Joe Biden and Donald Trump will square off tonight in their first U.S. presidential debate in Cleveland. The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake discusses what’s at stake for both candidates.
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Go Pres. Trump.
Monroe İstanbul Biden has no brain cells

@Douglas TRUMP2020
It’s pretty crazy how “liberal” voters are willing to just stick the blindfold on and continue to vote “liberal”. They could do anything and it wouldn’t be enough for some of these idiots to stop voting for them. Brainwashed beyond belief.
Trumptards are worried.
David Wilson let me quess your for sleepy

Imagine, leadership of the nation that produced the most famous words in the english language, which are a corner stone of enlightenment thought: “We hold these truths to be self evident, all men and women created by go you know you know the thing.”
I thought the most important words of the last four years are alternate-facts.
“I profoundly accept this nomination for president of the United States”
Go u know the thing.
Dear thing, thanks for your many blessings.
Biden couldn’t run a hotdog stand…
@Landon Breeden Sleepy Joe hiden Biden been in politics 40 years and accomplished nothing, but everything is Trumps fault, yeah ok
@Landon Breeden are you feigning ignorance about the riots and shootings under Obama?
but hunter can afford one
Hahaha, Nice one, Hahaha
This is gonna be fun to watch.
This might not be that fun. Biden will have an ear piece in and you know the hosts will be incredibly biased against Trump.
Will be funnier than the Trump and Hilary debate
@Egg Brian Tyler Cohen’s channel
Lol ikr
x zhou for sure
The like dislike ratio is 2020
Golden? Nugget. Obvious bias is showing
Yet more pathetic reporting!
“that gigantic golden nugget” … that’s some unbiased reporting there.
well its not bias because they mentioned the new Illha nmar allegatiosn too right…..
Will Biden be allowed to have a teleprompter or ear piece?
Jeepman89 basically yes
He refused to agree to no ear pieces, so that means he will likely have one.
@Cartoonishly Inept He also denied a mutual drug test for them both
It’s called a hearing aid.
@uNo U Which I don’t blame him for turning down, that demand was just silly. Who cares what he is taking to stay alert.
Oh yeah, the Washington Post is a pillar of honesty – riiiggghhhhhttttt!
@Mr407Mike You believe WP?
Washington Post. Useful for a bird cage liner and that is about it.
The New York Times is worse… paparazzi at its best….
@Mr407Mike The national enquirer, of course.
and the national review or Washington examiner are pillars of honesty as well
They’re going to televise a murder tonight.
@Danfuerth Gillis more like trumps abysmal polling averages for the past 6 months he’s barely budged the 50% Biden lead. Republicans can no longer win the popular vote
@Trevor Griese Cool story Russian plant.
Next time, try speaking actual English.
Wow you’re a real winner criticize me that I can’t spell that great wow you’re a loser
@Trevor Griese Trump is the loser because he’s debating the moderator instead of Biden.
You don’t know what you’re talking about you goof
DOPEY Joe has NEVER achieved ANYTHING but make BILLIONS for his family ! Time for POPCORN, clearly the polls are WRONG and CORRUPT Kenyan Led !
LOL how many “corn pop” and “hairy legs” stories are we in for tonight?
“…This election is about restoring the basic dignity of this country”. Sleepy-Joe says with a blue diaper covering his face, as he speaks at a podium with no-one else around for ten meters.
Kinda feel bad for old boy Biden. It might just be one of the biggest humiliation in human history if he forgets to stay on script.
Biden needs to concentrate on standing and speaking all at the same time. Hard but, he’ll give it a shot.
I’m going to SLEEP through it because Trump is going to skin Biden lol
Biden refused a pre-debate drug test and check for ear pieces.
without them he’s completely lost, the whole world knows he’s unable to debate anyone on his own
Call him whatever you wish. But Donald John Trump didn’t started any war like the previous presidents
“If you can debate without an earpiece, you ain’t that thing.” joe biden