U.S. Testing Sites Report Long Lines, Hours Of Waiting | Morning Joe | MSNBC

As the country continues setting daily records for new infections and the CDC issues a travel warning for Thanksgiving, Dr. Kavita Patel says Americans have to change behaviors today before a vaccine is readily available. Aired on 11/20/2020.
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U.S. Testing Sites Report Long Lines, Hours Of Waiting | Morning Joe | MSNBC

U.S. Testing Sites Report Long Lines, Hours Of Waiting | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @William H omosexual works at a leather daddy bar serving drinks while wearing a Japanese school girl’s miniskirt

  1. MAGAstan boasts the world’s most death, most positive cases, most jobs lost, and most people newly left without health insurance.
    Thank you, President Trump. Amazing Covid response. I can see why God hand picked you to lead us.

    1. If you were able to put that to him he’d just reply that he & his were well sorted and so what was your problem.

  2. My mother is 95 years old, but visiting her with the rest of my family, is something we need to put to the side this year.

    1. Jeremy Backup I know the tweatles one was a troll and I’d heard William had a few other names. What a waste of time for him when he could be chasing down Q breadcrumbs and revealing the real alien lizard plot to overthrow the government.

    1. @Black Not Democrat sure, Biden doesn’t care if you blame him, Biden respects human life and will make a difference.

  3. Trump is so pleased with vaccine progress, he countered with an order to cut off Fed s emergency aid programs.👀
    Just so effn evil!!

    1. Fack Trump , Pro covid19 Trump GOP and republicans and Senate- “ America does not need PPP it needs Amy barret! The Senate decided to nominate a corrupt supreme court judge instead of giving America PPP and then they decided to go on vacation until next year leaving America out in the cold 🥶 to fight covid19 by ourselves, Georgia you’re the only hope to save America please vote for the Democrats so America can survive the trump virus 🦠

  4. Canada had their Thanksgiving October 12th. Two weeks later they had a huge spike in numbers.

    Two weeks after our Thanksgiving is December 10th, which is two weeks before Christmas. It’s sad that a lot of Americans are going to spend Christmas in the hospital or worse.

    1. Americans spend Christmas in the hospital every year!!!!!!! People get sick and people die, that’s part of life!!!!!

  5. One purpose, one heart, one Country! We shall overcome, so we may help the World. It’s not just about us. 🌎

    1. For the sake of comparison I’ll point out that I had no wait for my test. My results arrived about 36 hours later. I live in Ontario. Once Trump has been removed from office, Americans will most likely get similar service.

    2. @Stephen Werner As for the “Lame Duck”, Hopefully in a straight Jacket and hand cuffs. We are so happy that Joe Biden won, There is Hope. If only they would get out of the way and let The Biden Admin., get moving on all fronts. This Has been a Long Hard Road and We are just now seeing the Governors that didn’t Listen in the beginning start to wake up , So many Lives could have been saved if it weren’t for the President and his Maskless Rallies, Denying the Science and making this Political instead of Caring for The People. Stay safe and God bless !

    1. Trump is still 100% in control of this COVID-19 outbreak and still has no national plan and refuses to give control to Biden

    1. @That7Old7Black7Magic wow you have to be told everything don’t you ? Not a original thought or able to think for yourself one bit.
      Typical leftist

    2. @David Hale Nah, we just know how to form complete concepts. It’s a nifty thing they teach you in school … or at least they should.

  6. Gamblers like to talk about the times they won big but hardly if ever talk about the many loses , Trump is the same , his life is littered with lies and destruction but in his warped mind , like Charlie Sheen , he is winning !!!

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