CTV's Military Analyst Ret. Maj.-Gen. David Fraser discusses heightened security In Kiev as Ukraine Independence Day nears.
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Let’s send Ukraine another aid package when we can use that money here in Canada to help CANADIANS!
@G Ram WE ? do you speak French?
@Stana Oui, je parle francais. Et vous? Francophone? Immersion francais?
@G Ram If that money was going to India Gagan wouldn’t be complaining
Interesting how they are spelling it Kiev again.
That’s how it’s spelled
@миру мир wrong. Its Kyiv.
Independence? When their current leader got in on a coup. lmfao
@DR Eh you don’t know what I know. seems you’re projecting.
No, when the USSR dissolved in 1991. Read a book or something.
@WaterFrodo August 24, 1991 is when ukraine became a independent country.
Ukraine “Dependence on America” day!
Yes Ukraine “D. O. A .” DAY
Send more money and when you think it’s enough send more… ffsks
Hopefully they get another one if they are lucky
How are they independent? They need the whole world to send them money and help.
Yeah, we’ve actually done that for a lot of countries when they’re fighting evil on our behalf. England during WWII comes to mind.
@Pifidown Are you old enough to remember WMDs in Iraq? If so, you’re falling for it again. If not, read up on it.
@Paul H Are you saying there’s no war in Ukraine, my friend? Have you fallen that far?
@Pifidown No. Seriously, that’s what you read into that? Please educate yourself.
@Paul H What am I falling for in that case? My very smart friend.
“Send more money day”
“Ukraine whine for more money and supplies from countries who shouldn’t be involved in your war day”, you mean.
Russia will supply fireworks
Let’s hope that this war will end soon. It was enough suffering.
@Ronald Labelle Russia started the war
@Pojomania ? It was nato that Brock the treaty by setting up arms at the Russian Ukraine border.
Preemptive Alibi I think that’s the term for this kind of story
possible attack……they are in a war. They should be fearful and on guard at all times
That guy was the commander of nato forces in Afghanistan. Look at how well that went.
Actually, that mission went very well. Folks ended it years earlier then it should have and against the advice of military commanders across NATO.
2:42 Fact check: Putin requested peace talks multiple times but was refused by Ukraine & their nato pals.
Peace isn’t profitable
Glory to Russia
Stay there please
Let Trudeau donate his own money and assets to Ukraine
“Innocent”…are you sure about that?
Russia willing to talk but zelenski refuses to meet. The comedian will bleed Ukraine dry.
I’m sure Zelensky has something planned