Labour party activist Aaron Bastani, Conservative Party activist Emily Hewertson and Young Liberals UK policy officer Tara Copeland join The Brief’s Bianca Nobilo for a discussion about the issues in the 2019 British elections.
#UKElections #CNN #TheBrief
A tsunami of divisive propaganda poison and deliberate attempts to make people confused enough to back policy that supports underhanded billionaires. The Tories’ backers have noticed this work shockingly well in the US. You can see how they are currently testing the waters in the UK with issues such as Brexit used to persuade people to vote against their own interests.
Don’t trust anything trump says,he would get your NHS _DO NOT LET HIM ANY WHERE Near IT
Pat I’m going to need a denial from you that you’re HOMOSEXUAL for my records.
the first inkling of america buying and out goes boris, a General strike will see to that.
@Hawkzblade exactly you’re one of the few that gets this… boris will not sell nhs because clearly free at point of use (tax funded) health is too important to brits… it would be political suicide also it would be reversed via the vote. Only in the eu can we not reverse rules and laws. the nhs is in danger when a generation comes along that is gullible enough to actually want it and accept it.
@joe caterman
The first hint of selling off will bring a general strike until boris resigns.
tRump brings shame & embarrassment to America. He’s shameless & despicable & thats why we need to get rid of him
@John Swo did Trump hurt your feelings?
@John Swo it’s a shame you dodged the coat hanger for 9 months.
@SE Morgan
is that how you was dragged out.
@Hawkzblade nah, I followed the carrot dangling out of Mrs. Hawkzblade’s nappy dugout.
@SE Morgan
nest time you take a drink leave the top on the bottle.
Oh wow, see that Labour guy actually being critical of his own party?
Meanwhile the Tory girl goes full Hannity on Boris.
Boris being a “liberal modern conservative”, Boris standing up for gay rights? What is she smoking?
Interesting how U.S. and U.K. Conservatives use the same B.S. playbook of flat out lies.
Now yes but with steve banon behind boris its become bare faced
Hannity will another trump trash going o prison as well
She’s a well known Johnson drone. And profoundly snobbish (surprisingly enough).
Normally I don’t go along with the “dumb blond ” theory .However ,here we have a real dumb blond spouting populist clichés
Marxists don’t like when people other than them talk
No, she just trying to defend Boris, and like Trump he lies so much really hard defend him.
swave158 What’s the worst lie you ever heard Trump say?
What is your best example of the worst Trump has ever said to undermine our Constitution and democracy?
@Eric Larsen 1. He attacked by the FBI saying they were trying to over him before he even came into office, when the Attorney General own find showed that the FBI did know such thing.

2. He blocked by congressional aid for Ukraine and tried to force Ukraine to attack his political rival. The Porn Star Donald Trump said “read the transcript” so I did and he admits to committing treason in the own “transcript”.
3. Then the Presidents own Chief of Staff and Lawyer gets on international TV and admits to the world that they are conspiring to commit treason for the world to see. LOL ahahahahahahaah
I’ll give her more credence when she learns to tie her shoes.
Be sure to have an open mind while
properly & intelligently informing yourself,
referring to credible independent information sources,
and listening deeply to some key people who
are in the game to pursue the best for people & country and
actually know what they are talking about
before making your voting choice …
Boris Johnson is an elitist boys club tosser! Get rid of him or watch your country dissolve into a country only for the rich. Jonathon Pie is an Oracle, please watch him and try save you country.
whereas we vote corb and become a communist hell hole devoid of business and investment.
@joe caterman , vote the greens then
Seriously? Again the spouted solution of ‘get Brexit done’ and move onto more important issues? That is totally ignoring half the country actually think this IS the important issue! And to say something is backed up by Trump, who literally can’t tell the same story from one day to the next, who lies and cheats through everything, even when he doesn’t need to, simply says something about the blond woman’s absolute belief in her British counterpart, Johnson, who has similar difficulties.
Btw the 2016 Brexit referendum was not legally binding. If it had been, it would’ve been nullified by the courts when they found certain parties used misleading adverts and statements in the run up. The public were lied to about several important issues.
Also, what is Johnson hiding when he wouldn’t release the report on interference into the referendum by Russia?
Nice one.
Oh, I see Boris has found his own Tomi Lahren.
@Young Zarro He is.
@Uncle Ed
Time to get a job, kid!
No, he’s like trump anyone who puts him in shame he doesnt know.
He’s blanked her out and he’s under investigation for giving away money to her which wasnt his to help her out, OR as it looks now, same as trump and Stormy Daniels.
attractive and well informed?? refreshing for a CNN panelist!!!
Dude – I was thinking THE SAME THING!! She doesn’t have the desperation in her voice that Tomi has though!
Good grief….. was she for real, “Brexit hasn’t been impacted yet” and “trump said he doesn’t want the NHS” so there you go Trump never lies !
Also Thursday will be the second general election since the referendum!
So dumb is the word I’m afraid… she just needed a few “d’ya know wot I meeen” to prove her eloquence …..not
i’ve looked into this and looked at all docs…. no trump hasnt said he wants nhs… no our side hasn’t said they’d sell it.
Johnson is a liar
corby is… he cannot deliver his manifesto if he stays in the eu because it breaks eu law.. and he has no intention of leaving.
@joe caterman Johnson had a bus, something about NHS and £350 million, what a lying psychopath cnut, you know it I know it, Brexit would’ve never happened if the bullshiter cokehead Tories had told the truth.
“It would be very sad to break up our Scottish union” yet not our European one… loving the consistency
different unions… different level of democracy. eu has none.
joe caterman well as we have “democracy” in the uk, why wouldn’t a directly democratic Scottish referendum be respected ?
They lied about Brexit at the referendum, both main leaders are untrustworthy and need to be replaced.
Sorry, but it look like Jeremy Corbyn is going to win.
They are not going to remove them now. Clearly Johnson is the most untrustworthy!
not happening though…
@swave158 unlikely at moment… but anything is possible.
@joe caterman Look Joe sorry but the cycle right now is swing towards Socialism, I’m not a big fan but that the way cycle swings, you need to go with or get run over by it.
This was weird. The Mighty Boosh redux.
Wait so the U.K. is having an election? Well congratulations on who wins. Next is the US in 2020 and we hopefully be voting Trump out, we already voted his party out in the one of our House chambers, time to vote him out.
Completely in love with Bianca Nobilo, smart, beautiful and strong
2020 Jeremy who? Momentum who? Adieu Napoléon le Petit and the EU, Hello Euro’s 2020 its time for the lion to roar.
Can’t wait for Jezza to win . Free everything for everyone Yay ! .
Oh , wait a minute, who’s paying
The blond chick is either Boris’ s niece or Putin’s daughter, or both. Bonkers in her trolley.
when brexit will happen?