UK intelligence: Russia has regained momentum in Bakhmut

The United Kingdom's Military Intelligence believe that Russian troops have “regained some momentum in the Battle for Bakhmut” and have “likely advanced into the town center”. CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh reports. #CNN #News


  1. The sheer amount of approving and cheering comments by ordinary Russians under videos about the atrocities committed against civilians in Ukraine were no less shocking to Ukrainians than the war itself.
    We somehow got used to the war, but the realization of who we have been living next to all this time without even knowing it is still terrifying.
    These creatures call themselves our brothers.
    Imagine what they would do to you, who they call their enemies, if you let them.
    Not supplying weapons to Ukraine in order to achieve an early peace would be like allowing a violator to violate his victim in order to end the violence as soon as possible.

    1. ​@Vitaly V how so ? Russia is invading , rather slowly & meticulous . It would not stand to reason that Russian soldiers are encountering huge # s of Ukraine civilian’s. Women , children & elderly should easily be able to move west , away from the Russian soldiers. However , it would be more likely that Ukraine military would be in close contact with Russian civilian’s in Ukraine held territory. I’m saying it doesn’t make sense that Russians are committing war crimes against Ukraine’s civilian’s. Why would they be coming in contact with Ukraine women , children & elderly . For certain Ukraine’s military is coming in contact with Russian civilian’s in Ukraine held territory on a much higher ratio. You know exactly what the hell my logic is . Putin was & is moving Russian children out of the war zone . Why have we not heard of Ukraine moving Russian children out , to the west of Ukraine. Don’t forget 95 per- cent of Ukraine’s joined the Nazi party when Germany invaded in WW2 . Be a little more practical with your logic man . Believe everything you hear or think some for yourself a little more. Russians aren’t coming in contact with a huge # of Ukraine civilian’s. Ukraine’s are in contact with many Russian civilian’s especially women , children & elderly, because they are in Ukraine held territory . So , if war crimes are taken place , who is most likely responsible ? Russia or Ukraine? If you can’t figure that out , there’s not much hope for you Bud!

  2. Might not be so bad, a tactical or breaking retreat might not be the worst strategy these days with pending and encompassing counter offensives looming.

  3. It is also possible that Ukraine is dedicating so many forces to Bakhmut is because that is where Russia’s most combat effective troops – the Wagner Group – are located en mass? Essentially providing them a potential opportunity to take a sizable chunk of flesh from the flower of their enemy’s forces?

    1. No. just the loss of this “unnecessary” city means the loss of the east of the country. only not 20%, but about 50 🤣😂😂

  4. The importance of Bakhmut is definitely downplayed. People who do flat map analysis make that mistake. Bakhmut is a naturally defensible position because of its geography. A modern castle city. The enemy loses way more than the standard 1:3 ratio going into Bakhmut. If you have to set up a bottleneck somewhere, this would be the place.

    1. @Jude Ramnarine Yes, I wondered why the russians hadn’t really gotten anything done despite having put so much obvious effort there for months It must have been one hell of a winter. At least it gave time for the Ukrainians to train on the western equipment, and resupply.

    2. @bbbbbbears According to Col Macgregor the Ukraine losses in Bakmut are at least 4x the Russians.This has been confirmed by Ukraianian commanders who are quoted as saying the life expectancy in Bakmut is 4 hours.

  5. Journalists speak now like politicians, when Nick Paton instead of reporting the war he’s passing his time criticizing one side 🙂

  6. Giving up a couple blocks at about a 6:1 kill ratio is not so bad. Especially with 40k troops newly trained on new western equipment about to star their counter-offensive.

    1. Yup. Russia’s small, slow and very expensive crawl forward in Bakhmut might give them a brief feeling of positivity. But it’s not going to last long.

    2. Despite out-gunning the Bandera army by a substantial margin somehow they’re suffering far more losses… Barnum was right.

  7. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the public optics, often that does not reflect what might be being said behind the screen. China may not condemn the war publically but that may not reflect the tone of discussion between Xi and Putin privately.

  8. For sure, journalists would have said back in 1942, stalingrad is a small city with non strategical significant.. Only time will tell us the importance of Bachmut in this war.

    1. He’s the real General. The rest are politicians who were able to use politics to get into the general staff

  9. “Does appear the Russians have crossed over the river”… That happened weeks ago!

    1. The lie as long as they can and then play catch up. Yet the public continues to take them seriously, just read the comments.

    2. ​@Joseph Shields true Russia has been pummeling them for two weeks now gaining ground and this the first sign of aknowledement of it

  10. It is NOT of limited strategic value, it occupies the middle of the Zelensky Line, it is a cross-roads city, and it is in the territory that was incorporated into Russia.

  11. Street by street, door by door in any war it takes a massive amount of time and manpower, had the Russians actually trained in the art of urban warfare where one is required to fight in a built up area ? the biggest problem now facing the Russians, do they advance to the next objective and how to securely consolidate the city , which again will require a large standing force in the rear , either way expect the UA to make life very uncomfortable with their long range precision snipers ! ❤ GOD Bless Everyone

    1. @John Russia would of been in Kiev in one day if half of the world didn’t supply them with weapons

    2. @John The difference is that Russia never publicly made that statement. It was a western invention whiles Ukraine and their western masters made a claim of the ghost of Kiev. They’re two different things.

  12. That Swedish Carl Gustaf 84mm from the ’70s is just fine, they are used across the world by many militaries. The Russians, advancing against them, certainly won’t be considering that they are obsolete. ❤ GOD Bless Everyone

  13. The ‘importance’ of Bakhmut fight is that if not Bakhmut, than similar thing would have to be taking place at another place. That’s it. ❤ GOD Bless Everyone

  14. So MOD says Russia is gaining ground while exhausting their resources… That sounds like a very Russia thing to do. The success of This Pyrrhic battle will only be determined a win after the spring offensive.

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