1. It’s so pathetic how you beta bitches want globalist to win. People who want to own you… and you get on your knees and open your mouth.

    2. @cj p it’s pathetic that you nationalist scum think there’s some conspiracy amongst “globalists” to… do what again? What’s the globalist agenda, again, you fucking looney tune?

    1. Donald Trump( William H) there it is. I was waiting for your other alt account to pop up. I already ran into this account of yours before. Did you forget? Running out of options are we? 😂

    2. cj p and it’s cj p. Man I was curious when you would come back. I applaud you though, after seeing you thoroughly trounced in arguments time and time again, it’s hilarious to see you are still trying with petty pathetic insults that do nothing but hurt your argument and help your opposition. Keep up the great work! 😂

  1. I hope the EU decides to *not* grant the UK an extension. Let everybody suffer economically — it is still better than this chaos and erosion of democratic principles.

    The world’s dictators are laughing — and that is even worse than a hard Brexit.

    1. You fukin moron eu are the dictators. Globalist gov that wants a border less world and one world currency, with them at the top Unelected. Could you be any fukin dumber?

    1. @Shin Lin Nice try at deflecting Billy….It’s you and your gang of four Trump trolls who are the racist republicans.

  2. This is like trump but with normal sane people around him. His own party instantly said no and not like the rep in the us

    1. ​@Swampy As well as Murdoch we also have the Barclay Brothers and Viscount Rothermere to contend with. It’s a v serious problem

    2. There it is!!

      This is why regulations are important. Unfettered, big money can manipulate the people with propaganda. This is true for both sides.

    1. Corbyn is done. Stick a fork in Corbyn. Corbyn is ducking the inevitable. Corbyn is history, as are the Democrats. Resist progress. Spin CNN.

  3. If Boris was a beer he would be a bud light
    Trump would be Budweiser
    One is just full of more piss than the other ..

    1. Chris Oros Boris is actually purposefully goofy and clownish as a way to come out of his gaffes. Trump just is a clown and his supporters just don’t care.

    2. @I probably won’t see your reply. while dumb shits like you will submit all you freedoms to people that don’t even know you. What’s your idiot cure for global warming? Carbon tax and less freedom to choose how to run your life? Why can’t you fucking losers move to China if your so desperate to be owned?

  4. Boris has said he would rather “die in a ditch” than get an extension. He also said he would lay in front of the bulldozers to stop a third runway at Heathrow, then had an urgent meeting in Turkey when the vote was taken to agree to the runway, but said he had to accept the decision of Parliament as this was democracy. Boris is only for democracy when it suits him

    1. Boris is being fought by the commie globalist assholes. Just like Trump. But the globalists WILL lose this fight. Rest assured.

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