's Melissa Bell reports from Kharkiv, Ukraine.
#ErinBurnettOutFront #MelissaBell #News
Ukrainian drone hunters down Russian missiles targeting civilian buildings

Ukrainian drone hunters are scanning the sky to spot and down Russian missiles. CNN's Melissa Bell reports from Kharkiv, Ukraine.
#ErinBurnettOutFront #MelissaBell #News
Condolences to the parents of Ukraine who lost their loved ones
Condolences to all civilians.
0:17 there’s a difference between a missile and a drone ( unless the drone being a kamikaze counts )
Anything moving at terminal velocity is a “missile”.
A human can be a missile.!
@Joseph Blogs missiles are guided unlike rockets. Drones are also guided so they would be similar to a missile.
Missiles are greatly faster than Iranian “Shaheds” or Russian attack drones. And that makes a huge difference in the ability of AAF to shoot them down. Also the most complex of them are able to actively maneuver, changing their altitude and degree of the line at which they attack.

Shooting a missile down with a machine gun… just wow…
@Jonathan morrison sure but by definition the word missile is not inaccurate
@Jonathan morrison I thank you for your service but if there’s something you can prove we need to see the facts. Anything else is divisive these days. I have a friend who came back from Iraq diseased from the burn pits – he made a point to speak out in an organized manner with others and now reparations are in discussion. Nothing will take back the damage, to be sure, but we can’t change anything complaining from behind a computer screen.
@Xeperu soldiers affected by burn pits are being paid. I am sorry your buddy was exposed to that. If you had been a soldier trust me you would know exactly what I am talking about in terms of military cover ups. It happens a lot. I was exposed to chemicals in North/South Korea DMZ that the military refuses to acknowledge. You should hear what Vietnam vets have to put up with. Once we are veterans they really don’t care because now we are just using healthcare as they see it and no longer contributing
@Xeperu By the way that’s very kind of you to thank me for my service. I would do it again because I love my country. Warts and all.
That soldier on the verge of tears because he took down one missile but couldn’t take down all three… It broke me.
Did you also cry when Berlin fell to Soviet forces?
“It broke me”,

He broke you from behind!!!
Eugene Marshall is a delicated man.
These Ukraine people are so admirable. True heroes. Lord please be with these people to regain their homeland.
@Marco Paganotto C’entra una mazza. Tenere botta per un anno in quelle condizioni è un fatto che prescinde da come i media dicono una cosa. Sono incredibilmente motivati e danno l’anima, punto. Smettetela di dire cose senza senso.

@Алена П you know germany said the same thing before starting ww2 alongside the ussr
@Таня Кравченкоbefore or after Victoria Nulands infamous voice recording?
irony on Russia using all those missiles; they’ll have nothing left to stop tiny drones from landing on top of parked planes and strikes on the Crimean Bridge that’s in Ukraine. Slava Ukraine
Who cares about gold when you died u can’t take it with you. Someone will take it from you. Unlike a heart of gold I mean heart full of love, kindness, compassion, giving, n praying for all of humanity
. God bless Ukraine
About gold. Think of next generation and try give them a better life than you had. That’s my thesis.
250,000 Ukrainians are dead and you want more to die. That’s the level of YOUR “compassion”, Tomasi Saia.
God bless Ukraine
Ukrain hero’s always brave ♥

Do a little research before making such an ignorant and uninformed comment

Ukrainian grandmother easily knocks down drones with a jar of cucumbers. Now this grandmother is called ghostly air defense
Sure buddy keep huffing gas, or better yet call the ghost of Kiev up or make something new up
Your subtle humor is on the verge of human and bestia
Zelensky needs to create a special cucumber platoon of grandmothers to shoot down drones.
The 1st Guards Tank Army (1 GTA), supposedly Russia’s premier tank force, was promised T-14 Armada but they are getting T-62 instead. That’s like being promised a new Mercedes S class but you get a Lada from 1985 instead, that’s absolutely hilarious

