CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Reem Al Hashimy, the United Arab Emirates Minister of State for International Cooperation, discuss the upcoming White House signing ceremony that will solidify recent normalization agreements between Israel and both Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. #CNN #News
UAE official calls normalization of ties with Israel ‘historic’

I don’t know if you know this but there isn’t an election for President in 2022 idiot.
@Ocasio-Cortez4prez2022 Good Luck running for president in 2022 AOC
@SierraPhantom calm down buddy, it was a joke.
Look at cnn ( and libtsrds) getting upset that trump brought peace…. again. Trump cures cancer . Cnn pissed because…….wait they will find a reason . Doctors out if work , bad for the economy . It made biden poop his pants etc . Reeeeeeeee!
@SierraPhantom – That’s part of the joke, Sierra.
Wait. What? Did that CNN reporter just say “these are major foreign policy agreement’s made by Donald Trump? I bet Wolf had to hit the bottle after this.
Millions of people are recognizing what Trump has accomplished for the US and the ME. Those who spend their time finding fault will be soundly defeated in Nov.
@Jason Darling agreed. And would have easily won the Nobel…and this one would have actually been for doing something unlike the one he got.
Nobel is trash either way…
Yousavedbro Heaven Bound so you are the judge! I do not think so. Thanks that God looks on the heart and judges by it!
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound God can do every thing. Except to get you to use a period.
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound that is true. Many scientific studies show there is no difference between the brains of people during prayer and junkies strung or on LSD. Praying is just a cheap hallucinogenic.
Glad to see the USA hasn’t been involved in any wars the last 4 years
Virgo 69 that’s not quite a war yet, the patriots haven’t stepped forward yet.
Going to be 4 more years too. And if the Democrats decide to cooperate, the achievements will multiply exponentially.
@mrbear1302 Obama send weapons to yemen, Syria. Obama was involved in war.
@John Freedman
Oooooo folks are salty
Who would have imagined in 2020 people are upset when wars are ending…
@Low IQ Leftist they’re just angry about whatever the media tells them to be angry about.
How dare you stop the war machine
….how dare you -Greta Thunberg voice
@Craig B CNN should be burning.
Remember how everyone mocked Trump and Kushner when Kushner was put in charge of middle east peace? Now there are 2 historic agreements between Israel and Arab nations and it’s highly likely that Saudi Arabia will follow. I read somewhere that the Saudis are already allowing Israel the use of their airspace.
I’m shocked cnn actually mentioned this.
@KevanEven that is a lie, you f’ing liar. Magical thinking isn’t working for you like it used to.
Michael Timely <~~~ triggered
@Kevan I’m not liar here, I have nothing to be triggered over. This all you, you evil idiot.
@Rolf Xristos You asked if the so the bible and the lord and his followers are evil?
@Kevan don’t worry….yes calls everyone evil. It’s his go to.
Nothing to say but everything and everyone is evil
He’s a pretty depressed individual.
CNN praises Trump. What??? Now I have to read the Book of Revelation once more. Obviously the end of this world is near.
Revelations was written by john of patmos who escaped Jerusalem and went to turkey and everything in that book is about that current time of the roman empire destroying Jerusalem and he thought that jesus would come back before it was destroyed which he didnt. It was 60 years after jesus’ death. The seven headed beast represented the seven dynasties of rome and the whole book is anti roman propaganda. Only the first chapter of the book was even added into the bible and there are many other parts after that didnt make the cut. All the big religious people like martin luther hated this book and didnt want it added. The other books were called the gnostic gospels and were found in 1945 in a jar in egypt. They talk about finding meaning to life and peace in this world. The only end of the world one is revelations which is just another failed prophecy like the rest lol. You can read about it here
@EvaLasta The gospel by which we’re saved. We’re under Paul’s ministry today. Therefore we’re not under the law of the old testament. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV)1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
And that takes us back to John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV) 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. So it’s only by GRACE that we are saved not by works. Jesus did all the work and gave us GRACE (unmerited favor) as long as we have FAITH (believe) in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for SALVATION (trust in his blood). That’s the gospel. Jesus said, Ye must be born again to enter into the kingdom.(accept Jesus as your SAVIOR)
Biden: “I’ll crush their peace deal within a month”
David Eby And he crushed our allies and left them in utter poverty Hungry and sick. That was not one battle to be proud of!
Captain DiTrag don’t forget trump! Make a.nice clean sweep and get some young people with knowledge!
Captain DiTrag telling half
Captain DiTrag telling half truths again!
Gargantuan Leviathan then what will old people who worked for this money do? Biden /. Harris 2020
@DiDi Goldberg that’s better than the bad parts of a made up story.
D W when in the hell are all you nutcases going to realize that antifacist means people are against a fascist form of government. PLEASE look it up and educate you and all the misguided folks on here. In fact if trump wins then we will be living in a fascist dictatorship!
@TOM SMITH in all ways, the only credible person on fox news od Chris Wallace yep
Kimi it is something to witness, the odd thing is it’s usually the people saying something about someone else needing a safe space.
US during previous administation: starts 7 new wars, destroys Libya, helps the rise of ISIS. Is praised by the media as some sort of holy, peaceful and perfect administration.
US during current administration: selectively kills 2 terrorist leaders, starts 0 new wars, pulls troops out of multiple major areas, gets 2 peace accords signed between Arab countries and Israel, gets labeled a violent dictatorship through and through by the msm.
But…but…….Trump isn’t PC!!
And that is so much more important than achievement.
