U.S. Now Has More Coronavirus Cases Than Anywhere In The World. How Did This Happen? | MSNBC

The United States reached another grim landmark regarding coronavirus today when it topped 82,000 cases – more than any other country, including China and Italy. There are a number of policy failures, leadership failures and planning failures that exacerbated the effects of the pandemic.Aired on 3/26/2020.
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U.S. Now Has More Coronavirus Cases Than Anywhere In The World. How Did This Happen? | MSNBC

U.S. Now Has More Coronavirus Cases Than Anywhere In The World. How Did This Happen? | MSNBC


    1. I agree with the commenters who are disparaging NBC. This comes off as a thinly veiled attempt at inciting an emotional reaction, most apparently panic. It undermines the seriousness of journalism, and reinforces the notion that this is media entertainment, competing for eyeballs to sell, rather than serious journalism. It belittles the consumer of it, infantilizing the viewer, as little more than a moron meant to be manipulated in to watching a spectacle.

    2. Omg..the music..thats true..in almost all videos i been seen at the moment..happy 🐣 Easter 🎃 Halloween…😷

    3. micah byce hey hold up. I said that’s my experience, that wasn’t me blasting the other side for not seeing something that I experience. It’s like knowing if everyone sees color in the same exact way we do. We both say red, but it doesn’t mean we see it


    1. It is Pop Media, shameful, where are the true journalists, fact driven not fear mongers, I try to watch media outlets around the world to find the truth, not Blame Gamers and body counts.

    2. Vinh Vo it’s meant to scare us because this is not a joke. Wake up and smell the death coffee because this is not a joke.

    1. @Christian Bauer more or less pointing out how blind you are. Even just a little research will prove it. I know it’s hard to change the channel from fox news or even look up dark sites and use fact’s to come to a conclusion. Just sit back and cash that check.

    2. @zaknefain100 “State-run capitalism” is another way of saying socialism. If the means of production are “steered” or “overseen” by the interfering hand of the government, the market is not free. The individual does not possess the agency with which to enterprise free from government interference. Capitalist theory is defined by an individual’s right to private property, as well as the freedom to use that property as seen fit by them alone, barring offense against another individual or their property (duh). It is the theory that revolves around the utilization, exchange of, and licensing of capital, held in the hands of individuals. If you wanted to argue that socialism is capitalism because there are institutions in place that manage resources in a “corporate”-type manner, you would be, in effect, claiming that all economics is capitalism, which is a somewhat valid, though useless, statement.

    3. @Luke Faez You’re conflating the two. Go back to your textbooks. Private ownership and State Owned Enterprise, both exist in China. You need look no further than ownership of private property and impose Marx’s, Alienation of Labour.

      “China welcomes fair competition, does not favour state companies over private sector, foreign firms, government adviser says”

      “Private firms contribute 60 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product and account for 80 per cent of all jobs in urban areas.”


      About as Socialist (State level distinction) as the United States>

    1. @William Wilson It’s a system.. named after angels like English people are named after the angels….

    1. @Dispatcher I won’t Dis you or call you an A-hole, as that would be acting like the current POTUS. Americans won’t be able to travel in the world until this crisis is over. what is sh1t for tongue? did you learn to spell from the real Donald Trumps tweets?

    1. @Bryan There are a thousand different flues, this is the most dangerous cos the death rate is way higher than any one of the others. Maybe even more deaths by road accidents, though. Planes are (statistically) 14 times safer than the road, yet people are more scared on a plane.

    1. Arrow Dog I’m Chinese, I know you’re making a joke but just for other people out there who might take your comment seriously, that does not happen in China😂

    2. @Vincent Tseng since you are from China I would like to ask about your wet markets swine flu Sars now corona have all come from china’s wet markets isn’t your country responsable for all this death and suffering and why won’t china shut down those evil places of suffering?

    3. Obi One just like the interviewed chinese doctor said, general normal chinese dont eat those wildlife animals. Apparently the virus can be contracted thru handling according to very reliable sars doctor in hongkong. Stop the fake news that people eat those things and got the virus. It was from someone who handled the reservoir host animal. China banned it now but they allowed it before. Its in their law that those are legal. It shouldnt be legal,yes. But the rich and wealthy are favored, its their business, even though it contributes very little to china gdp. And if you research further, those wet markets exist in thailand or those countries too.

    1. they say citizens will get lots of free money from the state…wow, living in the states must feel like heavenly:)..and if one loses the job, the states will compensate the salary???..wow it really sounds like heaven:)

    1. @zszs100 True true. Drumpf and his buddies had to make sure they sold all their stocks first. Two months, two months to do so. Were they on vacation? wtf

    2. @Eric every country should just bycott china completely…zero relations…nada…no trade..no flights, no interventions….just leave em to their devices..

