CNN's Nic Robertson joins the Ukraine military as they search for six missing soldiers in an area of Ukraine recently reclaimed from Russia. #NicRobertson #erinburnettoutfront #CNN
Ukraine’s military find something they feared searching for missing soldiers

May they rest in peace. Touched by the humanity of the Ukraine soldiers who respect and recover the eny also.
Slava Ukraine!
@Sareeye Ma Nusqaame Cope.
CIA bot.
@Sareeye Ma Nusqaame what are you saying? That there are no dead soldiers? That the Russians haven’t set fire to remains? That the Ukrainian forces aren’t treating all victims of this pointless war equally?
Putin is the next Hitler for the Jews 💪✝️
I was truly moved by this news report. Those warriors died defending their homes and families and the men locating their bodies and treating them with respect humbles me. God bless them all.
Freedom for Dagestan ingushia Chechnya
In fact, they died defending US interests. Washington needs this conflict to continue.
@Dylan Vogler
Who are you trying to bluff?
17th century Ukraine, if you want to call it a state, was nowhere as big as present day Ukraine post USSR. The region was just warlords fighting each other.
So, yes. Ukraine was never a nation to begin with. There could be a state in the 17th century. But never a nation.
Stop being stupid.
It was not an invasion but a special military operation that resulted in a referendum where the people voted to join Russia.
What’s more democratic than that?
@JP Phua Your nothing but a Troll Bot and Putin apologist.
Very sorry for the families of these hero’s. Such evil is going to be hard for the Ukraine people to heal from.
Slava Ukraine ❤
Hard, but not imposible . It’s gonna be a though and long road in healing ptsd….
@Milan Savic He is trying to repel an illegal invasion. Should he just give up and surrender his country to a tyrant?
@Marvhead Well, US and NATO for 30 years trying to convince whole world you must give up territories and that is justified new state to be created on our own soil…when they are the invaders!!! Illegal invasion as you put it means there is a legal invasion, which I assume, by your opinion, is legal whenever Forces of New world order attacking someone in the name of the freedom and human rights. People in east of Ukraine are russian and pro russian, and they have thesame rights as Kosovo, Taiwan and others new form states created or supported by the Us.
Sooner or later, you”ll have to give up on this territories… Otherwise, you are facing
timeless war devastating to your Ukraine…and Europe and the rest of the world. Believe me, nobody wants to starve because there is a war in godforsaken Ukraine. It’s easy to be supportive when the fridge is still full.
@Duane Hall first off what is it with chuds making reddit tier questions asking with a smug and confident “tone” where are u from ? also why does it matter when my account was made ?
@𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘄𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗩𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗱𝘆𝗺𝘆𝗿 𝗭𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗸𝘆𝘆 You are exactly right, the Ukraine is not our slave. Nor is the Ukraine slave to any man. In particular, they are not a slave to the crazed Russian dictator.
Fine work by fellow soldiers … honour to the fallen , may they rest in peace and be reunited with their loved ones .
@Kyle Kyle they were looking for Ukrainian soldiers. The random Russian corpse was left there because Russians leave their dead and wounded behind.
@seaglance before America stops and allows a ruthless dictator to rebuild the USSR? If that’s your fantasy, why aren’t you in Russia,
@J Turtle As would I if I were in an active conflict zone
Putin is the next Hitler for the Jews 💪✝️
@seaglance Well done kommrade! You may now return to Moskva, putler has ‘special operational reward’ for you
Rest In Peace heroes. Thank you for your sacrifices soldiers of democracy & humanity.
My heart breaks for these Warriors and for their Families… this was hard to watch but I can’t imagine how much harder it was to conduct this search. Bless those who came to carry their fallen brothers and sisters back home.
God Bless Ukraine 💙💛
@Ahmed Adly i agree. Do something more than just commenting on a youtube video if you care that much. Sooz’s cries mean jack shiit
Warriors 😆
have you ever played hit game among us
God bless Ukraine, hmm, if there was a god why is this happening, stop posting bullshit.
Putin is the next Hitler for the Jews 💪✝️
Very sad. May God their family and their fellow soldiers 🙏 and may their souls rest in peace. What a heroes? True heroes indeed!
Surely these men who collect the remains are no less worthy of great respect than front line protagonists themselves. These & grave registration teams get little recognition for their valiant efforts. Imagine doing this job each & every day. I salute you all.
totally agree. and i know the other side would do the same. i dont recalling russian soldiers filming dead soldiers and posting them on social media ..if so they should equally be ashamed.
As someone who lost my parents as a child, I can’t help but feel heartbroken for the sons and daughters who will never see their fathers again. Because why? One man wants more dirt?
@Haydon Ditchburn yeah they should do like you and get their info from some lunatic putin supporter
Sadly, you are right. Not everyone is a human being, a few are human animals that are heartless and soulless. I wish things like this (and worst) befall the man who brought this upon others
@Vlad Ivory Angela Merkel was Germany chancellor for 16 years before she retired, Benjamin Netanyahu has served for tenures as Israel’s president, Viktor orban has been Hungarian prime minister for 16 years and the list goes on, so what’s the nonsensical theory of Putin being in office for 18 year’s meaning a Russian dictatorship all, The United States refuses to accept the sovereignty of other countries hence it seeks to interfere in other internal politics given flimsy excuses.