@Goblin Moblin as someone already replied, it’s well known that trump ramped up drone strikes. Also trump definitely tried to start 2 wars by attacking 2 sovereign countries in under 4 years, 1 attack was on a 3rd sovereign country that since them has asked the US to leave. That’s not peaceful.
@John Freedman right now currently its the UAE that is fuling the civil war. Not iran.
@Melania’s Boyfriend Kindly provide some evidence. You are blowing hot air
@Goblin Moblin
You couldnt take 30 sec to google it? So youre lazy and also ignorant? Typical maga chud. Note the date, since then trump has broken obama drone guidelines.
I have no words for this Minister, she’s just fantastic..
13 Biden Gaffes Of All Time
Hunter Biden’s white privilege
Joe, have you spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings
RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets
Joe Biden’s lies are legendary.
Ya its p deal
She’s not. She has a nose like a parrot
NA I wasnt talking about her looks
She reminds me of mía K.
Wow CNN finally decided to report on this. Almost like they were waiting until they had no choice. They never want to report on Israel making peace because that would be against their narrative.
@Melania’s Boyfriend Trump and his damn peace deals piss me off too. Maybe Antifa will burn another state down so you can be happy.
Liberal commies hate Jews why do you think they call everyone a Nazi. It’s classic projection just look at them frothing at the mouth in the comments lol.
@Amygdala thats funny I hear a lot of redecks say they hate jews too and love trump
9-11 was done by our government. When the “towers were being hit by the planes”. Bush was in a classroom reading a book to children. Guess what words the teacher was telling the students to repeat. They hit, steel, and plane. A ritual being performed before our own eyes. There were no planes and it was our own governments doing so they would be able to invade and steal resources.
@Deborah Freedman Most underrated clapback here.
Beautiful.. and yet how ironic, compared to the everyday race divisions in the US
Yeah the race divisions caused by Obama and the Democrats! it’s funny how we didn’t seem to have all these problems before Obama took office.
The Republicans were right Obama truly is the Antichrist
What ! fake news has a Trump good news story ? Someone is getting fired
Shocking that CNN would even mention this much less post it.
the world exists outside american politics
Notice that it’s been several hours since the actual signing ceremony, and no video from CNN. Their jealousy is showing.
@Jj Av Pretty much… It’s been a few hours since the ceremony, and only CBS has aired a ~1:00 minute segment, with a negative spin.
Jesus is returning can you see what’s happening repent before it’s too late
Ask for forgiveness and confess that Jesus is your lord and savior and believe God Rose Jesus from the dead 3 days later in Jesus name amen
Imagine being so triggered by Trump he makes you want war over peace.
@Dave Greene I agree 100% he knows he’s doomed as soon as “POTUS privilege” is over! He always has wealthy and white privilege to fall back on after! I’m sure the snake will slither his way out one way or another. He’s a giant orange piece of crap.
Dave Greene have you ever read the Bible? God flooded the earth to wipe out sinful societies. If you are truly saved your soul will be spared. When it’s your time it’s your time. The faithful are fearless of what reckoning is to come – regardless if this physical vessel will be spared or not
Hey Chicken as doomed as war hawk treasonous Marxist Leninist socialist Barry soetoro (aka barrack hussein osama)?
@KGB CIA If you are calling Obama a war hawk then you’re obviously a Russian troll. Everyone knows here in USA that the Republicans are the party of war. Obama had to clean up the mess of George Bush and now Biden has to clean up after TRUMP’S MESS!
Occupation is not peace
Never was never will be
This agreement is not even worth the inc that was used to write it
This is against will of long suffering Palestinian people, this is a farce deal.
Trump: creates peace in the middle east.
Biden: watches Cutie’s again.
Nailed it….
@cordelia kates lol and folks like you blame everything on Trump but give no credit. Good try but TRUMP 2020
@cordelia kates lolololol not blaming China what a clueless person TRUMP 2020
@cordelia kates context…goddamnit child..stop playing on your mommies phone
@cordelia kates your so called CNN facts are all lies and everyone but a handful of you people are aware of it. Most of us People of color are woke to the lefts crazy ideas, they use racism to incite violence and encourage the destruction and burning of those low income neighborhoods while the residents are scream for it to stop. You had one lady crying saying you are destroying all the stores in my neighborhood and I have no where to get food or her medication. She went on to say, because of the riots, public transportation won’t even come into the communities for fear reprisals leaving residents destitute. This is what you get with the Democrats and more people are realizing the stark reality of a democratic government. More murder and mayhem, Kamala Harris said it, “It can’t stop, It won’t stop, and It will continue after the election if they don’t win.
C’mon man, this is Trump’s fault. He is the blame for the peace in the middle East. How dare he also try to bring our troops home.
Joe Biden
@Rafael and are removing troops as we speak, the lowest level in 19 years. Too bad Obama couldn’t accomplish that, becoming the first President in the history of the United States to spend his entire time in office at war
Randy Smith I don’t understand technically we are still on war in Afghanistan , untill we reach a peace agreement with Taliban
@Rafael we already have a peace agreement with the Taliban with a phased withdrawal depending on reciprocal easing of tensions. Where have you been? Try to keep up
@Rafael He didn’t say “UAE” or “Israel”. Trump did; however, set the wheels in motion for the return of another 5,200 US service personnel to come back to the US.
@Ian h Israel and UAE were not allies. The UAE (up until this deal) did not recognize Israel’s right to exist. No embassy. No trade. No formal diplomatic communications, etc.
The only thing that separates these people are gods and land..
That’s what separates all people
“A Harris Administration, together with Joe Biden” – Kamala Harris…. Hmmmm….
Don’t spoil this good news with Obiden bad news.