White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says the U.S. has received requests from Canada for vaccines and will consider the requests carefully.
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Oh how generous but I’m betting she’ll circle back to that
we need to start asking how big these circles she’s making are
“Let me take that back my team and I’ll circle back to you”
I think maybe Canada shouldn’t depend on foreign sources for vaccines, maybe we need to develop our own capacity.
@Alexander Smith no, they didn’t
EXACTLY. Beggars can’t be choosers.
Our government can do something. For example, increase taxes once again. And again. And again…
or not.
@MrKevinStraub Or not?
Is she related to Zuckerberg? Perhaps they were cloned in the same test tube.
Nice fascist dogwhistling there
I swear
@K X wait how’s that fascist
@K X You’re a clown.
She will circle back and let Canada know
hopefully one of these days they will circle back to Hunter’s laptop
So that’s where it came from
@You TubeSucks Bad bot
@WojtekFigurniak Bad bot
@You TubeSucks wdym?
Maybe Canada should “carefully consider” sharing our Hydro power and clean water with America..
Maybe Canada should be America?
@redshiftexperiment In desperate time only the strong survive.
@Honey Bubs aka jenna – And Canada also pays america to take our surplus power…. Do your research fella lol
@MrSyn 007 Finally someone speaking sense.
@Anthony James – if your version of speaking with sense, involves ignorantly interrupting a conversation between two willing individuals… Then yeah I guess he’s speaking with sense lol
Let’s be clear we paid top dollar for those vaccines to sit in a warehouse
The vaccines will circle back to a warehouse.
Toxic potions.
Don’t forget, Sat in a warehouse to spoil under T***P.
Shouldnt we have our own supple instead of having to ask America for theres?
The conservative government sold off our ability to manufacture vaccines long ago, talk to them about it
It probably was ours sitting in a warehouse….America just changed the labels from Canada to USA.
Typical liberals, blaming conservatives for their catastrophic decisions.
@Seasoning the Obese Typical conservatives, refusing to take any responsibility for decades of fuckups.
@Brad trudeau’s attacked and destroyed parts of canada’s economy and he’s been literally in charge during the whole pandemic and u want to blame the previous government while the same losers love to claim trump murdered millions cause a moronic household injected themselves with fishtank cleaner.
Remember this when they try to come over our border for cheaper medications (i.e. insulin)
@bri bri ratio’d
They also grey to get epipens as well here in Canada. In the States, epipens cost US$600 for 1. Here in Canada, Can$99.
Also, remember that President Trump signed an executive order lowering insulin prices, which this administration rescinded, days into office.
@Jamal Harris lol, you really used a lot of facts to teach me
@Jamal Harris it’s because you don’t know what you’re talking about. Anyone with an average intelligence can see that.
Canada needs to shut off all the cheap electricity and water we send america…sorry….maybe we will circle back and let you know.
@Warren Postma if you dont know this stuff, start studying! Cut them off 100% they would be scrambling new York
Canada sucks.
@Whitetail Master You guys are aware you sound insane right?
@Warren Postma hell yeah that’s what makes life so fun!!!!
@bardownaint lol since when?
Stop americans coming over for insulin.
President Trump tried by signing an executive order, lowering insulin prices, this administration rescinded that order days into taking office.
Just because the cost went from 300/Mo to 1100/Mo after Biden came to power means nothing.
No. Diabetes patients deserve insulin and if they need to come to Canada to get it I welcome them with open arms.
@y0utuberculosis Biden also rolled back the regulations by Trump allowing Americans to legally enter Canada to only buy insulin without requiring them to pay duty. He’s such a swell guy isn’t he?
She’s wearing a 4 inch tall tree broach
broccoli soup for lunch
The only thing the USA “carefully considers” sharing with the rest of the world is their bombs.
Cancel culture is one of their bigger exports these days.
@MisterG cancel culture doesn’t exist, you’re complaining about a basic fundamental principle of capitalism, the consumer boycott
@Hannibal Barca You’re cancelled.
@MisterG that’s not a thing that actually happens so I don’t need to worry
Well Canada has made agreements with various manufacturers and are paying for vaccines, so it is a bit disingenuous to call it sharing.
They probably gonna give the ones close to expiry date.
or expired ones or ones that are not keep in the fridge and I am a Canadian =D
It’ll be the ones that’ll expire during transport so they can technically claim they weren’t expired.
Really. It must be hell to be so cynical about every thing?
Or the ones that the FDA hasn’t approved yet.
Maybe we shouldn’t share our Health Care Workers next time!!!!!!!!!!
They never “circle back” … it’s not like they’re in the office emailing back to every single person immediately after asking their team. That’s just an excuse to say “I don’t know. Next question”
@K Shaw i
And Canada will “carefully” consider sharing its COVID with USA
There is no “covid” LMAO
Gotta have it to share it. How about we give you – donate something better – you get Trudeau. You don’t give it back and you do not give any vaccines as your appreciation?
What’s the difference between this administration and the last? The last one would give you an honest no, at least?