@Nicolas Garcia in 2014 Russia invaded and annexed Crimea.
@Димитър ШоповRead my comment again; denying the souvereignty of Ukraine is the core of the rest of your lies. You are just a ruzzian troll/puppet. Shame on you. Get an education.
RIP soldiers. You gave your all for your homeland and died as heroes. You will not be forgotten.
@Online Empire meaning we’ll find him dead in his bunker after all his plans come to nothing?
the next generation is born it will be forgotten and repeated
@JK sadly. Each generation we say “never again” but here we are
@Chris Smith is it because everyone learns from experience and don’t live long
Oh my… 😞😪 My father was a soldier, thank God for people who do this. Their families deserve to know their fate.
What a lovely post you have i know you do not know me before but didn’t be frightened your posts are exciting,but we are not friends on YouTube,.i sent you a friend request but it didn’t go through,kindly send me a request let’s be friends if you don’t mind beautiful ❤.
My British uncle was killed during the Italian campaign in WW2. Right from the start his family had details of where he was buried, in Orvietto, Italy. I wasn’t born then, but I always had a thing about this uncle. Now living in Australia, I visited his grave in 2002. The town cares for this cemetery – it is immaculate – and they still treasure the sacrifices made by these men.
@Sheila Boston Where are you from and what is your name
Where are you from and what is your name
@Sheila Boston Where are you from and what is your name
It’s sad to think these soldiers were once their mother’s most prized possession 😔
I look at my kids and can’t imagine seeing them in a pit like that.
It must be an immeasurably difficult mission…to search for comrades that you know are potentially gone from you, to having to not only find them dead, but find their remains in this way. And afterwards, having to show respect to those who are part of the agency responsible. At any point these guys could’ve lost themselves in anger but they’ve shown stellar composure.
@хорошая жизнь “Good dreams?” There is no scenario where Russia will win. They will be driven out. What happens after that? We’ll see. I believe there are already offensive actions by Ukraine to strike military targets inside Russia. And after Russia surrenders unconditionally, which it will, we’ll see how much in war reparations Russia will be on the hook for as well as further sanctions.
@Chris DurhamGuns don’t fire without people…..
@хорошая жизнь What’s that mean? Nuclear strike? Russia will be wiped off the face of the Earth if that happens. Putin knows this. Do you trust Putin enough that he won’t genocide his own people to avoid being overthrown and killed? You picked the wrong side, buddy.
@Chris DurhamNot at all.There are only 25 million people left in Ukraine.Russia has 150 million people.Although mercenaries from the USA, Great Britain, Georgia, Poland often began to die.I’ve heard about international terrorists howling on the side of Ukraine, but I haven’t seen the corpses yet.
And if Russia wanted to destroy Ukraine, it would have done it a long time ago.There are enough thermobaric vacuum bombs of AVBPM to demolish entire cities.
@хорошая жизнь you mean the bones, yea i thought so too but i think he said they try to burn them, if that is the case i think its possible
I can’t even begin to imagine let alone understand how hard this job is. Much respect for showing the same level of respect and dignity for the fallen soldiers of your enemy as you give your own.
If there was any further basis needed for supporting democratic Ukraine over Putin’s fascism, the cruel disregard for human rights by Vlad’s forces is sufficient. We know where these horrors lead. We cannot go back. Putin, and the global fascism supporting him, must be pulled-out root-and-branch, and in a manner that demonstrates why the cruelty they think makes them powerful is, in fact, what makes them weak.
Respecting human rights can be difficult, but not nearly as much as the consequences of not doing so. We can’t afford to have to learn this lesson the hard way yet again.
This brought tears to my eyes. As an old soldier I totally respect the sacrifice these men made. One found with gun in hand, the last still missing. The story of the everyday heros of this war.
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@Ese Alfred Where are you from and what is your name?
Tough to watch this clip. Tears running down our cheeks. Heartbroken of their lonely death and suffering. These men searching for their comrades, whoosh! Tough task on so many levels. In awe of their dedication, patience and love for the amazing Ukraine military soldiers. So proud of Ukraine military, so very very proud. We continue our monthly support to Ukraine. Its no way near a Billion dollars but we are doing what we can in a way that we can. Many hands make light work. We must continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes. Glory to Ukraine and all the heros from Atlantic Eastern Canada household.
To these brave men: I can’t possibly imagine the emotional toll this must take on you. Be strong, be safe, be well. God bless.
Slava Ukraini
From a 70 year old , former UK Inf soldier. I Thank you and all the teams that find and bring home , All fallen Soldiers. May your brothers in arms rest in peace.
This investigative work of finding then identifying fallen soldiers is so important. Bless you guys for your diligence, care and respect to these fallen soldiers and their families. Ukraine, you are in our hearts. Your pain is our pain. Deepest respect to you and for your sacrifice. Victory and peace to your nation and people 🇺🇦 🇦🇺
I can only imagine the last moments of these soldiers. Glory to Ukraine. You did not die in vain ❤🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