A top US officials tells CNN the Russian military is running low on troops and equipment needed to continue Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine. CNN senior international correspondent Fred Pleitgen reports.
#CNN #News
Ukraine says strike destroyed ‘significant’ Russian weapons and equipment

The irony is when Russia attacks Ukraine it’s not terrorism but a “humanitarian” exercise but if Ukraine attacks Russia it’s terrorism. Really warped reasoning.
And you are an expert on critical thinking? What degrees do you have again?
@Some Hippie and why Orange Face makes all his accusations.
@mg23 Absolutely wrong on every count, many less civilians died as US used precision armaments in all attacks.
RIP to all innocent Ukrainian women, children and men. Slava Ukraine

It’s so heartbreaking Ukraian and Russian people alike,they all mostly want peace and to live their lives..
@Stop the Sniff 0000000
@ALT Spitfire You’re also a bot
Salmo 18 for protection ukanias family and volunteer
Well done boys, keep it up! Slava Ukraine!
and girls. women. grandma’s and great grandmas behind them.
@jobyna mcgee

Well done !! Ukrainian fighters.
Fighting so bravely & tirelessly to drive the evil invaders out of their beloved country..
Slava Ukraini..
Stay strong Ukraine.
Glory to russia

@Pro Russia gay edgelord
Wagner is like Hitler’s SS troops, but for Putin.
@Donald MacKerer well said
@Jonathan exactly
@NufNufTV Fun Toys Surprise No, with a Pen
@Mei Lin Chan I agree
@NufNufTV Fun Toys Surprise Also from the comfort of my wealthy democratic, safe and great place in Australia
Those missiles was just a temporary reminder to Ukrainians. In reality Russians dont have enough to continue the strike. Focusing at the center is not going to solve their rapidly declining front. It doesnt end in Kherson and they will need it to defend Crimea too
Love how you people are so delusional.. The strikes were strategic, power, transport, Sbu and NATO mercenaries facilities. Russia has not even used 5% on their artillery and missiles..
@Anthony Taylor Unfortunately not next year, I think end of next year Russia will be pushed back until 2021 lines. The rest will unfortunately take an other year. But I am afraid that some countries (Germany, Italy, France) will push Zelensky for negotiations. As gas might not be a problem this year but it could become problematic next year.
But I really hope you are right, the ideal end would be a total collapse of Russian army. This would make Europe a much safer place for the next one or two decades.
@H2oways Russians are punks but Ukrainians are Metallers/Metalheads!
Rip to all innocent Ukrainians

@Zak July R.I.P. saddam.
@Ken Fisher “innocent” Russian conscripts should stay home and take care of their own damn problems
They are not innocents because they leader doesn’t want negotiate they should make a new leader
Imagine having the army waiting in your apartment complex’s lobby, show your face and your dragged into a truck, off to the war.
I wish a Time-traveler Industrialized Bronze Age Egypt. So much bullshit wouldn’t occur
@Vinterbukser Logic defeats those addled by copium.
@JT Youngman Ho Chi Min was a National Hero to ALL of the Vietnamese, He resisted the Japanese in WWII and forced the French Colonial forces out after WWII.
The French CREATED South Vietnam by dividing the country in half and foisting a Puppet Government onto the South Half before they left.
We entered that conflict to FORCE UPON THEM a government they NEVER wanted, because Ho Chi Min was a communist. He was a communist, while Russia was still our ally in Europe, and the American Capitalists were determined to destroy an Ideology that threatened their wealth and global dominance.
They tried to force Capitalist Democracy onto them at the point of a gun and they tried to do it with an Army of Conscripts who didn’t support it.
Not EXACTLY the same as what Putin is doing, but pretty damned close.
Ukraine has no option but to defend itself against enemy. Well done
Salmo 37 for protection ukanias family and volunteer

@Milena Meredith
Speaking ruZZian in Ukraine isn’t a problem as most Ukrainians speak ruZZian.
ruZZia/soviet union forced migration upon Ukraine, Crimea and many others to intentionally cause problems in the future(today) should regions rebel. They also forced the ruZZian language in most regions as the official language.
Thus, they can make claims of rescuing ruZZians or ruZZian speaking populations regardless the region.
I would think that “You” would be aware of these facts. (
Pray for the people of the Ukraine, pray for the people of Kiev.
@AStrangeman got their revenge with covid
@Rob 51 The intelligent don’t pray to an imaginary god because it is a waste of time and foolish. Yet, the world is full of fools who disparage science and physical proofs while clinging to traditions and mysticism!
Stay strong Ukraine

As part of russia

Blessings and Love to all Men and Women of Ukraine Fighting to reclaim their Land. May they progress and get their wins every minute they are out.
Salmo 18 for protection ukanias family and volunteer

@Pro Russia

Historically from ancient times in Russia the 4 towers of Kremlin were(are) always in a power struggle and power grab with each other. Sometimes tacitly, sometimes not. So if Wagner’s founder sees the days of Shoigu getting feeble then this is a perfect opportunity for him.
Secondly, because of a shocking level of corruption in Russia and especially in its defence ministry and exorbitant defence spending during such times of war this is the perfect moment for people like Prigozhin, Kadyrov to try to divert these billions of dollars cash flow to themselves. Nothing personal, just business as usual in Russia.
There is a saying in Russia, If the state allocates billions of funds, this eventually leads to the emergence of new crop of billionaires.
@Omar Pierce Conduct research by studying Russian and Ukrainian news. Do you have an information curtain??
@Nikolaus do you have an assumption? If so just say it don’t need to try to denounce comments when it’s related to obtaining knowledge so rather than being a know it all you should apply yourself to it and describe what he means then lmao.
Go Ukraine and protect your country. Stay strong

No wrong
Your all heroes keep safe. Glory to Ukraine
And Russia too?
God bless ukanias family and volunteer

It’s almost like you don’t want the Ukraine to be victors. Only because Armageddon would most likely follow in its wake
It’s almost like you don’t want the Ukraine to be victors. Only because Armageddon would most likely follow in its wake
Way to go, Ukraine ! Keep up the good work !!
Vet supports 

My Ukrainian friends, you also have SISU ! im impressed to your determination and proudness to defend your Country and your people! keep it up! you will win! Finnish friend.
Unbelievable Ukraine
my prayers are with you, love
from Ireland 
Yeah the Ukraine is doing what the IRA couldn’t pull off.