UEFA says no to symbol of LGBTQ solidarity at soccer match

European football governing body UEFA has declined a request to light up Munich's Allianz Arena in rainbow colors for Wednesday's Euro 2020 match between Germany and Hungary.
The request was made following a proposal from the Munich city council in the wake of an anti-LGBTQ law passed by Hungary's parliament last week.
The legislation, which has been widely criticized by human rights groups and opposition parties, bans the dissemination of content in schools deemed to promote homosexuality and gender change.
"Racism, homophobia, sexism, and all forms of discrimination are a stain on our societies — and represent one of the biggest problems faced by the game today," UEFA said in a statement.
"Discriminatory behavior has marred both matches themselves and, outside the stadiums, the online discourse around the sport we love.
"However UEFA, through its statutes, is a politically and religiously neutral organization. Given the political context of this specific request — a message aiming at a decision taken by the Hungarian national parliament — UEFA must decline this request."
UEFA added that it has proposed for Munich to light up the stadium either on June 28, which marks Christopher Street Liberation Day, or between July 3 and July 9, which is Christopher Street Day week in Munich.
#WorldSport #AmandaDavies #CNNinternational


  1. Do these people realize that a lot of gay/bi/pan/trans/etc people really don’t care about stuff like that? This is why people think we’re so stuck up and think we *”deserve”* everything 🙄 They don’t speak for all of us hun

    1. @Frank Datank that’s awesome, that you don’t care about a random stranger on the internet! Frankly, I’d be quite worried if you did.

    2. I know they’re using you lot, just like they use ethnic minorities. Makes me wonder though, how many people out there will blame gays or foreigners for what woke crusaders put them through.

  2. See UEFA, thats what knee jerk reactions get you. Some things are just the right thing to do and when you become an obstacle to it for whatever reason, it will hit you like a ton of bricks even if you did not have bad intentions. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    1. Ehm sorry to tell you that the Euro tournment has great popularity in the world and since most of the world still don’t agree with American political stance of forcing the pseudoscience of genderism different from sex without any evidance Uefa is actually on the right side here …#NoRainbowInMySport 🙂

    2. @Matt House most of Europe is way ahead of the USA in acceptance of LGBTQ+ people so this has nothing to do with America imposing its values as you seem to believe. …. and this is a European tournament. If European countries want to apply pressure on the European football association about what happens in the stadia within their countries that’s up to them.

    3. Look UEFA is being smart. Germany is trying to be political about it that is why. Also they allowed Neuer wear a rainbow captain band so I don’t get your point. Sorry.

    1. @A Ali Its simply to shut up the conservative. I am constantly being kicked off fb. Hang in there!

    2. @Forever Gone
      Men hating women is a terrible mentality. Women hating men is also a terrible mentality. Just a few evil people with hateful intention is pushing this kind of hate onto this world. This world has become so sad.

  3. UEFA changed to rainbow colour and don’t allow the Stadium to change to rainbow colour. What a BS is this!

  4. “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.”

  5. We fight for a world where everyone is free, but if someone does something different is considered bad or wrong lmao.
    Nice world

    1. First of all the word nice comes from the French word that means no knowledge (no science), the Latin word that means ignorant!!!! So in that respect you are right. Look it’s not about bad or wrong—- it’s about the fact if you believe in Jesus Christ or not—-are you a Christian? A follower of Christ ???? WE ALL SIN, I’m just not proud of mine and I’m in constant battle between inner & outer self. It amazes me how “ forgiving “ everyone is but if I say something goes against God word l’M the bad guy, I’m a horrible, terrible person—but in this country we put our hand on the Bible when you go to court( how much nonsense is that?) Everyone has the right to live the life they want BUT “friendship with the world is enmity with God” part of James 4:4. All I’m saying is you can’t have both.

    2. @Charles Dean you’re right , I agree with you. I don’t care about LGBT but I don’t care to Insult them, they’re normal like me and for this reason I treat them like I would treat another person. Someone could consider me crazy because I should be obliged to care about LGBT…. But I just ignore. We all have the duty to follow our heart, mind and beliefs without any type of hate.

      I wish you have a nice day/night

      Thank you for the information about Latin and Frech, I didn’t know it.

  6. The stadium should have just gone ahead. UEFA could have imposed a small fine. Now this has become a distraction.

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