    1. Hey Americans ! You are one of the most developed nations… You have best economy in the world…. You have massive Per capita income …… You have one of the best healthcare system… You are one of the most aware peoples… Why is corona spreading this fast in your country (Just curious to know) than my country (India) …. I just don’t know why

    2. China has the highest number of cases. Anybody who thinks otherwise is deluded or pushing CCP propaganda.

    3. @Sudhanshu Pandey because America is doing a drive thru free mass test of covid 19 than any other country….and aside of huge population America is center of tourism a lot of people coming in and out from different country.

    4. @helen defensor Depends on what you consider accurate. If you have COVID-19, they will diagnose you correctly nine out of ten times. I’d say that’s not bad, for a relatively recent disease. Also, the tests are getting more accurate every day.


      However, in this case it’s unlikely the case numbers have just stopped growing, even if the tests aren’t working. It’s more likely the Chinese statistics are faulty.

  1. Personally, i feel like the virus has been circulating through the U.S for a good 2 months before anyone even had a clue about it. Just because we’re getting more testing done, we are NOW finding out just how many have/had it all along. Its kinda scary to think about but such is life man.

    1. And now the Chinese government is claiming that it actually started in the US. Of course they would say that.

    2. @Neloth Aren Why wouldn’t Germans get the same symptoms as other people? I doubt that being German has anything to do with it.

    3. @Ru2yaz You know in consideration of the population in China.If the government covered it too long,the positive cases should much more than US now.As I know,the governor in Wuhan asked doctors to keep silent ,it is not mean he wants to spread it.This is a new virus,they don’t realized how danger it is .Their consideration is economy,that is same with Trump and leaders from other countries.When they found it became a huge disaster is too late.So when chinese central government intervened,the local governor was fired with his manager.I am not always satisfied with our government, but I will say this time they did a good job.The lock down of Wuhan is the first step of correction.

      For US and Europe,I would say they waste so much time.Since Wuhan closed in Jan, if they can pay more attention about it,they should take some action like quarantine and lock down.Maybe they think China is a poor and un-developed country.It should not be a problem for them ,it can only cause problem in China.almost 6 weeks ,there is nothing to do.

      Another reason why we feel strange is my city has same border with Wuhan, but we only have 600 cases among 30 million citizens.Traveling between us and Wuhan is much more than it to US and Europe.Both them closed the border to China at first time and tested every chinese. But only 1 month later,countries 10,000 kms from Wuhan got so many cases.I think that is impossible.

    4. @Zion Israel TV I would say Doctor Li was not the only one to report this virus,there are total 8 doctors spread this news to public in chinese social media. He was killed by virus,but another 7 doctors are still alive, I don’t think Doctor Li was murdered by government ,because that is no need.All chinese know the mistake from local governor ,that is not a secret.Now we are waiting the punishment and conclusion from central government to governor although he has fired with his manger the head of the Hubei Province.

    1. Old? Hahaha you funny…because US is doing a drive thru free mass test of covid 19 than any other country…and US is a big country and has big population….and also US is a center of tourism a lot of people coming in …lastly they are more transparent unlike China is not telling the truth.

  2. How did this happen?

    Because they said: Everything is fine. No need to worry. Enjoy your day and no need to panic.

    1. @Gema Monkey if really someone made it happen definitely an american, you guys know about it and nobody cares, all act like this is a flu, mask is no use no need for social distancing, no checking at entry (airport, railway station etc) and you guys for fall it like wt f? Like you guys have no internet access and cant get info of what happened in china. In the mean time your goverment just busy somethings else such as pass some bills against china help the rich blablabla, never too late to ac, do some serious social distancing from now on, stay indoor, be positive, do some exercises, cook yourself, pray to god you should be fine.

    2. @Gema Monkey maybe we are from different places so we may not share the same point of view though. All these things could have been prevented but we are here now, just sad man. Lets hope this get over soon, a lot of business are died because of it.

    January : Trump: “sick man of Asia”
    February: did nothing
    March: Trump: China should have warned us earlier

  4. how did this happen more from NYC went and came from china and China lied to how many are really sick and dead in China.

    1. Nobody knows how many have the virus. The test kitsch are yielding false positives at high rates, as high as 80%.
      There haven’t been enough autopsies of the dead to confirm corona virus as the cause.
      Numbers are being manufactured by propagandists to spread fear and hysteria for a political purpose. For all we know, we could all be deliberately exposed through chemtrailing.
      A big move is afoot under the false flag of a manufactured health crisis while the MSM deliberately spreads lies to agitate the sheep who are easily manipulated.

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