CNN's Jim Sciutto speaks with the UK Secretary of State for Transport Grant Shapps about the new round of sanctions leveled against Russia, Russian media disinformation and targeting allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin. #CNN #News
UK official shows seized jet and yacht of Russian oligarchs

God bless Ukraine god be with the people of Ukraine
Truth ksi
Truth ksi
God bless anyone who fights nato monopoly
Love his articulation when speaking, confident

Zelensky is a brain burner!(Правдивое видео):.
Truth ksi
Truth ksi
@Владимир Путин for your posts, you will receive extra turnip this month, all praise tsar putini the lesser…. ain’t that right botski
Thanks UK for helping Ukraine!
Zelensky is a brain burner!(Правдивое видео):.
Much more valuable than the yachts and jets themselve, is the message that seizing them represents.
It would be unacceptable to let russia’s corrupt and powerful men continue to freely enjoy these millionaire assets.
What about the corrupt western millionaires? Shouldn’t they also loose their assets?
You guys are usually almost as passive as Canada!
… But now you’re straight up BEAST MODE!
All… “Look at all our pretty new boats and planes!”… and s***! That was, literally, the entire story!
I like it!
Keep up the good job UK!!!
Thank you !!
Yeah great job !!
Russia has been PUTIN a very difficult position, especially with the expansion of NATO now that Finland and Sweden are in.
@one+one ok botski, putin will gift you one extra turnip for your blind loyalty.
@paladro nonsense.
As a Brit I’m proud of our government for not cowering to the little Russian bully ..Despite , his bravado threats of using nuclear weapons on us and plunging the U.K. into the ocean..
@Joy Simpson You show a huge willingness to be wilfully blinded.De Pfeffel’s got you exactly where he wants.
@H K

I’m much obliged for the insightful deduction …. Cheerio 
The world will not give up we pray for peace
Hopefully other western governments do the same. “We could not allow Putin’s aggression to succeed.” So Powerful.
I like how enthusiastic he gets when talking about the trains running on time in a war in Ukraine
immediately after saying he can’t get his trains on time in the UK
Yeah… Unions….
Makes you wonder, why don’t the RU Ogliarchs build mansions in Syria? or North Korea? or Iran. How about Venezuela. Why don’t they take their money to those places?
You guys are usually almost as passive as Canada!
… But now you’re straight up BEAST MODE!
All… “Look at all our pretty new boats and planes!”… and s***! That was, literally, the entire story!
I like it!
Trains are really expensive here
It’s more expensive to travel in the UK than flying around Europe or Turkey
Sell them off at auction use the proceeds to rebuild and support Ukrainians
Good way to go, good decision, sell all and use the money to rebuild Ukraine.
It’s kinda easy to reach such a high number in sanctioned wealth, if you were the main money launderer for the oligarchs.
I cannot wait to visit Ukraine one day when it is repaired. In the meantime I continue to donate and I love Ukraine and the strength and courage of the beautiful Ukrainian people!

Slava Ukraine!!!!
Where can I donate?
@blank somewhere save and make sure it’s getting too them and not a fraudulent scheme I donated in marks and Spencer’s store
Do you think Ukraine will be able to recover after it was bombed by its own army? And where will the neo-Nazis go?
@one+one I am sure the some off the nazis will find there way back too Russia alive or in body bags
Now the big question: How much of the cash received for these seizures will actually go to the Ukrainian people for rebuilding and re-supplying? A UK politician will take some of the money, a Ukraine politician will take some of the money, and anybody’s guess on other corruption. I’d like to see everything accounted for on spread sheets.
There’s a handling fee, local taxes, stamp duties to be paid, sundries and not to mention their ‘cut’ so…
not much!
seizure isn’t forfeiture, but it could become that.
5 bucks? (I’ll pay cash); “Seized” vs. “Confiscated”: when property is associated with the commission of a crime, the property can be legally confiscated as government property, “can be” offered for auction to the general public; funds generated can be dictated by associated government agencies.
Seized property remains under the name of the owner; associated revenues generated can be transferred to the owner. (FWIW, “AFAIK”)
Food for thought
If the US had the power to freeze any leaders assets, who exactly is the bigger threat?
Good news the UK is so hot on this, well done Grant Schapps.
I wish the microphones were better balanced.
Eugene Debs-
“I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence.”
Well said, that more than likely pertains to billions of people in this world today. ♥️
Exactly, using the money to rebuild Ukraine is essential!