US national security advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters in Kyiv that Russia's invasion of Ukraine "could end very easily" if Russia chooses to end it. CNN's Nic Robertson and the former US Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor join CNN's Brianna Keilar to discuss. #CNN #News
Ukraine suggests Russian forces may soon withdraw from occupied Kherson region

Not soon. They are apparently beginning to withdraw as we speak.
@Gearóid T Bot
@pat pat It’s a goddamned trap.
Scepticism is needed
It’s Russians plain for everyone to think that, and to think CNN is behind the reason why people are believing otherwise is priceless, specially after seeing what the media is capable of.
@Willy Wonka fortunately it’s a quite terrible one.
The fact that Russia thinks they can attack a country but can’t be attacked on their homeland is baffling
@Breadboy Swazy 5’7
@Одинокий Пешеход Are you using a translator app from the Soviet era? Russia doesn’t exist. It’s going to be divided along cultural lines. Poor Russians are being lied to
@Gearóid T rhyming President Zelenskyy’s name with gay and expecting it to be an insult is straight out of Soviet days. Fool
@Vision821 K Ukraine has made a joke out of the so called superpower. Russia is sent back to 1970s. Slava Ukraini.

Well said, dude. I totally agree.
Imagine being forced to go and die to save Putin from having to admit his mistake.
unfortunately, we had that problem in the united states in 1969 Nixon could had ended the war,but he said,”i dont want to be the first us president to lose a war” boys died because of that until 1973 june of 72 he announced that he would stop sending draftees to nam was a little to late for me, but i cheered for my fellow draftees that wouldn’t have to go.
can you imagine how many death and injured could had been spared if Nixon wasnt so concerned about his legacy ? not just Americans, but the south and north Vietnamese?
Thats because Russia and US are really allies destroying Ukrainians for Profits. And everyone is paying the taxes and voting for it.
Ukraine are still n@zi regardless
@Gearóid T Tell me, what part of this war are Russia winning?
Well I thought the ground would freeze and russia would have an easier time driving over rivers
Russia is re-deploying their “good” troops elsewhere and sending mobilized noobs in to be speed bumps.
That’s the issue of listening to propaganda. One wouldn’t know what is real.
They aren’t re-deploying anyone out of there. They can’t get out. They’re trapped.
So, I can claim to comprehend military tactical knowledge, but who would, or shoild believe it. Sure, I served in the USN, but that doesn’t make me some military tactical genuis. I can say this though, I’ve studies, military tactics for 5 decades. Yeah, I’m getting old.
So, with that said, I see Ukrainian forces genuinely threatening threatening Russian forces in the South that could encircle 90,000 Russians, but they wont. Because it’s a trap.
Instead, I would humbly suggest, Ukrainian forces will attack in the North, then push Russian troops into a total encirclement environment during the winter when the ground is hard, and they have winter gear, and Russians forces don’t.
The disputed center of the Russian invasion will be obliterated. The hired mercenaries. At that point, Russia loses the Crimea.
Well, that’s what I would do. But I’m no tactical genius.
It’s an odd move. Perhaps they are worried about Crimea and want to bolster those forces. Perhaps it’s better to retreat voluntarily than to be forced in defeat. I shudder to think it’s a trap or a target for a wmd.
he cant use a wmd its a 100% loss for him , he isnt stupid he knows that.. they will heavily fortify crimea i think . but the land bridge has to go before they take crimea .
@dark azurr what do you think is going to happen if he uses a WMD on Ukraine? You think some other nation is going to risk Mutually assured destruction by launching WMDs in retaliation on Ukraines behalf? Lol… are they going to set indefinite sanctions on Russia? One of the most universally sanctioned countries in the world? Honestly what do you think western society will do beyond crying about the devastation and MAYBE launching an attempted assassination or something…
The sad fact of the matter is unless we know exactly what Russian capabilities are, we aren’t really able to do much about anything they do in Ukraine beyond funding/facilitating a war by proxy, which we have been.
At the end of the day, the only thing putin is going to stop this war for is the embedding of a Russian loyalist president in Ukraine OR social pressures within russia.
Don’t worry old head Biden will make it all better!!
@Arby Jack biden is probably a bad night’s sleep away from thinking we are back in the cold war and trying to hone in his speech to Gorbachev about tearing down the Berlin wall.
I remember watching an analysis video that claimed that Russian commanders actually thought that holding on to Kherson was too aggressive and it was better to pull back for some reason.
I forget the rationale for it, but maybe Russia does have a good one.
(A rationale justification, not a *good* justification)
Where are the two different armies going to do in January when it’s below zero degrees and there’s ice everywhere?
Link to the Clip : They finally released this !!
I always enjoy open, honest, unbiased ( mostly retired ) ambassadors as well as actively employed scholars. Retired guests ( particularly ambassadors) tend to talk more openly and do not need to “beat around the bush” to avoid upsetting their political bosses. They usually no longer have political bosses to answer to. Mr. Taylor always has a few “new things” to teach us. Thank you, and thank you for not interrupting these guests.
@John daily Yet, here you are. Lmao. You know you got nothing going on in life when you actively sit on a channel you clearly dislike and claim is dishonest.
@John daily Do you feel FOX is more honest ? Thanks
@richard simms they all lie? Are you new to this planet?
@John daily Well, the host did just mention the ongoing war in Ukraine, which is objectively occurring, so your absolutist argument was just disproven out of the gate.
@richard simms Neither is. FOX,MSNBC,ABC,CNN are all heavily biased.
didn’t they JUST say the opposite like… today???
I would be talking about some kind of a trap that Russians might do with all this withdrawing. Just a thought
It’s all false flags wake up
It does seem suspicious especially when so many of us were taught at a young age that Russians were tough and smart. Yet somehow it seems that all that could go wrong has gone wrong for the Russians. Historically this tends to happen all the time, where a powerful military is defeated despite all odds. I hope this war in Ukraine proves it yet again.
Pulling their men out because they’re about to decimate them
I’m surprised the reporters don’t just jump in the foxholes and interview people getting shot at and then cross the lines and interview the other military forces. Probably more rowdy at a Manchester United game.
Some of the BBC reporters have been but for the most part the ukrainians have barred reporters from the front lines
If I was the Ukraine forces, I would be very cautious to go in there at this time, there might be a a plant of a nuclear low-grade bomb, and as soon as the forces are in there the crane forces, the rush is my ignite that low-grade bomb. Must be very cautious beforehand
This seems to easy, it feels like a trap or an opening for Russia to use a nuke, it’s not looking good when you have your bff China not to use it
When something becomes a story It should be reported on , But constantly bringing up something seems more like trying to create a story . Every day Brianna Keilar ask something about weather we’re going to keep supplying Ukraine !? It seems to be just a constant drumbeat stoking and stirring up fear !? It would be like everyday starting a show with , Is Brianna Keilar continuing to report for CNN ?! Even if there Is no cause to ask .
Man if this 80 degree weather in DC keeps up, I have difficulty imagining the winter will be difficult for the West at all
Well, it’s fall and it won’t keep up. We frequently have 70 degree days in December, even here in Ohio. That said, Winter always comes in earnest, and it’s akin to Siberia here.
imagine a world where the leaders were held accountable for their actions to the same degree as the poor bastards who die for them are
Again, Ukraine is also fighting for us. We benefit, they die. So support is the least we can do.