This had mad laugh

Hey, haven’t you seen ‘Car Crash Global’.?,…. the Lada is one of the deadliest vehicles & the drivers are madly insane., I give odds on favour for the Ladas.,…
… any takers.?
100 to 1 that anything survives the attack of the Ladas & crazy Ivan driving.!
@MVE I even saw a video of a russian soldier with a rifle from 1890…. Russian are very much loved by their home supporters …. NOT!
@Paul C You never drove a lada me thinks … A 1610 gives up most heat when you put it on fire …
@Rob Geheim
A HS secretary had one, drove me home a few times. Even just after starting on a winter day the heater would be blowing red hot lol.
God Bless Ukraine!
Seeing an elderly woman forced to run for safety really gets me. The most vulnerable suffer the most
@ChorltonBrook Maybe I am AI. I can out think you with lightning fast precision.
@Kevin Crowe the difference is that america is much weaker now, and russia, although it is also much weaker, but there is putin and he is already a class compared to american presidents. from this point of view, the russians will take what they want in ukraine, they tried nice and easy, it didn’t work now will try hard and without lubricants….we’ll see what happens, it’s easiest for us who watch from the side
@Slobodan Paunovic Yes I read it which is why I commented on it. Bloody obvious?
These soldiers get nothing less heavy-duty respect.
Thanks to Dima for some very good comments. All of Dima’s comments are good. Ukraine has increased forces in Zaporozhzhia from 25,000 to 30,000 – and could increase them up to 60,000 for an attack in Zaporozhzia. As Dima points out, Zaporozhzhia would be a ridiculous Ukrainian suicide operation. To defend in Zaporozhzhia, Russia has got at least 3 lines of heavy fortification – and no less than 90,000 troops. Dima is right about the western pressure on Kiev to “do something”. Dima’s comments about a Ukrainian “PR-operation” to de-block Bakhmut as a Ukrainian “excuse” not to attack in Zaporozhzia sounds plausible. And Dima is also right, that Ukraine will lose any battle to “de-block” Bakhmut. Imagine if Ukraine puts 50,000 soldiers to attack from the west and north of Bakhmut. Russia can just move 50,000 of its reserves in Zaporozhzhia to Bakhmut, and Ukraine will be attacking against superior Russian numbers around Bakhmut. And as Dima says: If Ukraine attacks around Bakhmut, it will be Russia which has the advantage of the defender. Furthermore, the weather is the worst possible for a big Ukrainian offensive. There is mud EVERYWHERE. The fields are not passable, sometimes there is 1 meter depth of mud and even tanks can sink down and get stuck. A stuck tank is a dead tank. Russia has got a vast artillery advantage too. There will only be a few bad muddy roads through which Ukraine can move vehicles for a “liberating” attack on Bakhmut – and Russia knows where these few muddy dirt-roads are and Russian artillery will pulverize the Ukrainians, if they try. Ukraine received 4 Leopard 2 from Poland on 24 February 2023, and Ukraine received the last 10 Leopard 2 from Poland a couple of days ago. Attacking Bakhmut now will be a fantastic way for Ukraine to lose its new 14 Leopard 2 tanks very quickly. Leopard 2 weights 63-73 tons – that is a LOT heavier than Russian and Soviet tanks. Leopard 2 is too heavy for many bridges in Ukraine and will just get stuck even deeper into the mud. There is a good reason why Russia’s heavy tanks are not as heavy as the western tanks – the Russian tanks can go more places. Not long ago, there was talk about a big Ukrainian counteroffensive in March or April. That talk is dead now. Instead, Western media are starting to talk more and more about that Ukraine won’t be able to do any real counteroffensive the next 2-3 months – but even that won’t go well for Ukraine. In Russia’s latest air attacks, Russia started to destroy Ukraine’s thermal (not nuclear) power plants – not just Ukraine’s transformer stations. Ukraine works hard to repair the transformer stations – but once a power plant is destroyed, repair is very difficult and takes a long time. Nearly all of the latest Russian air attacks also “came through” – showing that Russia has destroyed most of Ukraine’s air defense. Russia is destroying Ukraine’s air defense platforms, Ukraine is depleting its stocks of air defense missiles, and the west cannot produce replacements. Russia also trained using the Kinzhal (Dagger) hypersonic missiles – which is perfect for destroying any Ukrainian Patriot air defense systems, because the US technology is not advanced enough to defend against the Kinzhal. Russia is preparing to open the skies for massive bombing from big aircraft. Ukraine is wasted.
Being a drone hunter sounds like a badass job! At the same time it would suck…if that makes any sense. Keep fighting the good fight Ukraine
I am so sorry that you are going through this…. I will pray

Oh my lord help these people stay safe. This is awful. All the people that has died and wasn’t even involved in this uncalled war.