Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy compared the Toronto Raptors' 2019 NBA championship to the Ukraine fight against Russia in a speech.
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Yeah freezing people’s account who were in a peaceful protest was very democratic.
exactly. We have no lesson to give in democracy. We should fix our own country and stop meddling in international politics.
This is so f’d up.
Freeland didn’t want to make any moves to assist Ukraine until others jumped in..
Between 1988 and 1989, she studied at the University of Kyiv as an exchange student while earning a degree at Harvard University. There, she caught the attention of the Soviet Union’s KGB for her pro-democracy, pro-Ukrainian independence activism.
We back Ukraine with tax $, higher inflation, higher gas prices, higher interest rates. With the possibility of losing our homes due to high mtg payments in 2-4 years time
@Frankie’s Pizzeria you’ve had enough Kool aid to drink for one day I think
@FuelAirSparkTime Slava Ukraine!
Victory to Ukraine
@W Richardson There’s the door …
should educate students on horrors of Iraq and Afghanistan War
@Nux Kamina I do?
@SImple k start with the Odessa massacre in 2014. They filmed it. Go ahead
@Society Lost lol careful.
only ppl that tell ppl to educate themselves know anything.
@SImple Everyone should be educated on the Ukrainian crisis. That’s why I recommend Dr. John Mearsheimer’s 2015 lecture on Ukraine. Top notch.
@Society Lost Is this supposed to negate the 200,000 children stolen from Ukraine?
Lights, camera, action!
This is insane.
They’re losing their minds.
The way she respectfully said Putin’s name in the correct manner
Hahahahahaha I thought she had peanut butter in her mouth
Her background is Ukranian.
Interesting that she referred to Ukraine as a democracy when the opposition party has been outlawed.
@Tristen M March 2022
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky invoked his emergency powers under martial law to suppress several opposition political parties and implement a “unified information policy.”
In an address to the nation delivered Sunday, he announced a temporary ban on “any activity” by 11 political parties.
The ban includes the Opposition Platform – For Life party, which holds 43 seats in Ukraine’s national parliament and is the largest opposition party.
@Henry lhd2 The opposition as a whole still holds 94 seats. Yes, that’s way less than Zelensky’s party, but that’s because his party won the 2019 election in a landslide. Also, just because the party was dissolved doesn’t mean that it’s members were expelled from the government. As I understand it, they are still there, and have formed a successor parliamentary group called “Platform for Life and Peace”. Your description of how “the opposition party has been outlawed” is a huge exaggeration and oversimplification of what actually happened. And I remind you, the party’s were only banned in the MIDDLE OF A WAR for being too close to the country that is ACTIVELY INVADING Ukraine. Seems understandable to me.
@Tristen M Now who says they’re pro Russian. That’s the question
@Hadrian Ukraine is not a democracy. There is only one political party and there are no elections.
Dear students, ask her who her grandfather was and what he did in the WW2.
we know, wake up and look at what’s happening now.
@Ann Smith Given her ancestors actions – she might want to be particularly careful about promoting war
what did her grandfather do ?
@Ann Smith yeah but she was told her grandfather was a hero now she believes it
Should find this guy and answered so many unanswered questions about this war..!
Y is he getting so much hate know I haven’t followed up on the news?
Could Zelensky use Ukraine’s version of an Emergencies Act to ban his political opponents? Freeland could give him a few pointers on that.
LOL you have no idea how things work.
He already did
@TechnoMach He used the emergencies Act on the Conservative Party of Canada. Weird, I haven’t seen Pierre Poilievre discuss this. Can you send a link? How long did he freeze the Conservatives accounts for?
Ukraine bans primary opposition party, seizing all its assets and money
The ban of the country’s largest opposition party effectively signals an end to democracy in the Eastern European country, which is currently involved in a conflict with Russia over its eastern provinces.
By Ian Miles Cheong | June 21, 2022 | News Analysis. Ukraine a Democracy Freeland!!!
@Henry lhd2 no you are wrong, child.
@Corvega What horse rider has said is easily findable in many news articles. Try harder child.
@Henry lhd2 incorrect – unless these are digital books in the format of a personal blog; you cannot find these ‘facts’ on any reputable site or poli-sci textbook.
@Corvega Ukraine’s own Ministry of Justice announced it. Is that credible enough for you ?
@Tristen M Wrong. They banned other parties. One leader had to flee to Spain – Ukraine STILL tried to nab him. His sin? He was starting to become popular.
I don’t want to listen to all that, but what does he want?
Is he asking canada for money?
He got billions from America when they don’t even have free healthcare and are facing an imminent recession and America does not even know what Ukraine is doing with the money, their own Secretary of Staff admitted to this.
I wish them the best, BUT NO MONEY FROM CANADA!!!!!!!!!
Freeland needs to go to jail
She should go back to the motherland and do a radio broadcast with that earitanting voice after hearing that voice day and out they would get a battery or two of artillery and then fire as they say time on target meaning all guns fire at once on target
Were there questions? Anybody ask about the Minsk agreements?
What?! Doesn’t he have a war to handle? Why is he addressing Canadian students and why should they care?
how does he have time to do interviews with Ben Stiller? Just wondering?