The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds and the U.S. Navy Blue Angels will hold flyovers in the New York City area, Newark and Trenton, New Jersey, as well as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Tuesday as part of their America Strong collaborative salute.
The flyover salute is to honor health care workers, first responders and other essential workers while also standing in solidarity with Americans during the coronavirus pandemic.
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#navyblueangels #airforcethunderbirds
As awesome as it is to see these planes and pilots, I can’t help but admire the thousands of people that support and maintain these planes and pilots. They are just as awesome.
Looked like they were flying slow. In Colorado they came over head pretty quick. It was awesome to see!
Are you talking about the Blue Angels or the Thunderbirds?
FIELDING MELISH both flew together
In Colorado they had 40 health facilities to fly over plus the Air Force Academy graduation, They were running late due to a refueling issue.
It was weather too Listened to air traffic control
@Ted Lovell It was cool to see them zoom overhead. Looked like they had places to be haha
I was raised in Brooklyn and have never seen the skies so clear in NY. It’s also strange not to see aircraft in motion. Our prayers to all first responders our national hero’s.

Justin Try asking God to reveal the Truth to you today. Ask for God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to show you The Way.

The skies were clear on 9 11
@Tia Marrow
Tia Marrow,
I being raise a Roman Catholic pray in regards to Mr. Trump. As you know he’s still here. Wait! That’s a wish. Not a prayer.
Amen prayers to our first responders
I caught them too! It was so awesome!
SAK 51106 Aviation spotter 2 nice!
Skyforce 213 Thanks! It was!
Awesome!! Thanks first responders! Thanks for sharing!
They flew over my house twice! I love in Staten Island too. It gave me the chills!
Skyforce 213 never gets old. Love that sound- deep into the visceral soul
Skyforce 213 Awesome! Did you catch it?
Facts I thought we were getting bombed
All 12 of them roared right over my apartment on Kingshway…thank you air force and navy for the thrills!
I had to come outside once I heard it
I live in staten Island , they flew over sooo loudly !
S.I nyc
Ariel Mitchell ok
That’s gotta be the best job being one of those pilots.
I just noticed that these people are not social distancing. Lol
Leave them be and stop being a negative Nancy
That’s reason to increasase no.of Wuhan Corona Viruse Patients…in NY

@elaine ruth A negative Nancy?? I believe this entire pandemic is pretty negative, Elaine. I’d like it to be done and over with, or at the very least slowed. They should be social distancing. You are part of the problem.
Like Atlanta you should see it
So much for social distancing at the end. To see jets skip to 11minute mark
11:12 Beautiful
Could there be any more waste of time than the first 11 minutes of this video?
Thanks. 11:15 even
The first 11 minutes shows a squadron of Romulan Warbirds flying in stealth-mode.
Why post garbage instead of editing the damn thing. Such a waste of time.
Glad I wasn’t the only one who saw that!
Edit. Edit. Edit.
Video starts at 11:11
For a few minutes, thousands, maybe tens of thousands of us, felt good TOGETHER. Worth a lot!
11:12 your welcome!
Thanks for filming, didn’t see them myself, very cool, from PA.