The U.S. has shot down an object over Alaska, according to officials from the Pentagon – less than a week after shooting down a Chinese spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina.
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Its a UFO technically
Instruction for dummies of how to distract and divert the attention of the Nation

False alarm …pretext for invasion of another country….
Which one?
Americans don’t need distracting, they do it to themselves
It is a Unknown Flying Object? ?
chant with me. ALIENS! ALIENS! ALIENS!
It’s not it’s only an unidentified flying object
Russia has a really big air base in Alaska just saying >.>
I don’t think it’s in Alaska but about 300 miles north.
It’s my high altitude commie dropper. State of the art.
I have a bad feeling about this
Was it a chunk of the Sun that broke off?
Must’ve been the Pillsbury Dough Boy or Mary Poppins!
what did Canadian government do?
Alaska is USA not Canadian and what can they say it’s not like they can act on it in someone else country
I think that was the Siberian Eskimo mukluks I ordered on Amazon.
We don’t know if it’s stoned
State owned You say??
they don’t even call it a drone.. they must not of saw any method of propulsion.. I bet you a F22 flew right up to it too
Wtf is going on?
wow hope not ET
揺れる技は他人が使うもの! これは始まりにすぎない! 自分の罪を犯しては生きていけない!
Is that human made flying car?
Excuses for war